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Special regulations for working hours
Along with the usual working hours, there are special regulations for certain situations. Examples include part-time work for older employees and winter pay for employees in weather-dependent industries. Here is an overview of information and services regarding these regulations.
Apply for additional expenses winter allowance as a supplementary benefit to the seasonal short-time allowance
If your company belongs to the construction industry or is treated as such and your employees work in a weather-dependent job, you can receive additional expenses winter allowance under certain conditions and pay it to your employees.
Apply for different daily longer working hours
As an employer, you must obtain approval from the competent authority for exceptions to longer daily working hours for continuous shift operations or a construction and assembly site.
Apply for exemption from Sunday and holiday driving ban
Exceptions to the ban on truck driving on Sundays and statutory holidays are possible under certain circumstances. You must apply for these at the responsible office.
Apply for seasonal short-time allowance
If your company belongs to the construction industry or an equivalent company and you lose work during the so-called bad weather period, you can partially compensate for your employees' loss of earnings with seasonal short-time allowance.
Apply for short-time allowance
If an unavoidable temporary loss of working hours occurs in your company, short-time working allowance can be paid in full or in part for your employees. The loss of earnings is partially compensated by short-time working allowance and is intended to prevent redundancies.
Apply for supplementary winter allowance as an additional benefit instead of seasonal short-time allowance
If your company belongs to the construction industry or is treated as such and you lose work during the so-called bad weather period, you can receive a winter allowance under certain conditions and thus partially compensate for your employees' loss of earnings.
Apply for transfer short-time allowance
If your company has to permanently reduce its workforce due to restructuring, you can receive a temporary short-time transfer allowance for these employees, which partially compensates for the loss of earnings during this time and supports the search for new employment.
Applying for an exemption from the ban on working on Sundays and public holidays
If you as an employer wish to have employees work in your company or business on a Sunday or public holiday, you require a permit to do so.
Applying for different working hours for seasonal and campaign businesses
Exceptions to the deviation of longer daily working hours for seasonal and campaign work must be approved by the competent authority.
Conditions of employment
If you are employed in Germany, you have certain rights and obligations. Here you will find information on the legal conditions, for example on statutory working hours or unemployment benefits.
Employment on Sundays and public holidays: Special permit (urgently required in the public interest)
Maternity protection: apply for exemption from the ban on overtime and night work
Exceptions to the ban on overtime, night work or piecework by a pregnant or breastfeeding woman must be approved by the competent authority.
Request different rest period
Under certain conditions, the Thuringian State Office for Consumer Protection may grant you different rest periods.