Service Finder
Staying healthy
Many illnesses can be avoided through preventive care or treated well through early detection. Here you will find an overview of the statutory health insurance schemes’ advisory and preventive care offerings, from vaccinations to cancer screening to dental check-ups. You will also find information about how to prepare yourself for serious situations through an advance care directive or a lasting power of attorney.
Addiction counseling
If you yourself or someone else is affected by addiction, then you can get help and advice from addiction counseling.
Adjusting the artists' social insurance subsidy for health and long-term care insurance
The Künstlersozialkasse (KSK) can only pay you the correct subsidy if it knows how high your contributions for private or voluntary statutory health and long-term care insurance are. You should therefore inform the KSK of any changes to your contributions.
AIDS counseling
If you have any questions about HIV/AIDS, there are various help and services available in Thuringia.
Application for employers to be granted an exemption to commission physicians to perform occupational health screening (Section 7 (2) of the Ordinance on Occupational Health Screening (ArbMedVV))
You must apply to the responsible office for a special permit to commission physicians to perform occupational health screening.
Apply for assistance for health during pregnancy and maternity
If you receive social assistance or basic benefits, you will be supported during pregnancy and maternity leave.
As an insured person, contact the Künstlersozialkasse for information, advice or clarification of concerns
If you, as an insured person in the artists' social insurance scheme, have a question or concern in connection with your compulsory insurance, you can contact the Künstlersozialkasse.
Change income estimate for the artists' social security fund
Has your professional situation changed in such a way that you expect a different income from your self-employed artistic or journalistic work? Then you need to adjust your income estimate with the Artists' Social Insurance Fund.
Child and Adolescent Medical Service/Child and Adolescent Dental Service
In cooperation with day care centers and schools, it is the task of the municipal health offices to support and promote the health of children and adolescents.
Drinking water monitoring
Here you can get information about drinking water monitoring.
Final subsidy statement from the Artists' Social Security Fund
Grants that you receive from the Artists' Social Security Fund are finally settled in the following year.
Making a declaration on organ and tissue donation
You can make a declaration in the organ donation register as to whether you agree or disagree with organ and tissue donation.
notify the Artists' Social Insurance Fund of a change in artistic or journalistic activity
If you change the legal form of your activity or the activity itself, this may have an impact on your insurance obligation with the Künstlersozialkasse (KSK).
Notify the artists' social insurance fund of the change of health insurance fund
If you have statutory health and long-term care insurance through the Künstlersozialkasse, you can change your health insurance fund under certain conditions.
Notify the Artists' Social Security Fund of a change in your professional situation
If you are not only self-employed as an artist or journalist, but also carry out other activities or receive social benefits, you must report this to the Künstlersozialkasse.
Notify the Artists' Social Security Fund of the change in personal data
If your personal data changes, you must inform the Künstlersozialkasse. You should also inform the Künstlersozialkasse if your contact details change or expand.
Notify the artists' social security fund of your stay abroad
If you stay or work abroad for a longer period of time, this may affect your German social insurance. You must notify the Künstlersozialkasse of any change in your situation in good time.
Provide aids to health
If you do not have health insurance and are receiving short-term living assistance, you may be eligible for health care assistance benefits.
Receive compensation and suspend contributions to the artists' social security fund
If you are unable to work due to illness or pregnancy and receive compensation from another source, you do not have to pay social security contributions via the Artists' Social Security Fund.
Register for social insurance for self-employed artists or journalists
As a self-employed artist or journalist, you can be compulsorily insured under certain conditions.
Reimbursement of overpaid pension insurance contributions by the artists' social security fund
If you pay too much into your pension insurance, you will receive a refund.
Report an adverse reaction caused by veterinary medicinal products (in animals or humans) or by human medicinal products in animals
If a veterinary medicinal product or vaccine is suspected of causing adverse effects in an animal, a human or the environment, report this to the competent authority. You can also proceed in the same way for a human medicinal product that has been used in an animal.
Request a tax office certificate from the artists' social security fund
If you are subject to compulsory insurance or entitled to a subsidy via the Artists' Social Security Fund, you will receive proof of the contributions and subsidies that can be taken into account for tax purposes for each year.
Social assistance services as health counseling for families with infants
If you receive social welfare or basic income support and have just had a baby, the social welfare office will cover the cost of counseling sessions.
Advice from the Künstlersozialkasse for self-employed artists or journalists who are not insured
The Künstlersozialkasse will advise you on all questions relating to artists' social insurance.
Apply for a health insurance subsidy for pensioners from the agricultural pension fund
If you have voluntary or private health insurance, you can apply for a subsidy towards your health insurance.
Apply for a subsidy for health courses for people with statutory health insurance
If you have statutory health insurance, your health insurance fund will contribute to the costs of health courses under certain conditions.
Apply for an electronic health card for people with statutory health insurance
As a rule, you will receive your electronic health card (eGK) automatically from your health insurance company. If you have lost your eGK or it is defective, apply for a new eGK from your health insurance company.
Apply for an outpatient preventive measure such as a cure for people with statutory health insurance
An outpatient cure can help you to avert impending illnesses or the need for long-term care. You can apply to your health insurance fund for this preventive benefit.
Apply for child sickness benefit for those with statutory health insurance and transfer child sickness benefit days to the other parent
If you are unable to work due to your child's illness, you can receive child sickness benefit from your statutory health insurance fund. Under certain conditions, you can transfer the child sickness benefit days to your partner.
Apply for exemption from co-payments in statutory health insurance
If you have paid more than 2 percent of your gross family income as statutory co-payments in the current calendar year, you can be exempted from this for the rest of the year. For the chronically ill, the so-called burden limit is 1 percent.
