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Vehicle licences
Anyone who wants to operate a vehicle, whether on land, on water or in the air, needs a permit to do so. A vehicle licence is proof of being allowed to do so. How do you get a driver's licence or a pilot's licence? What to do if you want to get another driving licence class - to drive a motorcycle or a truck, for example? How can I extend my temporary driver's licence? Here you will find answers to these and similar questions.
Acquire or extend your driver's license
If you would like to obtain or renew your driving license or have your non-EU driving license recognized, you will find the most important information here.
Aircraft radio certificates: Apply for admission to the exam
You must take an aeronautical radio examination to obtain an aeronautical radio certificate. You apply to the Federal Network Agency for admission to the examination.
Application for admission to the examination for the VHF radiotelephone certificate for inland navigation (UBI)
Would you like to participate in inland navigation radio with your boat or ship? Then you need a VHF radiotelephone certificate (UBI). To obtain it, you must pass a theoretical and practical examination.
Apply for a class T driver's license for the first time
Driving license class T is usually required for agricultural and forestry driving and can be acquired at the age of 16.
Apply for a driver's license
Here you will find information on obtaining a driver's license.
Apply for a driver's license
Do you want to drive a motor vehicle? Then you need a driver's license.
Apply for a driver's license for passenger transport Issue
In order to transport passengers for a fee, you need a driver's license for passenger transport (FzF). You must apply for this from the competent authority.
Apply for a driver's license for the first time for class L
Anyone wishing to drive a tractor on public roadways for use in agriculture and forestry requires a driver's license.
Apply for a driving license for accompanied driving from 17
After completing training at a driving school and passing the driving test, young people aged 17 and over may drive a car accompanied by an adult. An application must be submitted to the driving license authority for this.
Apply for a pleasure craft license
Anyone wishing to operate a recreational craft on federal waterways requires a recreational craft license. You can apply for this together with an examination date from an examination board of your choice.
Apply for a replacement driver's license
If you wish to have a replacement driver's license issued, you must apply for one at the competent authority.
Apply for accompanied driving from the age of 17 with an existing driving license
If you have a driving license, you can apply for an extension of this license for categories B and BE as part of "accompanied driving from 17". When driving before your 18th birthday, you must always be accompanied by a previously appointed and suitable person.
Apply for admission to the examination and issue of a General Radio Operating Certificate - Long Range Certificate (LRC)
If you wish to participate in the mobile maritime radio service, you must have a valid radio certificate. The general radio operating certificate (LRC) entitles you to participate in VHF, border, short-wave and satellite radio. To obtain it, you must pass an examination.
Apply for admission to the examination and issue of a restricted radio operator's certificate (SRC)
If you wish to participate in the mobile marine radio service, you must have a valid radio certificate. The restricted radio operator's certificate (SRC) entitles you to participate in VHF radio. To obtain it, you must pass an examination.
Applying for a category B driving license
If you want to drive a car weighing up to 3,500 kg, you must apply for a category Bdriving license.
Applying for a driver's license transfer from the EU and the EEA
If you want to exchange your driving license for an EU driving license or need a new one due to wear and tear or a change of name, you can apply forthis at the driving license authority.
Applying for a driving license for mopeds and motorcycles for the first time
You can obtain a moped license at the age of 15. Entry into the motorcycle classes is possible from the age of 16 at the earliest.
Applying for a duplicate of a radio operator's certificate
Have you lost your aircraft radio certificate or has it been damaged? Then you can apply for a duplicate from the Federal Network Agency.
Applying for a new driving license
If your driver's license has been revoked, you must apply for a new one.
Applying for a replacement copy of a recreational craft license
If you have lost your recreational boating license or need another replacement, you can apply for a replacement.
Applying for a replacement Long Range Certificate (LRC)
Have you lost your general radio operator's certificate (LRC), or has it been stolen or damaged? Or have you changed your name and your certificate is no longer correct? Then you need to apply for a replacement document.
Applying for a replacement Short Range Certificate (SRC)
Have you lost your restricted radio operator's certificate (SRC), or has it been stolen or damaged? Or have you changed your name and your certificate is no longer correct? Then you need to apply for a replacement document.
Applying for a replacement VHF radiotelephony certificate (UBI)
Have you lost your radiotelephone certificate for inland navigation radio (UBI), or has it been stolen or damaged? Or have you changed your name and your certificate is no longer correct? Then you need to apply for a replacement document.
Applying for a Short Range Certificate (SRC) conversion
Do you have a recognized certificate of competence or a radio certificate that is fully equivalent to the requirements for the restricted radio certificate (SRC)? Then you can apply for an SRC without an examination.
Applying for an extension to another driving license category
If you have a driving license, you can apply to extend it to include a further driving license (category).
Applying for information from the central driving license register
You can apply to the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) online or by post for information about yourself from the Central Driver's License Register.
Applying for the transfer of a Long Range Certificate (LRC)
Do you have a recognized certificate of competence or a radio certificate that is fully equivalent to the requirements for the general radio operator's certificate (LRC)? Then you can apply for an LRC without an examination.
Applying for the transfer of recognized qualifications to a recreational craft licence
If you want to operate a recreational craft on federal waterways, you need a recreational craft license. If you already have a specific official driving license, this can be rewritten if necessary.
Driver qualification certificate issuance request
As a professional driver, you will need a driver qualification certificate (FQN) in addition to your driver's license as of 23.05.2021.
Driver's license - apply for key number 96 or key number 196 for class B
To obtain the key numbers 96 (trailer) and 196 (light motorcycle), you must complete a driver training course in each case, which is specified in the Driver's License Ordinance (FeV).
