Service Finder
Registration requirements
From fishing to firing ranges to dentistry, certain businesses are required to be registered. This is the right place if you are interested in registering your professional activity or you are looking for information about doing so.
Activities with pathogens - apply for a permit
If you want to bring pathogens to Germany, export them, store them, hand them over or work with them, you need a permit from the competent authority in accordance with the Infection Protection Act.
Activities with pathogens - Display changes
If you carry out activities involving pathogens, you must notify the competent authority immediately of any changes that occur. You can find more information here.
Amusement arcades
For the operation of gambling halls, a permit from the competent authority must be applied for in advance.
Animal by-products: Commercial handling (rendering) - Permit
If you wish to commercially dispose of, collect or transport animal carcasses or other waste of animal origin, then you must notify the competent authority of your activity before it begins.
Animals: permit for commercial breeding, keeping, trade and other activities
For many activities in the commercial handling of animals you need a permit from the competent authority. You can find out more about this here.
Apply for a child day care permit
If you would like to look after a child or several children outside the household of the legal guardian on a regular basis and for a fee, you generally need permission to do so. You can apply for this from the relevant youth welfare office.
Apply for a license as a fee-based financial investment advisor
If you wish to work commercially as an independent Honora financial investment advisor, you will need a license.
Apply for a license as a financial investment broker
If you want to work as a self-employed financial investment broker, you need a license.
Apply for a license as an insurance intermediary
If you want to work as a self-employed insurance intermediary (insurance broker or insurance agent), you need a license.
Apply for an electronic health professional card (eHBA) as a person in a health profession.
If you want to access the telematics infrastructure (TI) in healthcare, you need an electronic health professional card (eHBA) as a person in a healthcare profession.
Apply for calibration of cabs and rental cars
If you use the taximeter of your cab or the odometer in your meter in your rental car you want to you must submit a corresponding calibration application to the competent authority authority. Further details here
Apply for commercial permit according to explosives law
If your business activity requires the handling of explosive substances, you need a permit from the relevant authority.
Apply for driving school permit / branch permit
If you want to operate a driving school, you need a driving school permit.
If you are the owner of a driving school and operate branches of your driving school, you need a branch permit.
Apply for entry in the register of crafts that are exempt from licensing or in the register of trades similar to crafts
If you wish to exercise an unlicensed trade or a trade similar to a trade on a self-employed basis, you must notify your Chamber of Crafts of the start of the commercial activity.
Apply for exemption from the obligation to obtain a license as an insurance intermediary
If you only broker insurance as a supplement to the goods or services supplied as part of your main activity, you can apply for an exemption from the obligation to obtain a license as an insurance broker.
Apply for exemptions from prohibitions in travel trade
- If you want to carry out an activity that is not allowed in the travel trade, you can apply for an exemption permit under certain conditions
Apply for permission to establish a stock exchange
To establish a stock exchange, you need a permit from the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Apply for permission to work as an insurance advisor
If you want to work as a self-employed insurance advisor, you need a license to do so.
Apply for registration in the medical register
If you wish to work as an SHI-accredited physician or psychotherapist in outpatient care, you must register in the physician register.
Apply for registration in the professional register for tax advisors and tax consultants
If you want to work as a tax consultant without restrictions, you must meet certain requirements. This includes registration in the professional register for tax consultants.
Apply for registration of a tax consulting company in the Professional Register of Tax Consultants
If you want to provide unrestricted tax consulting services, you must meet certain requirements. This includes the registration of your tax consulting company in the professional register for tax consultants.
Apply for zoo permit
If you want to run a zoo, you need permission from the relevant conservation authority.
Applying for an operating license for a hospital pharmacy
An operating license is required to operate a hospital pharmacy.
Applying for an operating license for a pharmacy
If you want to open or take over a pharmacy, you must submit a written application for an operating license.
Approval of establishments and premises for intra-Community trade in accordance with the Ordinance on the Protection of Animals with regard to the internal market
For commercial trade and transport of animals or their products within the EU, your business needs an official permit.
