Certifying your qualifications and specialised skills

In the interest of protecting the public and ensuring high quality standards, before engaging in certain professional activities you must show evidence that you hold the necessary skills and specialist knowledge. If your profession is one of those subject to such requirements, then you are in the right place.


Allow brokerage activities

Do you want to broker real estate or loan agreements on a commercial basis? You need an official permit for this. This also applies if you want to manage residential real estate or prepare and carry out construction projects on a commercial basis.

Apply for a certificate of competence for the application of plant protection products and advice in plant protection

You would like to apply plant protection products or advise on plant protection for professional reasons? Then you need the plant protection certificate of competence in card format.

Apply for a certificate of competence for the dispensing of plant protection products

You need a certificate of competence for the dispensing of plant protection products if you place plant protection products on the market on a commercial basis or want to...

Apply for a certificate of competence in accordance with the Chemicals Climate Protection Ordinance without technical or trade training

To obtain the so-called refrigeration license, you normally need to have completed training. You can be exempted from this under certain conditions.

Apply for a certificate of competence under the Explosives Act

For the reversal and traffic with explosive substances you need a certificate of competence according to the Explosives Act.

Apply for an electronic health professional card (eHBA) as a person in a health profession.

If you want to access the telematics infrastructure (TI) in healthcare, you need an electronic health professional card (eHBA) as a person in a healthcare profession.

Apply for an EU certificate in accordance with the Professional Recognition Directive

If you want to provide certain services in other EU countries, you will need the EU certificate as proof of your professional experience for some EU countries (e.g. Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg).

Apply for clearance certificate according to explosives ordinance

If you want to participate in a If you would like to participate in a training course for the acquisition and handling of explosive substances in accordance with the Explosives Act, you will need a clearance certificate.

Approval as private seed sampler - application

Seed which is to be marketed/traded is processed prior to certification and officially sealed after successful quality testing. For the quality test, one representative sample pe...

Chimney sweep

Owners are obliged to sweep and inspect their installations subject to sweeping and inspection in due time and to have the measurements prescribed by the "Ordinance on Small and...

Collection service - permission

Anyone wishing to provide debt collection services on a business basis must register this activity in the Legal Services Register.

Craft: Apply for authorization to practice another craft subject to licensing in accordance with § 7a HwO (German Trade Regulation Act)

Are you registered in the register of skilled crafts with a craft that is subject to approval and would like to practice another craft? Then you can apply for a license to practice another craft under certain conditions.

Driving instructor exam - apply for admission

If you would like to take the driving instructor examination, you need approval from the licensing authority to do so. The requirements for admission to the examination can be...

Farrier/farrier apprentice blacksmith - recognition

Hoof and claw shoeing in Germany may only be carried out by certified and state-approved farriers. This does not apply to the practice of shoeing by employees subject to social...

Food safety: cross-check experts - apply for approval

If you want to examine counter samples and/or duplicate samples within the scope of the official monitoring of foodstuffs and consumer goods you need an authorization from the competent authority for this activity.

Handicraft Authorization to practice handicrafts subject to licensing according to § 7b HwO Issuance

If you have passed a journeyman's or final examination in a recognized skilled trade and have qualified work experience, you can become self-employed in most skilled trades that are subject to licensing or you can exercise a company management function.

Have the equivalence of GDR professional qualifications confirmed for professional qualifications in the Federal Republic of Germany

If you have acquired a GDR skilled worker qualification or a GDR master craftsman qualification, this can be checked for the equivalence of the content of a Federal German training occupation or IHK advanced training qualification.

Immission control (immissions/emissions)

The term immission control covers all efforts to limit immissions to a level that is acceptable to people and the environment in the long term. The main instrument of immission...

Immission control: Announcement as expert in the sense of § 29a BImSchG

If you would like to be commissioned as an expert to carry out safety inspections and inspections of safety-related documents, you must apply to the competent authority for notification as an expert.

Obtain official certificate of competence to stun or kill vertebrate animals

Killing and related activities may only be carried out by persons who have the necessary knowledge and skills (expertise).

Patent Attorney - Admission

You may only work as a patent attorney if you have been admitted to practice as a patent attorney by the Patent Attorneys' Association. You must apply for admission. Patent...

Publicly appointed and sworn in as a particularly competent auctioneer

You can apply to be publicly appointed and sworn in as a particularly competent auctioneer.

Recognition as a test center for plant protection equipment Granting

What types of crop protection equipment do they want to test? A distinction is made between area and room cultivators, granular spreaders, dressing devices. Small and large equipment in the field and under roof (greenhouses). For all this they need the appropriate technology.