Driver's license - apply for the extension of the driver's license by the class L
You can extend your driver's license by the driver's license class L.
Driver's license - apply for the extension of the driver's license by the classes AM, A1, A2 or A
You can have your existing driver's license upgraded to a Class AM, A1, A2 or A driver's license.
Driver's license - Extending existing driver's license with class D, D1, DE or D1E driver's license
If you want to drive buses, you must have your driver's license extended by class D, DE, D1 or D1E at the driver's license authority. These extended driving license classes are limited to 5 years.
Driver's license application for renewal of a temporary permit
You must apply for the renewal of your driver's license for classes C, CE, C1, C1E, D, DE, D1 or D1E at the responsible driver's license authority.
Driver's license C, CE, C1 or C1E renewal request
You must apply for the renewal of your driver's license for classes C, CE, C1, C1E at the responsible driver's license authority.
Driver's license D, DE, D1 or D1E renewal request
You must apply for the renewal of your driver's license for classes D, DE, D1 or D1E at the responsible driver's license authority.
Driver's license query for collection (status query)
If you have applied for your driver's license, you can check here to see if it is ready for pickup at the driver's license office.
Driving instructor - Application for recognition of a foreign professional qualification
Would you like to work as a driving instructor in Germany? Then you need a driving instructor license. You can also obtain a driving instructor's license in Germany with a professional qualification from abroad.
Driving license - Apply for an international driving license
If you are planning a (temporary) stay in non-European countries, you will generally need an international driving license.
Driving license - apply for extension of driving license by class B
If you already have a driver's license, you can upgrade it to a Class B driver's license.
Driving license - apply for the extension of the driving license by the class T
The class T driver's license, colloquially known as the "large tractor driver's license," allows you to drive more powerful vehicles in agriculture and forestry.
Driving license - apply for the extension of the driving license of categories A1 or A2 by the next higher category
If you are in possession of the driving license classes A1 or A2, you can extend them to the next higher class under certain conditions.
Driving license - Exchange old driving license for new driving license
If the validity of your driving license has expired, you must apply for a new one. Old paper and card driving licenses have been gradually losing their validity since 2022. The European Union (EU) single card driving license will replace them.
Driving license - Extend existing driving license by class C, C1, CE or C1E
If you want to drive trucks, you must have your driver's license extended by class C, CE, C1 or C1E at the driver's license authority in your place of residence. These extended driving license classes are limited to 5 years.
Driving license - having courses to restore fitness to drive recognized
If you would like to run courses to restore the fitness to drive of drivers with alcohol or drug-related convictions, you need to be recognized by the competent authority under state law.
Driving license - trailer class E application
If you have a class B driver's license, you can extend it to include trailer class E.
Driving license driving ban and driving license suspension - get information
Here you will find information on driving bans and driver's license revocations.
Driving license exchange due to expiry of validity
If the validity of your driver's license has expired, you must apply for a new license.
Driving license offices for first aid training - apply for recognition
Anyone wishing to provide first aid training to obtain a driver's license requires official recognition.
Exemption permit for vehicles and vehicle combinations Issued: Equipping vehicles with blue rotating beacon and siren
If your vehicle deviates from the regulations of the StVZO or FZV and therefore cannot be registered, you can obtain an exemption under certain conditions.
Foreign driver's license - have it rewritten
If you have a foreign driver's license for motor vehicles, you can have it rewritten for Germany.
Have foreign radio operator's certificates recognized
If you have a foreign radio operator's certificate, you can have it recognized in Germany under certain conditions. To do this, you must submit an application to the Federal Network Agency.
Have service driver's license changed to general driver's license (EU driver's license)
Here you will find information on how to convert a service driver's license into a regular driver's license.
Have the flight radio examination recognized as a flight radio certificate
If you have passed a flight radio examination in Germany, you can have this recognized as a flight radio certificate. To do this, submit an application to the Federal Network Agency.
Inland navigation - Apply for a Thuringian inland navigation license
If you meet the requirements, you can apply for an inland navigation license. Find out more here.
Obtain exemption for single journeys over 3.5 t
If your vehicle/vehicle combination/transport deviates from the regulations of the StVZO and therefore cannot be approved, you can obtain an exemption under certain conditions.
Obtain exemption for single trips
If your vehicle/vehicle combination/transport deviates from the regulations of the StVZO and therefore cannot be approved, you can obtain an exemption under certain conditions.
Obtain exemption for vehicles and vehicle combinations: private use of a vehicle for fire protection purposes
If your vehicle deviates from the regulations of the StVZO or FZV and therefore cannot be registered, you can obtain an exemption under certain conditions.
Obtain special approval for vehicles and vehicle combinations: Equipping vehicles with amber rotating beacons
If your vehicle deviates from the regulations of the StVZO or FZV and therefore cannot be registered, you can obtain an exemption under certain conditions.
Submit a declaration on the practical training and examination of remote pilots
Would you like to carry out practical training and testing of remote pilots for standard scenarios as a body or as a registered operator of unmanned aircraft? Then you need recognition from the Federal Aviation Office.
Submit an operating declaration for the cross-border operation of unmanned aircraft (UAS) in the "special" operating category
Would you like to operate an unmanned aircraft (UAS) across borders under standard scenarios in the "special" operating category? Then please submit your existing operating declaration and the confirmation of receipt and completeness to the Federal Office of Civil Aviation.
Transfer driving license from the European Economic Area or the European Union
You have a driving license from a country of the European Union or the European Economic Area and have moved to Germany? Then you need to have your driver's license rewritten if an extension is pending.