Auctioneer business permit application
If you wish to auction off movable property, land or rights belonging to third parties on a commercial basis, you need a permit.
Become a district chimney sweep
Would you like to be authorized as a district chimney sweep? You must be appointed by the competent authority. You can find out more here.
Certification of a company according to § 6 Chemicals Climate Protection Ordinance
Companies that perform installation, maintenance, repair or decommissioning for third parties on equipment containing fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) require company certification in accordance with Section 6 (1) of the Chemicals Climate Protection Ordinance (ChemKlimaschutzV).
Chamber of architects - registration in the list of interested parties as a candidate for membership
Chamber of architects apply for registration of a corporation
Here you will find information on registration as a corporation in the register of corporations at the Chamber of Architects of Thuringia.
Chamber of Architects Apply for registration of a partnership
Here you will find information on registering as a partner company in the register of companies at the Chamber of Architects of Thuringia.
Chamber of Engineers - registration in the external register of the Chamber of Engineers of Thuringia (§ 14 ThürAIKG, § 64 ThürBO)
As an external service provider, you will find information here on how to register in the external directory of the Thuringian Chamber of Engineers.
Commercial register - register
Under certain conditions, you must register your company in the Commercial Register.
Craft: Apply for authorization to practice another craft subject to licensing in accordance with § 7a HwO (German Trade Regulation Act)
Are you registered in the register of skilled crafts with a craft that is subject to approval and would like to practice another craft? Then you can apply for a license to practice another craft under certain conditions.
Display activities with pathogens
Do you have a permit to work with pathogens and now want to take up this activity for the first time? Then you must notify the competent authority of the activity. You can find more information here.
Display waste from waste management activities
If you wish to collect or transport or trade in non-hazardous waste, you must notify the competent authority of the activity.
Displaying the provision of cross-border services in the craft sector subject to licensing for the first time
If you are a craftsman or craftswoman from the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland and wish to temporarily provide craft services requiring a license in Germany without having a branch here, you must report this.
Establishment of a cooperative - registration in the register of cooperatives
You must apply for registration of a cooperative in the register of cooperatives at the competent office.
Foreign financial investment intermediaries and financial investment advisors activity show
If you wish to work temporarily as a foreign financial investment intermediary and advisor in Germany, you must notify the competent authority.
Forest products: Commercial collection - permission
For the commercial collection of mushrooms, berries and herbs, you need a permit from the respective forest owner.
General swearing-in as an interpreter, sign language interpreter and authorization as a translator residing outside Thuringia
Here you will find information on general swearing-in as an interpreter, sign language interpreter and authorization as a translator residing outside Thuringia.
General swearing-in as interpreter, sign language interpreter and authorization as translator with residence in Thuringia
Here you will find information on general swearing-in as an interpreter, sign language interpreter and authorization as a translator resident in Thuringia.
Have low-threshold offers in the care sector recognized
If you want to offer low-threshold care services for people in need of care, you must first have them recognized.
Have trial facility for plant protection products officially recognized
If you wish to have a non-official testing facility operated or established by a private or public entity officially recognized, you may do so by application.
Hiking camp display
If you wish to hold a traveling camp for the distribution of goods or services that is to be advertised by public notice, you must give notice.
Insolvency notices: Information on insolvency proceedings
You can obtain information about any insolvency proceedings online.
Land leases, display
If you have entered into a land lease agreement or wish to notify a change to it, this must be notified to the competent authority within one month by the lessor.
Licenses for bookmakers and betting shops under the Racing Betting and Lotteries Act
If you want to place or broker bets on public horse races commercially as a bookmaker, you need a license.
List of general sworn interpreters Registration of interpreters and translators from other EU/EEA countries
If you are a sworn interpreter or authorized translator on a temporary and occasional basis, you can apply to be entered in the register of sworn interpreters and authorized translators.
