Statistical surveys and reporting obligations

In the interest of a broad overview, depending on their industry, companies report facts and figures for statistics that are them accessible to all. In many cases, this can be done online. Here you will find an overview of statistical reporting and other reporting as well as the relevant public authorities.


Apply for access to the digital radio test platform for authorities and organizations with security tasks (BOS)

If you as a manufacturer, supplier, test center or other authorized party wish to test devices or components for digital radio on a test platform, you can submit an application for this under certain conditions.

Apply for modification certification of terminals for BOS digital radio

If you, as the manufacturer, have made technical changes to a terminal device that is already certified for digital radio for authorities and organizations with security tasks, compliance with the legal requirements must be checked again.

Avian influenza

Classical avian influenza ("bird flu") is a particularly severe form of avian influenza in poultry and other birds caused by highly pathogenic influenza viruses of subtypes H5 an...

Bird flu

The competent authority must be informed if dead birds are found or if bird flu is suspected in infected areas and in so-called risk areas.

Cosmetics: Report undesirable effects and damage to health

In rare cases, cosmetics can trigger undesirable effects such as skin irritation. Information from consumers on this is important for authorities and manufacturers. Manufacturers or retailers must report effects with serious health consequences to the authorities.

Create and publish a report on equality and equal pay

Under certain conditions, you as a private employer must prepare and publish a report on equality and equal pay. As an employer, you are obliged to treat all employees...

Create rail market survey report

The Federal Network Agency regularly analyzes developments on the rail market. The aim is to identify potential discrimination and strengthen competition. The data and its analyses are published in the "Railway market survey".

Data collection for transport and traffic statistics

As a company that operates passenger and freight transport or the necessary infrastructure, you must transmit certain data to the Federal Statistical Office upon request.

Data collection in the economy on environmentally relevant topics

Under certain conditions, they must transmit data relating to environmental protection and resource conservation to the Federal Statistical Office upon request.

Designate contact point as critical infrastructure operator

If you operate a critical infrastructure, you must provide the Federal Office for Information Security with a contact point that can be reached at any time.

Designate contact point for notifications as operator of energy supply networks

If you operate an energy supply network, you must report IT faults to the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) immediately. In order to submit a report, you must name a contact point to the BSI in advance.

Fisheries - Keep annual report on eel stocking

If you release eels into waters in Thuringia, you must record this and submit it to the competent authority if necessary.

Immission control: Notification of bodies within the meaning of § 26 BImSchG

Pursuant to § 26 of the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG), the competent supervisory authority may order the operator of an installation requiring a permit or - insofar as ...

In the gas industry or coal import and export, transmit data to the Federal Statistical Office

If the Federal Statistical Office asks you to do so, you as a company in the gas industry or coal import and export sector must submit certain data.

Obligation to register during stay in hospital or nursing home

If you are admitted to or move into a hospital, home or similar institution, you only need to register as soon as the stay exceeds three months and you are not registered for an apartment within Germany.

Obligation to register in accommodation facilities

If your stay in a place of accommodation exceeds six months, you must register with the relevant registration office.

Obtain information about the value protection clause

If you would like to receive information on value protection clauses, you can call them up online.

Provide data on construction work on supply networks for the infrastructure atlas

As the owner or operator of a public supply network, use the Infrastructure Atlas portal (ISA portal) to submit information on planned or ongoing construction work and thus fulfill any existing obligation to provide information.

Provide information for price statistics

As a company, you can be included in the collection of price statistics under certain conditions.

Provide information for the abortion statistics

Have you been asked by the Federal Statistical Office to report data for the abortion statistics? Then you can submit your data using an online form.

Providing information for research statistics

The financial and personnel statistics on research and development (R&D) provide information on the German research landscape. As an R&D institution obliged to provide information, you must provide certain data.

Providing information for statistics on German foreign trade

As a company, you must report your trade in goods between Germany and other EU member states to the Federal Statistical Office under certain conditions.

Report information from registered providers on digital platforms (DAC7)

If you operate a digital platform, you are obliged to collect information about the providers registered with you and their turnover and to report this to the Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt).

Report the commercial operation of public telecommunications networks or the commercial provision of publicly accessible telecommunications services

Do you commercially operate a public telecommunications network or provide publicly accessible telecommunications services? Then you must report this to the Federal Network Agency.

Set up a common point of contact (GÜAS)

You can register with the BSI as a common higher-level contact point (GÜAS). After registration, you can act as a contact point for reports and security notices for operators of critical infrastructures that belong to the same sector.

Show birth of a child through facilities

Has a child been born in your institution? Then you must report the birth to the relevant registry office.

Special obligation to report in hospitals, homes and similar institutions Information

You have to stay in hospital for longer than three months and have no home in Germany? Only then do you have to register the place of your stay with the registration authorities.

Submit data for the infrastructure atlas

If you have been obliged by the Central Information Office to supply infrastructure data, you can transmit your digitally available georeferenced data to the Infrastructure Atlas via the portal page of the Infrastructure Atlas (ISA portal).

Submit interim proof or proof of use of funds for funded projects from the "Transitional aid from the KWI title" funding program

If your transitional development assistance project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), you must submit interim or utilization reports to the BMZ.

Submit notification to the veterinary medicinal product dispensing quantity register (TAR)

If you, as a pharmaceutical company or wholesaler, supply certain veterinary medicinal products with antimicrobial or specific substances to veterinary pharmacies or other recipients, you must submit the quantities annually to the veterinary medicinal product dispensing quantity register.

Submit price reports in accordance with the Market Regulation Goods Reporting Ordinance

Manufacturers of chemical or pharmaceutical products, yeast, compound feed for livestock and large companies in the food industry are obliged to submit regular price reports to the BLE.

Submit quantity and price reports in accordance with the Market Regulation Goods Reporting Ordinance

Companies in the fat, grain, starch, animal feed, milk, sugar and alcohol industries and the food industry are obliged to submit regular quantity and/or price reports to the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food.

Submit quantity reports in accordance with the Market Regulation Goods Reporting Ordinance

Companies in the fat, grain, starch, alcohol, animal feed, milk and sugar industries are obliged to submit regular reports including milk price, sugar sales price and sugar beet price to the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food.

Submitting data to the Federal Statistical Office as a company in the construction industry

If you are requested to do so by the Federal Statistical Office, you as a company in the construction industry must submit certain data.

Submitting data to the Federal Statistical Office as a company in the manufacturing industry

If you are requested to do so by the Federal Statistical Office, you must submit certain data as a company in the manufacturing sector. This does not apply to companies in the construction industry.

Transmit data for statistics on agriculture, forestry and fisheries

Do you run a hatchery, a poultry slaughterhouse or a sawmill, or are you a fertilizer trader, importer or producer? Then you must submit certain data to the Federal Statistical Office when requested to do so.

Transmitting data to the Federal Statistical Office as a medical, dental or psychotherapy practice

If the Federal Statistical Office asks you to do so, you as the owner of a medical, dental or psychotherapeutic practice must submit data.

Transmitting data to the Federal Statistical Office as a wholesale company

If you are requested to do so by the Federal Statistical Office, you must submit certain data as a wholesale company.

View the results of the federal statistics

If you need statistical information about the Federal Republic of Germany, you can obtain information from the Federal Statistical Office.

Wine - Notification of changes to the vineyard register

If you clear or plant vineyards, you must report these changes.

Wine - Notification of wine and grape must stocks

If you or your company own grape must, wine or sparkling wine as of July 31, you must submit a corresponding declaration to the competent authority by September 10.

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