Service Finder
Professional licences and permissions
You would like to work in a profession for which a licence or permit is required? Here you will find all the necessary information about your request.
Apply for a license confirmation (verification letter) for pilots
If you are flying to a country outside the European Union (EU), you will need an officially certified pilot license (verification letter). You can apply for this at the Luftfahrt-Bundesamt (LBA) for a fee.
Apply for entry in the register of intermediaries as a financial investment broker or fee-based financial investment advisor
As a financial investment broker or fee-based financial investment advisor, you must have your data entered in the register of intermediaries.
Apply for entry in the register of intermediaries as a real estate loan broker
As a real estate loan broker, you must have your data entered in the register of brokers.
Apply for entry in the register of intermediaries as an insurance intermediary or insurance advisor
As an insurance intermediary or advisor, you must have your data entered in the register of intermediaries.
Applying for admission as a patent attorney
Do you want to work as a patent attorney? Then you must apply to the Chamber of Patent Attorneys for admission as a patent attorney.
Applying for registration of persons offering legal services in foreign law
Would you like to offer legal services under foreign law? Then you need to be registered in the legal services register, for which you must provide proof of your specialist knowledge.
Carry out background checks in air traffic
If you want to work in or at the airport, in many cases you will need a background check beforehand. This is a prerequisite for obtaining access authorization.
Chamber of Engineers - Entry in the list of restricted building design authorizations
The limited authorization to submit building proposals enables the submission of building projects in Thuringia. Registration with the Thuringia Chamber of Engineers and professional liability insurance are required.
Notification of activity as a midwife Acceptance
If you wish to work independently as a midwife or maternity nurse or participate in partnerships, you must notify the lower health authority (public health department) of the commencement and termination of this activity.
Notification of self-employed activity in a medical profession Acceptance
If you wish to practise a healthcare profession independently or employ members of this profession, you must notify the lower health authority (public health department) of the commencement and termination of this activity.
Submit proof of successful completion of the security guard and security industry proficiency test
You must pass the security guarding proficiency test in order to carry out particularly conflict-prone and sensitive security activities or to be allowed to operate a security business.