Notification of activity as a midwife Acceptance
If you wish to work independently as a midwife or maternity nurse or participate in partnerships, you must notify the lower health authority (public health department) of the commencement and termination of this activity.
Notification of self-employed activity in a medical profession Acceptance
If you wish to practise a healthcare profession independently or employ members of this profession, you must notify the lower health authority (public health department) of the commencement and termination of this activity.
Private equity company - recognition
If you want to operate a business investment company, then you need the recognition of the competent authority for this.
Private hospital apply for concession
If you want to open a private hospital, a private maternity hospital or a private mental hospital, you will need a permit under trade law, a so-called license. You must apply for this.
Professional pest control: notification of the first commencement of activities or after an interruption of more than one year
Anyone who uses biocidal products must do so properly. It is necessary to report this use to the competent authority upon commencement or resumption after a break of at least one year.
Recognition of producer groups of agricultural quality products
Regionally produced and high-quality food is becoming increasingly popular. As a producer association for agricultural quality products, they are not only able to meet this increasing demand, but also receive a wide range of funding opportunities as a result.
Register tax consulting for temporary and occasional assistance
If you are professionally established in a member state of the EU or Switzerland and are authorized there to provide assistance in tax matters on a business basis, then you may provide tax advice in Germany on a temporary and occasional basis if you register this in advance.
Registering a company or self-employed activity for tax purposes
If you set up a company, acquire an interest in a company or become self-employed, you must inform the tax office.
Report repair carried out
If you have carried out a repair as a repairer, you must inform the competent authority immediately. You can find out more here.
Reporting changes in the professional register for tax advisors
If you are registered in the Professional Register of Tax Advisors, you are obliged to report any changes to the relevant Chamber of Tax Advisors.
Restaurant business, display
You must notify the competent authority of the operation of a restaurant.
Savings bank: establishment - permission
If you want to establish a savings bank, then you need permission from the relevant authority.
Show blasting
You must notify the responsible office of a blasting with explosive substances.
Show handling of airbag and pretensioner units
The handling of airbag and seatbelt pretensioner units in operation is notifiable
Vertebrate pest control, applying for a permit for commercial killing or stunning
Do you commercially control vertebrate animals as pests? Then you need an animal welfare permit from the competent authority.
Veterinarian - registering professional practice with state veterinary chamber
You must register your commencement of work as a veterinarian with the relevant authorities.
Veterinary surgeon - temporary exercise of the profession in the context of the provision of services under European law - report
If you are a veterinarian, you are allowed to carry out your activity in Germany as a service provider for the temporary and occasional practice of the profession even without a license or permit. However, you must report this to the competent authority.
Wine - Grape harvest and wine production report
If you or your company have harvested grapes for wine production, you must report the harvest quantity to the competent authority.
Wine - Register of suppliers for the production of wine for the sale, use and utilization of products made from third-party products
If you have taken delivery of grapes, mash, grape must, partially fermented grape must or young wine, you are obliged to specify the supplier companies and the products taken delivery of in the form of the list of suppliers.
X-ray equipment: planned commissioning - display
You must notify the responsible office of the commissioning or significant changes to an X-ray facility that does not require a license.
Apply for a business identification number (W-IdNr.)
If you start a business activity, you will be given a business identification number (W-IdNr.).
Apply for a license for financial service providers
If you want to offer financial services, you need a license to do so.
Apply for a license to act as a real estate loan broker
If you want to broker real estate loans or corresponding financial assistance for a fee on a commercial basis or provide advice on this, you need a license to do so.
Apply for a pawnbroking license
If you want to work commercially as a pawnbroker or pawnbroker, you need a license.
Apply for a travel trade license change or supplement
You need a traveling trade card for a traveling trade. You can change or extend the activities listed on the itinerant trade license with the competent authority.
Apply for a travel trade license extension
You need a traveling trade card for a traveling trade. You can have a temporary traveling trade license extended by the competent authority.
