Employee-related registration requirements

What has to be registered where and how if, for example, the employment status of one of my employees changes? A number of legal requirements must be followed, particularly regarding social security for your employees. You can find the relevant information and services here.


Adjusting advance payments to the artists' social security fund

Do you expect to pay significantly lower fees to self-employed artists or publicists compared to the previous year? Then you can apply for a reduction in your monthly advance payments for the artists' social security contribution.

Advice from the Künstlersozialkasse for registered companies

If you have any questions about the artists' social security contribution, you can contact the Künstlersozialkasse.

Apply for a contribution subsidy from the agricultural pension fund

Under certain conditions, you can receive a subsidy towards your contribution to the agricultural pension fund.

Apply for a health insurance subsidy for pensioners from the agricultural pension fund

If you have voluntary or private health insurance, you can apply for a subsidy towards your health insurance.

Apply for a permit for temporary employment

If you want to lend employees to a third party, you need a permit to do so.

Apply for exemption from compulsory insurance with the agricultural pension fund as an entrepreneur

Under certain conditions, you can be exempted from compulsory insurance with the Agricultural Pension Fund.

Apply for exemption from compulsory insurance with the agricultural pension fund for income outside agriculture

Do you earn more than twelve times the annual mini-job limit outside of agriculture? If so, you can be exempted from compulsory insurance with the agricultural pension fund under certain conditions.

Apply for payment relief for companies from the Artists' Social Security Fund

If your company is unable to pay the Artists' Social Insurance Fund's current claim on time, you can apply for payment relief.

Apply for permission to count jobs with less than 18 hours per week towards a compulsory job

If your company employs severely disabled or equivalent disabled people for less than 18 hours per week, you can have them counted towards a compulsory job under certain conditions.

Apply for voluntary insurance and voluntary supplementary insurance in agricultural accident insurance

If you are not compulsorily insured through an employers' liability insurance association, you may be able to insure yourself voluntarily against accidents at work, commuting accidents and occupational illnesses. This option is also available for volunteers under certain conditions.

Apply for, change or cancel voluntary insurance or supplementary insurance with statutory accident insurance

If you are not legally insured against accidents at work, you can apply for voluntary insurance. You can change or cancel your insurance at any time.

Applying for an A1 certificate for an employee who is posted abroad in Europe

Are you an employer and planning to send employees abroad temporarily? To ensure that German social security law continues to apply, you must apply for an A1 certificate for your employees.

Applying to the Artists' Social Security Fund for reinstatement to the previous status

Have you missed a statutory deadline for an application or notification? Then, under certain conditions, you can make up the missed deadline without any disadvantages.

Appoint animal welfare officers

As the operator of facilities where animal experiments and similar activities are carried out, you must appoint one or more animal welfare officers and notify the competent authority of the appointment.

Appointing or dismissing ("discharging") money laundering officers or money laundering officers

Financial companies and organizers and brokers of games of chance (obligated parties according to § 2 para. 1 no. 6 and 15 GwG) must have a money launderingämoney laundering...

As an employee family member (Mifa) apply for exemption from compulsory insurance with the agricultural pension fund

If you work as a relative in an agricultural business, you can be exempted from compulsory insurance with the Agricultural Pension Fund under certain conditions.

Check obligation to pay the artists' social security contribution on shareholder remuneration

If your partner works for you as an artist or journalist, you must pay artists' social security contributions on the remuneration under certain conditions.

Communicate short-term mobility of company employees for the purpose of gainful employment (intra-company transfer)

If you have a residence permit from a member state of the European Union (EU) for the purpose of intra-corporate transfer, you can use it to enter Germany for a certain period of time and work there.

Company audit by the Artists' Social Security Fund

Have you paid fees to self-employed persons for journalistic or artistic services? Then the Künstlersozialkasse (KSK) will check the correct declaration of these fees in your company.

Company number for social security notifications assigned on request

As an employer, you must register your employees who are subject to social insurance contributions. You will need a company number for this.

Craftsmen's register: Declaration by craft business managers

If the craft business manager meets the requirements, he or she will be entered in the craft register.

Create and publish a report on equality and equal pay

Under certain conditions, you as a private employer must prepare and publish a report on equality and equal pay. As an employer, you are obliged to treat all employees...

Deregistering employees for social insurance

If an employee leaves your company, you must report the end of the employment relationship to social insurance.

Deregistration of companies or self-employed activities in agriculture, forestry or horticulture

If you stop your agricultural, forestry or horticultural business, you must report this to the Social Insurance for Agriculture, Forestry and Horticulture.