Recognize explosives training courses for the teaching of specialist knowledge

In order to conduct training courses for the teaching of specialist knowledge for the handling and traffic of explosive substances, you require state recognition by the competent...

Road haulage and passenger transport: Professional driver qualification - basic qualification/accelerated basic qualification

If, as a professional driver, you carry out journeys in road haulage or passenger transport for commercial purposes on public roads, you require proof of basic qualification in...

Road haulage company: authorization - issue certificate of professional competence

You want to carry out commercial transports with vehicles whose permissible total weight is more than 3.5 tons? For this you need a permit - road haulage permit or a license ...

Security guarding - certificate of competence

For the permission to perform some activities in the guarding business you need a certificate of competence.

Show persons responsible for explosives

If you own a company that is permitted to handle explosive substances and would like to appoint a responsible person in accordance with the Explosives Act, you will find information on this here.

Termination of activity as publicly appointed and sworn expert in the field of agriculture and forestry, including horticulture and fisheries

The activity as a publicly appointed expert is terminated when the public appointment expires. This is the case if the Expert declares to the respective appointing authority that...

Verify trader reliability for trades requiring monitoring

You would like to register or re-register a trade that requires monitoring? In this context, the trade authority checks your reliability on the basis of a certificate of good conduct for submission to an authority and a trade central register information for submission to an authority.

Veterinarian - registering professional practice with state veterinary chamber

You must register your commencement of work as a veterinarian with the relevant authorities.

Veterinarian Apply for permission to practice temporarily

In order to work temporarily in Germany as a veterinarian without a license, you need a permit.

Veterinary surgeon - temporary exercise of the profession in the context of the provision of services under European law - report

If you are a veterinarian, you are allowed to carry out your activity in Germany as a service provider for the temporary and occasional practice of the profession even without a license or permit. However, you must report this to the competent authority.

Weapons trade specialist examination prove

As part of the licensing procedure for commercial arms trading, you must provide proof of the relevant specialist knowledge. To do this, you take a specialist knowledge examination at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK).

Air transport - Permit to fly an aircraft apply for renewal

If you are an airline pilot and would like to extend an existing rating, you may require refresher training at your flight school, after which you can have the extension confirmed on your license.

Air transport - permit to fly an aircraft conversion application

Are you a private pilot and would like to convert your pilot's license? Then you can submit an application for conversion to the state aviation authority.

Air transport - Permit to operate an aircraft Application for renewal for private pilots

If you are a private pilot and would like to extend an existing rating, you may require refresher training at your flight school, after which you can have thehave the extension confirmed on your license.

Animal slaughter: designation of a responsible person with authority to issue instructions

Do you or your employees slaughter, stun or bleed animals commercially? If so, you must appoint a responsible person with authority to issue instructions for reasons of animal welfare.

Apply for a license to practice as a child and adolescent therapist

Anyone wishing to practice the profession of child and adolescent psychotherapist in Germany without restrictions requires a license to practice.

Apply for a license to practice as a pharmacist

Anyone wishing to practice the profession of pharmacist in Germany without restrictions requires a license to practice.

Apply for a license to practice as a psychological psychotherapist

Anyone wishing to practice the profession of psychological psychotherapist in Germany without restrictions requires a license to practice.

Apply for permission to practice medicine in the field of psychotherapy

If you wish to practise medicine in the field of psychotherapy, you must apply for a license to do so.

Apply for permission to use the professional title of dietician

If you want to use the job title "dietician", you need a permit.

Apply for permission to use the professional title of healthcare and nursing assistant

If you use the job title "health and nursing professional" or "health and nursing professional" you need a license. You can find out more here.

Apply for permission to use the professional title of healthcare and pediatric nurse

If you would like to use the job title "pediatric nurse", you need a permit. You can find out more here.

Apply for permission to use the professional title of masseuse or masseur and medical bath attendant

If you have the job title "masseur and medical bath attendant", you need a license. You can find out more here.

Apply for permission to use the professional title of occupational therapist

If you want to use the job title "occupational therapist", you need a license.

Apply for permission to use the professional title of physiotherapist

If you use the job title "physiotherapist or physiotherapist", you need a license. You can find out more here.

Apply for recognition as a farrier's apprentice farrier

If you would like to work as a farrier's apprentice, you will need state recognition.

Applying for a license to practice as a dentist

Anyone wishing to practise the dental profession in Germany without restrictions requires a license to practice.

Applying for the granting of the candidate authorization

If you want to train learner drivers as a driving instructor, you will first need an applicant's license.