Apply for admission to the law society
Do you want to run your law firm in the form of a limited liability company (GmbH) or a stock corporation (AG)? In this case, recognition as a law company requires admission.
Apply for calibration
You would like that one or moremeasuring devicesbe calibrated? Then you must submit a corresponding calibration application to the responsible authority authority. Further details here.
Apply for inclusion in the hospital plan of a federal state
Your hospital will receive a license if it is included in the hospital plan of the respective state. You can apply for admission to the relevant authority.
Apply for permission to practice medicine
If you would like to work as a non-medical practitioner, you will need permission from the relevant authority.
Apply for permission to practice medicine in the field of psychotherapy
If you wish to practise medicine in the field of psychotherapy, you must apply for a license to do so.
Apply for recognition for radon measurements in the workplace
If you want to provide and evaluate devices for legally required measurements of radon activity concentration at workplaces, you must be recognized by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS).
Apply for registration as an expert in the list of energy efficiency experts
If you want to register as an expert in the energy efficiency expert list, you can submit an application under certain conditions.
Apply for registration of the ELT emergency transmitter
Under certain conditions, you can apply to register an ELT emergency transmitter code or change an existing registration.
Apply for the establishment of a new German air carrier
If you wish to set up a new air carrier, you must submit an application for approval of the new company.
Apply for travel business card
If you want to sell or offer goods or services commercially outside your business without being asked by a customer, or if you want to carry out entertainment activities as a showman, you must apply for a travel trade card.
Apply for, change or cancel voluntary insurance or supplementary insurance with statutory accident insurance
If you are not legally insured against accidents at work, you can apply for voluntary insurance. You can change or cancel your insurance at any time.
Applying for admission of a patent law firm
Would you like to work in the field of patent law in Germany with a professional practice company with limited liability or as a foreign professional practice company? Then you need a license from the Chamber of Patent Attorneys.
Applying for approval of an inspection body for organic farming
If you want to operate a private inspection body for organic farming, you will need a license.
Applying for information from the central trade register
If you wish to exercise a trade and need proof of your personal reliability, you can apply for information from the central trade register.
Applying for permission to operate a capital management company
If you wish to manage investment funds as a capital management company with its registered office and head office in Germany, you require written permission or you must register.
Applying for re-authorization of a trade after prohibition
Have you been banned from exercising your trade due to unreliability? Then, as a rule, you can apply for the re-authorization of your commercial activity under certain conditions after one year.
Business re-registration
If you wish to re-register your business, you must notify the relevant authorities.
Catering trade, apply for a permit for a special occasion
Would you like to offer catering with alcohol on tap as part of a temporary event (e.g. funfair, town festival, shooting festival) or for another temporary occasion (e.g. canteens)? Then you need a temporary permit (authorization).
Chamber of Architects - Right to use protected professional titles by external service providers
As an external service provider, you can be entered in the special directory for external service providers of the Thruringia Chamber of Architects.
Chamber of Crafts
Here you will find information on the tasks of the Chamber of Skilled Crafts.
Chamber of Engineers - Application for entry in the list of external companies (§ 15 ThürAIKG)
A foreign company wishing to establish itself in Thuringia for the temporary or occasional provision of services in the sense of performing the professional duties of an engineer or consulting engineer must notify the competent authority in advance.
Chamber of Engineers - Entry in the list of consulting engineers
If you wish to use the protected professional title "Consulting Engineer", you must be registered with the Chamber of Engineers. You can apply for this if you meet the applicable requirements.
Chamber of Engineers - Entry in the list of engineers authorized to submit building documents
If you are an engineer and would like to obtain a building design authorization, you can, if you meet the requirements, be entered in the list of list of engineers authorized to submit building documents.
Chamber of Engineers - Registration Voluntary membership
As a newcomer to the profession, you can apply for voluntary membership of the Chamber of Engineers. You can find more information here.
Company number for social security notifications assigned on request
As an employer, you must register your employees who are subject to social insurance contributions. You will need a company number for this.