Apply for family insurance in the statutory health insurance scheme
If you have statutory health insurance, you can insure your children and your spouse or partner free of charge under certain conditions. You submit the application to your statutory health insurance fund.
Apply for inpatient preventive services such as a cure for people with statutory health insurance
An inpatient preventive care benefit or cure can help you to avert impending illness or the need for long-term care. You can apply to your health insurance fund for preventive care benefits.
Apply for medical rehabilitation benefits from the Agricultural Old-Age Insurance Fund
You can receive medical rehabilitation benefits from the Landwirtschaftliche Alterskasse (LAK). You must meet certain benefit requirements for this.
Apply for or terminate voluntary membership of statutory health insurance
Do you belong to a group of people who are not automatically covered by statutory health insurance? Then you can be insured as a voluntary member of a statutory health insurance fund.
Apply for reimbursement from the statutory health insurance fund
You can have the costs of private treatment reimbursed by your statutory health insurance fund under certain conditions.
Apply for reimbursement of overpaid contributions for statutory health insurance and social long-term care insurance
If you have paid too much for your statutory health insurance and long-term care insurance, you can apply for a refund from your health insurance fund.
Applying for exemption from compulsory statutory health insurance
If you become subject to compulsory statutory health insurance, you can be exempted in certain cases. You can apply to your statutory health insurance fund.
Applying for preventive medical services for those insured with statutory health insurance
Outpatient or inpatient preventive care can help you avert impending illness or the need for long-term care. You can apply for preventive care benefits from your health insurance company.
Assumption of travel expenses by the agricultural employers' liability insurance association
Have you had a recognized accident at work or an occupational disease? If so, the agricultural employers' liability insurance association will reimburse you for the associated travel costs under certain conditions.
Attend information events organized by the Artists' Social Security Fund on compulsory insurance under the Artists' Social Security Act
If you need information on artists' social insurance, you can take part in an information event under certain conditions.
Choose or change statutory health insurance
You are free to choose and change your statutory health insurance fund under certain conditions.
Compulsory vaccination programs and preventive/early detection examinations
To protect your health, there are public preventive measures in Germany that you can take advantage of and, if necessary, must observe. Here you will find information on compulsory vaccination programs as well as preventive and early detection examinations.
European Consumer Center Germany
The European Consumer Center is your point of contact if you have a question about your rights in Europe or a dispute with a company from another EU country, Iceland or Norway. Our services are free of charge for consumers.
Infection protection Notification
The Infection Protection Act requires doctors and laboratories to report certain diseases (including suspected cases) and evidence of pathogens as well as vaccination damage.
Organ donation
If you wish to donate your organs after your death, you can indicate this on an organ donor card.
Preventing an occupational disease in agriculture or avoiding the aggravation of an occupational disease
If you are exposed to a hazard at work that can cause an occupational disease, you will receive preventive measures under certain conditions.
Receive partial reimbursement of costs in statutory health insurance
If you work in the area of statutory health insurance and a service regulation applies to you, you can agree a partial reimbursement of costs. You then initially pay for medical services yourself and are reimbursed for your expenses under certain conditions.
Report expected annual income to the artists' social security fund
If you are insured through the artists' social security fund, you must submit an annual income estimate.
Reporting pension payments to the artists' social security fund
Do you receive a pension from the statutory pension insurance scheme? Then this will affect your insurance status in the artists' social insurance scheme.
Request an annual statement from the artists' social security fund
If you are subject to compulsory insurance or entitled to a subsidy through the artists' social security fund, you will receive proof of your insurance for each year.
Request confirmation of insurance from the artists' social security fund
If you are insured through the Künstlersozialkasse, you can prove your insurance status with a current confirmation of insurance.
Request current insurance data from the Künstlersozialkasse
If you are insured through the Künstlersozialkasse (KSK), you can obtain information about your compulsory insurance and your contribution account from the Künstlersozialkasse at any time. To do this, you must send a request to the KSK.
Requesting information from the radiation protection register about personal data on occupational radiation exposure
You can obtain information about the data on occupational radiation exposure stored in the radiation protection register from the Federal Office for Radiation Protection.
Retrieve a declaration from the organ donation register
If you have submitted a declaration for organ and tissue donation in the organ donation register, you can retrieve it using your declaration ID.
Statutory accident insurance: Preventing an occupational disease or avoiding the aggravation of an occupational disease
Are you exposed to a risk at work that could lead to the development, aggravation or recurrence of an occupational disease? If so, you are entitled to preventive measures under certain conditions.
Submit photo for the electronic health card
Did you provide your photo for the electronic health card (eGK) more than 10 years ago? Then your health insurance company may ask you to submit a new photo.
Submit proof of income to the Künstlersozialkasse for random checks
If you are insured with the Künstlersozialkasse or are entitled to a subsidy, your income can be checked in an annual random sample.
Submit the requested activity and income certificates to the Artists' Social Security Fund for review at the end of the period of entry into the profession
As a newcomer to the profession, have you not earned the minimum income in the first three years of your work? Then you must prove to the Künstlersozialkasse that you are gainfully employed.
Subsidy for dentures or assumption of costs for other types of dental prostheses for people with statutory health insurance, including support for people on low incomes
You receive subsidies from your statutory health insurance for dentures. Only in exceptional cases will the health insurance fund cover the costs of implants. Insured persons with a low income may receive financial support.
Suspension of health and long-term care insurance benefits in the event of unpaid contributions to the artists' social insurance fund
If you do not pay your contributions to the artists' social security fund regularly, you will have to pay for your medical treatment yourself.
If you have any questions about vaccinations, you can contact the public health department.