Appointing or dismissing ("discharging") money laundering officers or money laundering officers

Financial companies and organizers and brokers of games of chance (obligated parties according to § 2 para. 1 no. 6 and 15 GwG) must have a money launderingämoney laundering...

Become a district chimney sweep

Would you like to be authorized as a district chimney sweep? You must be appointed by the competent authority. You can find out more here.

Conduct of health professional designations Request permission.

You need a permit to use the professional title of some health professions. You can apply for this.

Driver's license for passenger transport for ambulance apply for renewal

You must apply for the extension of your driver's license for passenger transport for ambulances at the responsible driver's license authority.

Expert organization for facilities handling substances hazardous to water - apply for recognition

If you want to establish an expert organization that inspects facilities for handling substances hazardous to water, prepares expert reports and certifies or monitors specialized companies, you must apply for recognition from the competent authority.

IHK certificate of instruction for slot machine operators received

If you wish to install a gaming machine, you will need a certificate from a chamber of industry and commerce confirming that you have received instruction on the protection of players and minors for machine operators.

Inland navigation - Commercial navigation in Thuringia Apply for a permit

The operation of watercraft for the paid transportation of persons and property on Thuringian waters requires a permit in accordance with the Thuringian Ordinance on the Regulation of Shipping and Rafting (ThürSchiffFloßVO).

Meat production/slaughter: permission

The slaughter of farm animals kept as pets generally requires a permit. Exceptions exist only for domestic slaughtering. Persons who slaughter animals must have the necessary...

Over-the-counter medicines Take expertise test for sale

In order to be able to offer so-called over-the-counter medicines in the trade, you must prove the corresponding expertise by passing an examination.

Pest control expertise test prove

If you want to control pests with poisons professionally, you may not just do it, but you must first inform the authorities who are responsible for this.

Public appointment and swearing-in of samplers

With a public appointment as a sampler, you are available to courts, authorities, industry and the general public as a particularly reliable, credible and experienced person.

Recognition and disclosure as an expert or technical expert in accordance with the Federal Soil Protection Act

If you would like to be recognized as an expert for soil protection issues, you must submit a corresponding application.

Renew company card

Is your company involved in the commercial transportation of goods or passengers and is your company card about to expire? Then you can apply for a follow-up card from the relevant office.

Replace company card due to loss

Is your company involved in the commercial transportation of goods or passengers and your company card has been lost? Then you can apply for a replacement card from the relevant office.

Replace company card due to theft

Is your company involved in the commercial transportation of goods or passengers and your company card has been stolen? Then you can apply for a replacement card from the relevant office.

Replace workshop card due to loss

If you have lost your workshop card, you can apply for a replacement card from the relevant office.

Apply for a seafarer's identity card

If you are or want to be professionally active in maritime shipping you can apply for proof in the form of a seafarer's certificate under certain conditions.

Apply for admission to the falconry examination

Before you can apply for a falconry license, you must have passed a limited hunter's test or a falconry test in addition to the hunter's test.

Apply for permission to practice medicine

If you would like to work as a non-medical practitioner, you will need permission from the relevant authority.

Apply for public appointment as an expert in the fields of agriculture, forestry, horticulture and fisheries

Would you like to become a publicly appointed and sworn expert in the fields of agriculture, horticulture, fisheries or forestry? You can find out more here.

Apply for recognition as a pharmaceutical consultant

If you wish to work as a pharmaceutical consultant, you must have the necessary expertise. In certain cases, recognition of expertise may be required.

Apply for recognition of conformity assessment bodies for measuring instruments

If your conformity assessment body for measuring instruments is recognized and accredited, it can start its work.

Apply for the status of Authorized Economic Operator

As an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO), you benefit from simplified customs clearance procedures. To obtain this status, you must submit an application to your main customs office.

Applying for admission as a lawyer from a member state of the World Trade Organization

Are you a lawyer from a member state of the World Trade Organization and live and work in Germany? Then you can apply for admission, i.e. admission to a German bar association, under certain conditions.

Applying for registration of persons offering legal services in foreign law

Would you like to offer legal services under foreign law? Then you need to be registered in the legal services register, for which you must provide proof of your specialist knowledge.

Applying for replacement of flight attendant certificates

As a flight attendant, do you need a new flight attendant certificate instead? You can apply for this from the Federal Aviation Office (LBA) under certain conditions

Applying for temporary flight permits

If you require the issue of a temporary traffic permit, a temporary permit to fly or the approval of flight conditions for an aircraft, you can apply for this under certain conditions.