Conciliation body for competition disputes
Conciliation bodies have been set up at the Chambers of Industry and Commerce to settle competition law disputes
Debtor and consumer insolvency advice center - recognition
If you want to advise debtors as part of consumer insolvency proceedings, you need state recognition.
Display commissioning of a low-frequency system or direct current system
If you wish to commission a direct current system or a low-frequency system with a rated voltage of 110 kilovolts, you must notify the competent authority.
Display of persons - Permit
You require a permit from the competent authority for the commercial display of persons.
Display operation of spacecraft
For the radiation protection of personnel, you must report the operation of spacecraft under certain conditions.
Driving instructor training centers - Apply for recognition
If you want to train people who want to become driving instructors (driving instructor candidates) or have them trained, you need official recognition of your company as a driving instructor training center.
Driving license - having courses to restore fitness to drive recognized
If you would like to run courses to restore the fitness to drive of drivers with alcohol or drug-related convictions, you need to be recognized by the competent authority under state law.
Egg packing station - Apply for approval
You may only operate an egg packing station if it has been approved by the competent authority under market law and a packing station code has been issued.
Energy supply: Operation of energy supply networks - Authorization
The operation of an energy supply network must be approved by the competent authority.
Entry in the joint lists for authorized verifiers of structural engineering verifications of the AKT and IKT in accordance with § 65 ThürBO dated March 13, 2014
If you would like to work as an authorized verifier for structural verifications , you must be entered in the relevant list of authorized verifiers. You can find out more here.
Fisheries - Keep annual report on eel stocking
If you release eels into waters in Thuringia, you must record this and submit it to the competent authority if necessary.
Fixed shooting range Apply for permission to operate
If you want to operate a fixed shooting range, then you need a permit.
Founding an equalization association for the payment of the artists' social security contribution
If you run a company that is liable to pay contributions, you can reduce the effort involved in preparing the annual reports by setting up an equalization association with other companies. This association takes over the obligations towards the Artists' Social Security Fund (KSK).
Handicrafts register: Registration of small businesses
Registration in the register of craftsmen is not required for certain activities. You can find information on this here.
Notify change regarding the operation of genetic engineering facilities
Do you wish to carry out genetic engineering work that has already been notified, registered or approved in another genetic engineering facility? Then you must inform the competent authority before starting the work.
Notify the statutory accident insurance of any changes in the company, self-employed or freelance activity
Has something changed in your company or in your self-employed or freelance activity? You must report this to your employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund.
Obtain a permit for waste management activities
If you wish to collect or transport hazardous waste or trade in hazardous waste, you must apply for a permit for this activity from the competent authority.
Obtain proof of successful participation in training for the security industry
You must provide proof of training in the security industry if you are employed and take on security tasks in the security industry on your own responsibility.
Obtaining licenses, permits or approvals for the establishment or management of companies
If you are setting up a company, you will find information here on the procedures, formalities and permits you need to observe.
Portable firing range - indicate commencement or termination of operation
If you start or stop operating a portable shooting range, you must notify us in advance.
Prostitution activity registration extend
If your registration certificate for working as a prostitute or prostitute expires, then you need to renew their certificate.
Recognition Foundation
If you want to set up a foundation, you will need recognition from the competent authority.
Recognition of a forestry association and granting of legal capacity as an economic association
Association of landowners for the joint management of their forest areas in a forest management association (FBG).
Register a business
If you want to run a business, you must register this with the competent authority. You can find out more here.
Register hatcheries, breeding and propagation farms and issue identification numbers
If you wish to operate a hatchery or a breeding or multiplication farm, you must register with the competent authority.
Registering a company, self-employed or freelance activity for statutory accident insurance
If you set up a company or become self-employed or freelance, you must register this with the statutory accident insurance.
Registering a European cooperative in the register of cooperatives
You can establish a cooperative as a European Cooperative. The registration must be made electronically in a publicly notarized form by a notary.
