Service Finder
Disaster relief
Disaster response and effective assistance for the population in emergency situations such as floods, other natural disasters, pandemics or major security incidents are the crisis management tasks of the state. Here you will find information and contact persons for everything from financial assistance with damage by natural forces to availability of emergency shelters.
Application for payment of compensation for damage caused to game exposed to radiation
If the game you shot is contaminated with more than 600 becquerels of caesium per kilogram of radiation/radioactivity, you can apply for payment of compensation for damages.
Apply for reimbursement of work lost when working for the Federal Agency for Technical Relief
If privately employed or self-employed people volunteer with the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW), they must not suffer any disadvantages as a result.
Emergency nutritional care
In the event of a supply crisis, the task of state emergency food provision is to ensure the basic supply of food to the population through sovereign measures.
Enter in the crisis precaution list for Germans abroad
Germans who are abroad can register on the Foreign Office's crisis precaution list. This enables the responsible mission abroad to contact them quickly in an emergency.
Flood / flood protection
If you want to learn about flood protection, you can find out more here.