Appoint animal welfare officers

As the operator of facilities where animal experiments and similar activities are carried out, you must appoint one or more animal welfare officers and notify the competent authority of the appointment.

As an insurance undertaking, report the appointment of a member of the administrative or supervisory board

Has your insurance company appointed a new member to the administrative or supervisory board? Then you must notify the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) immediately.

Aviation - Obtaining an aviation license (pilot's license)

Would you like to become a private pilot? Then you will need a pilot's license, which you can apply for from the state aviation authority after successfully completing training at a flying school. You can also have your pilot's license renewed or converted.

Foundation of an auditing company

The profession of chartered accountant can also be practiced in a professional company. Such a company requires state recognition as an auditing company by the Chamber of Public...

Foundation of an auditing company

The profession of auditor can also be practiced in a professional company. Such a company requires state recognition as an auditing company by the Chamber of Auditors. All...

Have professional qualifications recognized

Would you like to work permanently in a regulated profession in Germany? Or would you like to offer services on a temporary basis? Here you will find information on the recognition of your foreign qualification.

Health and safety in the workplace

Here you will find information on occupational health and safety as well as applicable laws, regulations and employers' obligations.

IT security: Apply for certification of persons

If you would like to qualify in the field of IT security and prove your expertise, you can apply for certification under certain conditions.

Obtaining licenses, permits or approvals for the establishment or management of companies

If you are setting up a company, you will find information here on the procedures, formalities and permits you need to observe.

Replace company card due to malfunction or damage

Is your company involved in the commercial transportation of goods or passengers and your company card is not working? Then you can apply for a replacement card from the relevant office.

Security screening of persons who are to carry out security-sensitive tasks in the non-public sector, for example in companies

Persons who are employed in security-sensitive positions in companies must undergo a security check as part of preventive personnel sabotage protection. As a company, you must apply for the check.

Single point of contact network

The Europe-wide Single Point of Contact network provides you with information on legal requirements and helps with the handling of procedures.

Socio-educational specialists: State recognition

If your vocational qualification in social pedagogy is not automatically recognized by the state, you can apply for it retrospectively.

Submit an annual audit report or negative declaration as a financial investment broker or fee-based financial investment advisor

As a financial investment broker or fee-based financial investment advisor, you must submit an annual audit report or alternatively a so-called negative declaration to your supervisory authority.

Submit mandatory annual audit report as property developer and/or construction supervisor

As a property developer and/or construction supervisor, you must submit an annual audit report or alternatively a so-called negative declaration to your responsible supervisory authority.

Submit the auditor's report

If you as the examiner have conducted an examination, you can submit the examination report to the Federal Aviation Office.

Take the certificate examination as a certified specialist for insurance brokerage IHK

In order to broker insurance policies or provide commercial advice on insurance, you must provide proof of your professional qualifications. As a rule, this proof is provided by successfully passing the specialist examination at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Take the dangerous goods officer exam

In order to be appointed and work as a dangerous goods officer, you must have a training certificate. The training certificate is issued to you by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce after you have attended a training course and passed an examination.

Take the examination as a dangerous goods officer

In order to be appointed and work as a dangerous goods officer, you must have a training certificate. The training certificate is issued to you by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce after you have attended a training course and passed an examination.

Take the examination for financial investment brokers

In order to obtain a license as a financial investment broker, you must provide proof of the required expertise.

Take the expert examination for fee-based financial investment advisors

In order to obtain permission to work as a fee-based financial investment advisor, you must provide evidence of the necessary expertise.

Workshop card Replacement due to malfunction or damage

If your workshop card is not working, you can apply for a new card from the relevant office.

Application for a certificate of competence in plant protection for the dispensing of plant protection products

A person requires a certificate of competence if they wish to place plant protection products on the market commercially or via the Internet outside of commercial activities.

Apply for a change of entry in the list of air sports equipment

If you purchase a used ultralight aircraft that is subject to registration, you must report this.

Apply for a driving instructor license

If you would like to work as a driving instructor, you will need a driving instructor's license. This must be applied for from the competent authority.

Apply for recognition as an expert for high-pressure gas pipelines

If you wish to work as an expert or surveyor in the field of high-pressure gas pipelines, you must be recognized as an expert by the competent authority.

Applying for (new) approval for microlight aircraft

If you own an ultralight aircraft that is subject to registration, you must register it under certain circumstances.

Applying for a permit for a cultivation association for the communal cultivation and distribution of cannabis

Under the conditions of the Consumer Cannabis Act (KCanG), so-called cultivation associations (associations or registered cooperatives) can apply for a permit for the joint cultivation and distribution of cannabis and propagation material.

