Service Finder
Development and infrastructure
So that customers can reach your business easily and its infrastructure works well, here you will find an overview of information and contacts at public authorities for businesses regarding developing their premises, from how to receive a street number to how to connect to the water supply.
Apply for planning approval for measures in the area of federal trunk roads
Freeways and federal highways under federal administration may only be built or significantly altered with the approval of the Federal Highway Authority (FBA). Approval is granted by the FBA under certain conditions as part of the planning law procedure.
Apply for planning approval for measures in the area of federal waterways
For planned construction work on federal waterways, you must apply for planning permission from the Directorate-General for Waterways and Shipping (GWDS).
Applying for exemption from railroad operating purposes for a property on which federal railroad operating facilities are located
If you own a railroad property that is no longer used for transportation and whose infrastructure will no longer be used in the long term, you can apply to the Federal Railway Authority (EBA) for exemption of the property under certain conditions.
Applying for planning approval for operating facilities of the federal railroads
If you wish to build, modify or dismantle a federal railroad operating facility, you must apply to the Federal Railway Authority (EBA).
Applying for rights of way for telecommunication lines and telecommunication networks
To lay telecommunications cables in public roads, you need rights of way granted by the Federal Network Agency. The city or municipality will then grant you permission to lay the telecommunications cables.
Applying for the relocation or modification of telecommunications lines in traffic routes
If you are the owner or operator of public telecommunications networks and wish to lay or modify telecommunications lines in a public road, you can obtain consent for the shared use of traffic routes under certain conditions.
Building - Application for building permit / for exemption from approval
If new buildings are erected, changes are made to buildings or their use is changed, a building permit is required. The building permit procedure is carried out by the lower building authorities. Smaller building projects are exempt under certain conditions.
Inspecting a joint land use plan
Private individuals and companies have the right to inspect a joint land use plan.
Microenterprises providing basic services - apply for funding
Do you own a micro-enterprise that offers goods and services to cover the daily to weekly needs of the local population? You want to purchase durable goods, then apply for funding via KLUG.
Obtaining licenses, permits or approvals for the establishment or management of companies
If you are setting up a company, you will find information here on the procedures, formalities and permits you need to observe.
Participate in the creation of a joint land use plan
As a private individual or company, you can participate in the preparation or amendment of a joint land use plan as part of the public participation process.
Participate in the creation of a land use plan
You can participate in the creation or amendment of a land use plan.
Participation in federal sector planning for grid expansion projects, submission of comments on electricity grid expansion projects, registration for events
Are you interested in electricity grid expansion projects? Then you can obtain information and participate directly in various ways.
Participation in the planning approval process for grid expansion projects, submission of comments on electricity grid expansion projects, registration for events
Are you interested in electricity grid expansion projects? Then you can obtain information and participate directly in various ways.
Pay development charge
The municipalities levy development charges for the initial construction of development facilities (in particular for the roads intended for construction) from the owners of the properties that are developed by the development facility.
Provide data on construction work on supply networks for the infrastructure atlas
As the owner or operator of a public supply network, use the Infrastructure Atlas portal (ISA portal) to submit information on planned or ongoing construction work and thus fulfill any existing obligation to provide information.
Report malfunction of traffic signs and traffic devices for repair
As a citizen or an administration, you can report a malfunction of traffic signs and traffic facilities on roads.
Report road damage for removal
As a citizen/administration you would like to report damage to roads.
Report road damage for removal on state and county roads and accompanying sidewalks and bike paths (in-town).
As a citizen or as an administration, you can report damage to a state road or county road, or to a sidewalk or bike path that accompanies the state road or county road
Request access to the infrastructure atlas
If you are involved in a project to expand public supply networks, you can apply to view the infrastructure atlas (ISA) and thus obtain information on network infrastructures in an area in order to prepare for shared use.
Request certificate of residence issuance
If you wish to purchase a plot of land, you can find out which municipal levies, based on federal law, are associated with this plot of land by applying to the relevant municipality for a certificate of annexation.
Revitalization of brownfield sites - apply for funding
If you want to upgrade unsightly areas in your town, reuse a brownfield site and need financial support for demolition, unsealing and the associated subsequent use, then apply for funding for the revitalization of brownfield sites.
Road damage removal on federal highways and accompanying sidewalks and bike paths (inner-city)
As a citizen/administration, you can report damage to a state highway or to a sidewalk or bike path that accompanies the state highway.
Road damage removal on state and county roads and accompanying sidewalks and bike paths (nonurban)
As a citizen or administration, you would like to report damage to a state road or county road or to a sidewalk or bike path that accompanies the state road or county road.
Single point of contact network
The Europe-wide Single Point of Contact network provides you with information on legal requirements and helps with the handling of procedures.
Submit documents for the supervision of construction and for commissioning procedures in the railroad sector electronically to the Federal Railway Authority
If you, as a railroad infrastructure company, want to construct, upgrade or renew new railroad operating facilities, you need a corresponding commissioning permit from the Federal Railway Authority.