Deregistration of your insured employees' relatives (Mifas) from the agricultural health insurance fund or long-term care fund and the agricultural old-age insurance fund

Are your family members insured with the Landwirtschaftliche Krankenkasse and Alterskasse and no longer work full-time in your company? Then you must deregister these family members.

Display home office with special hazard protection regulations

If you are a company that provides work from home in accordance with the Home Work Act and is subject to special health and safety regulations, you must notify the competent authority.

End international insurance with statutory accident insurance

If employees return prematurely after working abroad temporarily, you as the employer must report this to the accident insurance company.

Enquire about your company's account balance with the artists' social security fund

If you have any questions about your tax account or need a current account statement, you can contact the Künstlersozialkasse.

Filing an objection after a tax audit by the Artists' Social Security Fund

Do you disagree with the results of a tax audit? Then you can have the correctness of the decision checked by lodging an objection.

Get internship for foreign students or university graduates confirmed

If you as a company or exchange organization would like to offer foreign students or university graduates an internship in Germany, you must obtain confirmation from the Federal Employment Agency in advance under certain conditions.

Immediately register employees for social insurance (immediate registration)

As an employer, you are obliged in certain sectors to register your employees with social insurance before they take up employment.

Inform the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin about new, changed or terminated shareholdings of banks and financial services institutions

If you, as a bank or financial services institution, acquire shareholdings in other companies, you must inform the Deutsche Bundesbank and the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). The same applies if your shareholdings change.

Inform the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin of the appointment of a member and deputy members of the administrative or supervisory body

If you as a bank or financial services company wish to appoint a member or deputy member of the administrative or supervisory body, you must inform the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin.

Inform the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin of the execution, abandonment or change of the intention to appoint a person to the management or to authorize a person to act as an individual representative

If you as a bank or financial services company intend to appoint a managing director or authorize a person to represent your institution individually and have implemented, abandoned or changed this intention, you must inform BaFin.

Inform the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin of the intention to appoint a managing director or authorize a person to act as an individual representative

If you as a bank or financial services company intend to appoint a person to the management or authorize a person to represent your institution individually, you must inform the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin.

Insure employees working temporarily abroad under statutory accident insurance

If your employees are working abroad temporarily and want the statutory accident insurance to continue to apply, you generally have to apply for this.

Issue and submit certificate of employment or certificate of additional income

If your employees or the BA request a certificate of employment, you must send this to the BA. The same applies to a certificate of additional income if employees or persons working for you on a self-employed basis have applied for or are receiving regular cash benefits.

Keeping and sending home work lists

You must identify all persons you employ in home office work and those persons through whom you pass on home office work in lists and submit these lists to the competent authority every six months.

Municipal Commissioner for Foreigners and Integration

Here you will find information on municipal foreigners and integration officers.

Newly appointed legal or statutory representatives as well as personally liable partners in the course of a significant participation in an institution report

If you, as the owner of a significant shareholding in an institution in Germany, appoint a new legal or statutory representative or a new shareholder, you must notify BaFin and the Deutsche Bundesbank immediately.

Notification of activity as a midwife Acceptance

If you wish to work independently as a midwife or maternity nurse or participate in partnerships, you must notify the lower health authority (public health department) of the commencement and termination of this activity.

Notification of the person authorized to represent the company in the performance of the duties of the radiation protection supervisor within the scope of radiation protection licenses in companies or facilities

The person authorized to represent the radiation protection supervisor within the scope of radiation protection licenses you must notify the competent authority.

Notify employment of a pregnant or breastfeeding woman

If one of your employees has informed you that she is pregnant or breastfeeding, you must report this to the relevant supervisory authority.

Notify the artists' social insurance fund of the company's mission

If you have given up or discontinued your business, you must inform the Künstlersozialkasse. The cessation of your company leads to the termination of the artists' social security contribution obligation.

Notify the Künstlersozialkasse of a change in the company's activities

You must inform the Künstlersozialkasse if your company is active in a different sector or if the company's activities change.

Notify the Künstlersozialkasse of changes in the legal situation

If the legal circumstances of your company change, you must inform the Künstlersozialkasse. The change may affect your obligation to pay contributions.

Radiation protection officer: appointment - notification

If you appoint a radiation protection officer for your company, you must notify the competent authority.

Registering a new company or self-employed activity in agriculture, forestry or horticulture

Are you setting up or taking over an agricultural, forestry or horticultural business? Then you must register it with the Social Insurance for Agriculture, Forestry and Horticulture (SVLFG).

Registering the employment of domestic help with the statutory accident insurance

You are obliged to register all persons employed in your private household for statutory accident insurance and to inform your accident insurance fund of any changes.