Applying for certificates of origin and IHK certificates for commercial documents

The chambers of industry and commerce issue certificates of origin and other trade certificates for the export industry.

Applying for public appointment and swearing-in as an expert

By being publicly appointed and sworn in, you can be recognized as a particularly reliable expert with integrity in a specialist field.

Clarify EU law abroad

If you are an EU citizen or a company in another country and you face additional obstacles because an authority does not comply with EU law, SOLVIT can help. SOLVIT is a network...

Craftsmen's register: Declaration by craft business managers

If the craft business manager meets the requirements, he or she will be entered in the craft register.

Dentist - Temporary exercise of the profession in the context of freedom to provide services under European law - report

You must notify the competent authority of the temporary and occasional exercise of activities as a dentist within the framework of the provision of services under European law.

Doctor - Temporary exercise of the profession in the context of freedom to provide services under European law - report

You must notify the competent authority of the temporary and occasional exercise of medical activity within the framework of the movement of services under European law.

Driving fitness assessment center - Apply for recognition

If you want to operate an assessment center for driving fitness, you need to be approved by the Thuringian State Administration Office.

Driving instructor training centers - Apply for recognition

If you want to train people who want to become driving instructors (driving instructor candidates) or have them trained, you need official recognition of your company as a driving instructor training center.

Driving license offices for first aid training - apply for recognition

Anyone wishing to provide first aid training to obtain a driver's license requires official recognition.

Experts of the trade

If you would like to be publicly appointed as an expert by the Chamber of Crafts, you must fulfill certain requirements.

Eye test center - Recognition

Anyone wishing to operate an eye test center requires recognition from the competent authority.

Lawyer - Admission

If you would like to work as a lawyer, you must apply for admission to the Thuringian Bar Association.

Lawyer European - Admission

As a European lawyer, you can be admitted to the bar under certain conditions.

Legal advice - Permission

If you wish to provide legal advice in certain areas, you must register with the relevant authorities.

Official recognition of the experts for the acceptance of expert examinations for owners of dangerous dogs or other dangerous animals

Official recognition of experts for the acceptance of expert examinations for keepers of dangerous animals (§§ 1 and 9 of the Thuringian Expert Examination Ordinance).

Pension advice - permission

Registration with the competent authority is required in order to provide pension advice.

Pharmacists: Temporary exercise of the profession of pharmacist in the context of the provision of services under European law - report

You must notify the competent authority of the temporary and occasional exercise of your professional activity as a pharmacist within the framework of the provision of services under European law.

Road haulage Proof of professional aptitude to run a company

To open a company that transports goods by road, you must prove your professional suitability.

Road passenger transport - Apply for a certificate of professional competence

In order to open a company that transports passengers by road, you must prove your professional aptitude. In addition to an examination, this can also be done through a managerial position in passenger transport or the completion of appropriate vocational training.

Road passenger transport - prove professional suitability to run a business.

To open a company that transports passengers by road, you generally have to prove your professional suitability by passing an examination.

Security industry Receive proof of training

You must provide proof of training in the security industry if you are employed and take on security tasks in the security industry on your own responsibility.

Swearing in of experts to provide expert opinions on the services and activities of the skilled trades and their value

If you would like to be sworn in as an expert to provide expert opinions on the goods, services and prices of craftsmen, you must submit an application to the relevant appointing body. You can find out more here.

Test engineers for fire protection - Apply for recognition

Test engineers for fire protection carry out building inspection tasks on behalf of the building supervisory authority.

Test engineers for stability - Apply for recognition

If you want to work as a test engineer for stability, you need to be recognized by the highest building supervisory authority.

Test experts for earthworks and foundation engineering - Apply for recognition

Earthworks and foundation engineering experts test and certify compliance with building code requirements. This is done on behalf of the client or other responsible parties in accordance with building regulations.

Test experts for technical systems and equipment - Apply for recognition

Inspection experts inspect and certify compliance with building code requirements in their respective fields.This is done on behalf of the building owner or other responsible parties in accordance with building regulations.

Transportation of dangerous goods - Applying for recognition of training providers for training in the transportation of dangerous goods

If you would like to conduct training courses for dangerous goods drivers, you must be recognized as a training organizer by the local Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Veterinarian - Recognize further training title specialist veterinarian

In addition to your professional title as a veterinarian, you can use other professional titles you have acquired on application. You are only permitted to use these additional designations once they have been recognized by the competent authority. You must apply for this recognition.

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