Registering an employee family member (Mifa) with the agricultural health insurance fund or long-term care fund and the agricultural old-age insurance fund
If you are insured as a farmer with the agricultural health insurance fund or long-term care fund and old-age insurance fund, you must register your family members who work in the company.
Show continuation of the provision of cross-border services in the craft sector subject to authorization
If you have already reported the cross-border provision of skilled trade services subject to licensing for the first time, you must notify us before the end of the year if you wish to continue providing these services in the following year without any significant changes.
Operation of a power of attorney database for tax consultants and income tax assistance associations
As a tax consultant or income tax assistance association, you can use the power of attorney database to access and manage data and powers of attorney for your clients or members and display a power of representation and/or disclosure authorization.
Recognition of a forestry association
Association of recognised forestry associations or similar groupings for the purpose of adapting forestry production to market requirements
Registering or re-registering a company with the artists' social security fund
If you run a company that is liable to pay social security contributions, you must register your company with the Künstlersozialkasse.
Registration of entrepreneurs with the agricultural health insurance fund or long-term care fund and the agricultural pension fund
Has your agricultural business exceeded the minimum size for compulsory insurance with the agricultural health insurance fund, long-term care fund or old-age insurance fund? Then these funds will contact you to clarify the further requirements for insurance.
Registration of non-licensed postal services (inclusion, change and termination)
If your company provides postal services without requiring a license, you must notify the Federal Network Agency of the start, change and termination of operations.
Report the commercial operation of public telecommunications networks or the commercial provision of publicly accessible telecommunications services
Do you commercially operate a public telecommunications network or provide publicly accessible telecommunications services? Then you must report this to the Federal Network Agency.
Request image files for labeling tobacco packaging or cigarette packs with text-image warnings
As a manufacturer or importer of cigarettes, roll-your-own tobacco and water pipe tobacco, you must print text and image warnings on your cigarette and tobacco packaging. You can obtain the image files from the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety.
Show inclusion of imports of timber and timber products from countries outside the EU
If you wish to import wood or wood products from countries outside the EU for the first time, you must notify the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) once.
Single point of contact network
The Europe-wide Single Point of Contact network provides you with information on legal requirements and helps with the handling of procedures.
Supplier notification gas and electricity - Report energy supply to household customers
If you as a company supply household customers in Germany with energy via the public electricity or gas grid, you must report this to the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA).
View commercial register
If you need information on specific companies, you can search for them in the Joint Register Portal of the federal states or in the Business Register itself and inspect the entries and documents submitted.
Portable shooting range Apply for permission to operate
You need a permit to operate a portable shooting range.
Registering prostitution activities for the first time
If you engage in prostitution in Germany, you must register with the competent authority. You can find out more here.
Request confirmation of the installation site for playground equipment
If you, as an operator of gambling machines, have found a new installation site, you need a confirmation for the installation site for the installation of gambling machines with the possibility of winning.
Security business - apply for a permit
Anyone wishing to guard the lives or property of third parties on a commercial basis requires a permit from the competent authority.
Set up playground equipment
If you want to set up commercial gaming machines with the possibility of winning, you need the permission of the competent authority.
Show arms manufacture and/or arms trade
If you manufacture weapons commercially and/or trade in weapons, you must report the commencement or cessation of operations.
Show change in the provision of cross-border services in the craft sector subject to authorization
After you have already notified the cross-border provision of skilled trade services subject to authorization, you must also notify any significant changes before the changed provision of services.
Show travel business card free activity
Only a few activities that do not require a travel authorization card must be reported. Before starting an activity that is not subject to a travel authorization card, please check whether you may have to report it to the responsible office.
Weapons manufacturing and / or arms trade show branch
If you open or close the operation of a branch or dependent branch for the commercial manufacture and/or trade of weapons, you must report this.
Weapons trade permit application
If you want to buy and sell firearms or ammunition on a commercial basis, you need a firearms dealer's license.