Report a suspected occupational disease to the statutory accident insurance fund

If you have indications that an occupational disease may be present, you have the option of reporting this to your employer's liability insurance association or accident insurance fund.

Report a work, commuting or school accident to the statutory accident insurance provider

If a work, commuting or school accident has occurred in your company or institution, you must report it to your relevant employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund.

Report changes in the agricultural, forestry or horticultural business or self-employed activity in agriculture, forestry or horticulture

Has something changed in your agricultural business? You must report this to the Social Insurance for Agriculture, Forestry and Horticulture.

Report employment of domestic help and other household-related services on a mini-job basis

If you employ domestic help on a mini-job basis, you must register them using the household cheque procedure.

Report months spent abroad by employees to the statutory accident insurance

If your employees have worked abroad, you must report the duration to your employer's liability insurance association or the German Federal and Railway Accident Insurance Fund on request.

Report payroll totals to the accident insurance institution

As a company, you must submit your employees' wage statements digitally.

Report work and commuting accidents to agricultural accident insurance

If an accident at work has occurred in your company or institution, you must report it to the accident insurance company.

Reporting secondary activities as a manager of a credit institution

Do you manage a credit institution? Then you have a personal duty of disclosure to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) regarding your activities at other companies.

Request a certificate of contributions paid to the agricultural pension fund

Do you need a certificate of the contributions you have paid to the pension fund for your income tax return? You can request this certificate free of charge.

Request a clearance certificate for companies covered by statutory accident insurance

Is your company a member of a trade association or accident insurance fund and has paid the statutory accident insurance contributions? Then you can prove this with a certificate of non-objection to the main company or contracted companies.

Requesting the withdrawal of a decision by the Artists' Social Security Fund

If it turns out that a decision by the Künstlersozialkasse is incorrect, it will take it back under certain conditions.

Result of a company audit by the German Pension Insurance

If the German Pension Insurance has checked you or your company, the Künstlersozialkasse will accept the result of this check.

Show persons responsible for explosives

If you own a company that is permitted to handle explosive substances and would like to appoint a responsible person in accordance with the Explosives Act, you will find information on this here.

Social security and pension

Here you will find further information on rights and obligations in the area of social security in the Union.

Working from home: first-time employment - notification obligation

If you want to employ people to work from home for the first time, you must notify the competent authority in advance.

Notify the Federal Employment Agency of the posting of foreign workers to Germany within the framework of contracts for work and materials

If you, as a foreign company, wish to send foreign workers to Germany for a short period of time for assembly and disassembly work within the framework of contracts for work and materials, you must notify the Federal Employment Agency in advance under certain conditions.

Notify the Künstlersozialkasse of changes to the company's basic data

You must inform the Künstlersozialkasse if your company's contact details change. You should also inform the Künstlersozialkasse if your contact details change.

Obtaining a work permit for seasonal employment for foreign nationals

For the temporary employment of people from Georgia and the Republic of Moldova as seasonal workers, you as an employer must apply for a work permit from the Federal Employment Agency.

Register employees for social insurance

As an employer, you are obliged to register your employees with social insurance.

Register employees of employers based abroad or lenders in the minimum wage registration portal

If you are an employer based abroad and employ people in Germany, you must register them via the minimum wage registration portal. The same applies if you hire temporary workers from a temporary employment agency based abroad.

Registering or re-registering a company with the artists' social security fund

If you run a company that is liable to pay social security contributions, you must register your company with the Künstlersozialkasse.

Report and pay social security contributions for employees

As an employer, you are obliged to submit monthly contribution statements for your employees to the social security authorities and to pay the social security contributions specified therein.

Report remuneration subject to contributions for employees

As an employer, you are obliged to report your employees' pay to the social security authorities.

Reporting changes to the staff in a childcare facility

If you wish to make a change in staff at a childcare facility or for all-day education and care at schools (GBS), you must notify the responsible supervisory authority immediately after taking up employment.

Reporting the hiring out of employees

Is your company facing short-time working or redundancies? Then, under certain conditions, you may lend workers to third parties without permission if you notify the employment agency in advance.

Request to a company to register with the artists' social security fund

You have not yet fulfilled your obligation to self-report and the Künstlersozialkasse has written to you to check your obligation to pay contributions.

Submit annual declaration for artists' social security contributions

If your company is registered with the Künstlersozialkasse, you generally have to submit an annual remuneration report. The Künstlersozialkasse needs this report in order to calculate the amount of the artists' social security contribution you have to pay.

Take advantage of advice on the obligation to pay artists' social security contributions at information events

Would you like to find out about the artists' social security contribution obligation for your company? Then, under certain conditions, you can take part in an information event organized by the Artists' Social Security Fund.

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