Service Finder
Housing and moving
Whether you are renting, you own a flat or house or you are planning to move, you can find information on housing and moving house here.
Apply for a certificate of eligibility for housing
If you would like to move into social housing, you first need a certificate of eligibility for housing. You must apply for this at the relevant office.
Apply for a grant for measures to improve the living environment under long-term care insurance
If you are in need of care, it may be necessary to adapt your living environment to your individual needs. You can apply to your care insurance fund for financial support for necessary adaptations and conversions.
Apply for an extract from the property register (parcel and ownership certificate)
Apply here for a descriptive certificate for a property for information and planning on property matters.
Apply for an extract from the real estate map (parcel map)
Apply here for a parcel map or a site plan for information and planning on property matters.
Apply for one-off benefits
Relocation, pregnancy, birth: if you lack the money for certain situations in your life, you can apply for one-off benefits.
Applying for consideration of a job-related relocation to avoid the closure of the housing subsidy account
If you are temporarily unable to use your tax-subsidized property yourself due to a work-related absence, your housing subsidy account will not be closed under certain conditions.
Batteries - Disposal
Here you will find information on the disposal of used batteries.
Broadcasting fee - apply for a reduction
If you have a severely disabled person's pass with the mark "RF", you can receive a reduction in your broadcasting fee. You will then pay a reduced fee.
Broadcasting fee - apply for exemption
If you receive state social benefits, you can be exempted from the broadcasting fee. The same applies to deaf-blind people and recipients of assistance for the blind.
Broadcasting fee in the private sector - communicate changes
If you move, change your bank details or your name, please inform the ARD, ZDF and Deutschlandradio contribution service.
Bulky waste - disposal
Bulky waste is collected and disposed of separately from household waste due to its bulky nature.
Change residence
If you have and live in several apartments, one apartment is your main apartment, all others are secondary apartments. If there are any changes, you must inform your registration office.
Change your place of residence
If you move, you must register at your new place of residence.
Collect rent index
A rent index is regularly compiled in many cities and municipalities in Germany.
Deregister broadcasting fee
If you are no longer required to pay the broadcasting fee, you can report this.
Deregister residence
If you move abroad or give up your secondary residence, you must deregister your place of residence.
Deregister secondary residence
If you move out of a secondary residence and do not move into another domestic residence, you must deregister for that residence.
Drinking water fee
Here you can get information about the drinking water supply to your home or property and the associated costs.
Equal Treatment Body for EU Workers (EU-GS)
The Equal Treatment Office for EU Workers provides comprehensive information on living and working in Germany in eleven EU languages.
Establishment of a conditional blocking notice in the population register
To protect your personal interests, you can have a conditional blocking notice entered in the register of residents.
Granting access to the real estate register
You can obtain an overview of the local location of a parcel of land and the available surveying documents by inspecting the real estate register.
Hand in hazardous waste for disposal
The disposal of hazardous waste from private households is the responsibility of the public waste disposal authorities.
Hand in old electrical appliances for disposal
The disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment from private households is the responsibility of the public waste disposal authorities.
Hand in residual waste for disposal
Would you like to dispose of residual waste? This is the responsibility of your local waste disposal company, which is also responsible for the disposal of residual waste in addition to the various types of separate waste collection.
Have the address book blocked
The address book block can be entered for the main or sole residence or the secondary residence upon application. It is entered without further verification.
Housing benefit change notification
Has your total income increased, your rent burden or the number of household members decreased? Then you must notify the housing benefit authority of these changes.
Housing benefit continued benefit application
Is the approval period for your housing benefit coming to an end? Then you should submit a new application in good time before your approval period expires in order to ensure continued housing benefit payments.
Housing benefit increase application
If your total income has decreased or your rent burden or the number of household members has increased, you can apply for an increase in housing benefit.
Housing benefit initial application
If the income of your private household is not sufficient to cover the costs of adequate housing, you can apply for housing benefit.
Issue confirmation of registration
If you register your place of residence with the municipal administration, you will receive a confirmation of registration.
Landlord confirmation
If you have moved, you will need a confirmation from your landlord to register your new place of residence.
Objecting to the disclosure of information to groups in the population register
If you do not want your own data to be your own data to be passed on to parties, voter groups, the press or radio, you can object to your data being disclosed or passed on.
Obligation to register for inland skippers and seafarers
If you move to a ship and do not have a residence within Germany, you have a special obligation to register.
Place of residence - registration of the sole or main residence
If you move into an apartment, you must register with the relevant registration office within two weeks.
Place of residence Deregistration of sole or main residence
Are you moving abroad? If you move out of your sole residence and do not move into another residence in Germany, you must deregister.
Property tax fixing
Property tax is levied by the municipality on whose territory the property is located.
Property tax notice for land received
Property tax is a municipal tax levied on real property located within the municipality's territory.
Receive and review rent index
Information on the local comparative rent in your area can be found in the rent index, if one is available for your city or municipality.
Receive notice of the property tax assessment amount
If you are the owner of real property (or in the new federal states, users of agricultural and forestry property) that is not exempt from real property tax, the tax office will issue a real property tax assessment notice to you.
Receive real estate tax assessment for land used for agriculture and forestry or agricultural and forestry enterprises
Property tax is a municipal tax levied on real property located within the municipality's territory.
Register apartment
Anyone moving into an apartment must register with the registration office within two weeks of moving in.
Register secondary residence
If you move into an apartment that you do not use primarily, you must register it as a secondary residence with the relevant registration office within two weeks.
Registering the broadcasting fee in the private sector
We all have to pay broadcasting fees to finance public service broadcasting. The broadcasting fee is levied per home in the private sector.
Report employment of domestic help and other household-related services on a mini-job basis
If you employ domestic help on a mini-job basis, you must register them using the household cheque procedure.
Request repair bonus 3.0
Is your electrical appliance no longer working as it should? If you have it repaired instead of buying a new one, you can get a bonus for it.
Requesting a block on information in the population register
If you are exposed to certain risks, you can apply for an information block in the register of residents.
Second home tax
If you have a duplex or secondary residence in addition to your primary residence, then you may be required to pay a duplex tax.
Special use of roads - request parking lot closure for parade
If you are moving or are making or expecting deliveries and drop-offs, you can apply for a temporary no-parking zone.
Submitting a complaint due to violation of the provisions of the Geo-blocking Regulation
If you wish to complain about a provider for violating the provisions of the Geoblocking Regulation, you can submit a complaint to the Federal Network Agency.
Temporary or permanent relocation to another Member State
If you are moving to Germany from another member state, you will find the most important information on the obligation to register and the applicable deadlines here.
Traffic signs - Apply for installation (StVO)
Traffic regulation measures, such as the erection of traffic signs, are ordered by the road traffic authorities.
Waste charges
Here you will find information on municipal waste charges.
Waste paper disposal
The disposal of waste and thus also of waste paper from private households is the responsibility of the districts and independent cities.