Service Finder
The public authorities can issue a range of certificates. For example, registry offices issue birth, marriage and death certificates from the civil status register.
Age and marriage anniversaries
From the 60th marriage anniversary or the 100th age anniversary, you can receive congratulations from the Prime Minister of Thuringia.
Airworthiness Review Certificate (ARC): Apply for issue and submit ARC
If you wish to operate an aircraft, you will need an Airworthiness Review Certificate (ARC).
Annulment of marriage
If you think that your marriage is not legal, you can apply for annulment of your marriage.
Application for admission to the examination for the VHF radiotelephone certificate for inland navigation (UBI)
Would you like to participate in inland navigation radio with your boat or ship? Then you need a VHF radiotelephone certificate (UBI). To obtain it, you must pass a theoretical and practical examination.
Apply for a call sign for aircraft stations (Aircraft Station License)
If you wish to participate in aeronautical and aeronautical navigation radio, the BNetzA will assign you the callsign with the Aircraft Station License upon application. In addition, you must notify the BNetzA of any changes, such as the owner's address or radio equipment.
Apply for a certificate of good conduct
If you need to prove whether or not you have a criminal record, you can apply for a simple certificate of good conduct, an extended certificate of good conduct or a certificate of good conduct for submission to an authority.
Apply for a certificate of inheritance limited to a single person
If you are the sole heir, you often need a certificate of inheritance as proof of your inheritance rights. You can have this limited to the estate in Germany if estate items are located both in Germany and abroad.
Apply for a community minimum inheritance certificate
In the event of an inheritance, you can apply for a joint minimum certificate of inheritance as a co-heir.
Apply for a joint certificate of inheritance
In the event of an inheritance, you can apply for a joint certificate of inheritance as a co-heir.
Apply for a joint certificate of inheritance according to intestate succession
The probate court may also issue a so-called joint certificate of inheritance for several heirs. Each co-heir can apply for a joint certificate of inheritance.
Apply for a joint certificate of inheritance limited in subject matter
The probate court may also issue a so-called joint certificate of inheritance for several heirs. Each co-heir can apply for a joint certificate of inheritance. The scope of this certificate may be restricted if parts of the estate are located abroad.
Apply for a joint certificate of inheritance limited to a specific object
In the case of a joint inheritance, you can apply for a joint certificate of partial inheritance as a co-heir. This can be limited in terms of subject matter if parts of the estate are located abroad.
Apply for a joint certificate of partial inheritance
In the event of an inheritance, you can apply for a joint partial inheritance certificate as a co-heir.
Apply for a marriage certificate
Do you need a marriage certificate? You must apply for this at the relevant registry office.
Apply for a pleasure craft license
Anyone wishing to operate a recreational craft on federal waterways requires a recreational craft license. You can apply for this together with an examination date from an examination board of your choice.
Apply for a residence certificate under a treaty for the avoidance of double taxation
If you, as a taxable (legal) entity, generate foreign income from a country with which an agreement for the avoidance of double taxation exists, a certificate of residence may be required for submission to a foreign tax authority. may be required.
Apply for a seafarer's identity card
If you are or want to be professionally active in maritime shipping you can apply for proof in the form of a seafarer's certificate under certain conditions.
Apply for a single certificate of inheritance based on a will
If you have accepted your inheritance, you often need proof of your inheritance status. If you are the sole heir under a will or inheritance contract, you can apply for a sole heir certificate.
Apply for admission to the amateur radio service
You can apply to the Federal Network Agency for authorization to participate in the amateur radio service.
Apply for admission to the examination and issue of a General Radio Operating Certificate - Long Range Certificate (LRC)
If you wish to participate in the mobile maritime radio service, you must have a valid radio certificate. The general radio operating certificate (LRC) entitles you to participate in VHF, border, short-wave and satellite radio. To obtain it, you must pass an examination.
Apply for admission to the examination and issue of a restricted radio operator's certificate (SRC)
If you wish to participate in the mobile marine radio service, you must have a valid radio certificate. The restricted radio operator's certificate (SRC) entitles you to participate in VHF radio. To obtain it, you must pass an examination.
Apply for automatic validation to be entered in the pilot's license
Are you a pilot planning to leave the territory of the European Union (EU) with an aircraft that is registered in a member state other than Germany? Then you can apply for automatic validation under certain conditions.
Apply for falconer hunting license
If you want to hunt with birds of prey (Beizjagd), you need a falconer hunting license issued in Germany.
Apply for number assignment for recreational or commercial shipping (Ship Station License)
The Federal Network Agency will assign you numbers for recreational and commercial shipping in the form of a Ship Station License upon application. You must also notify certain changes.
Apply for one or more theoretical examinations for aviation personnel
If you wish to obtain an aircrew license, you must pass a theoretical examination.
Apply for participation in an amateur radio examination
You can apply to the Federal Network Agency to take the amateur radio examination.
Apply for phytosanitary certificates for export to third countries
You want to export plants to a third country? You need a phytosanitary certificate/ pre-export certificate for this?
Apply for single certificate of inheritance due to legal succession
If you are the sole heir according to legal succession, you can apply for a sole heir certificate at the probate court to prove your status as heir.
Apply for subsequent inclusion of spouses and descendants in the late resettler admission decision
If you are an ethnic German resettler living in Germany and still have family members (spouse, descendants) in the resettlement area, you can apply for them to be included in your admission decision at a later date.
Apply for the issue of an amateur radio examination certificate or an amateur radio certificate
If you pass the amateur radio examination, you can apply for an amateur radio examination certificate or an amateur radio certificate.
Applying for a fishing license
In order to fish, you must apply for and obtain a fishing license in Thuringia. The application is processed by the responsible municipality.
Applying for a new license for pilots
If you would like to have your flight license reissued, you can apply for this under certain conditions.
Applying for a pilot license for the first time
If you want to fly or operate an aircraft, you need a pilot's license. You can apply for this from the Federal Aviation Office under certain conditions.
Applying for a replacement copy of a recreational craft license
If you have lost your recreational boating license or need another replacement, you can apply for a replacement.
Applying for a replacement Long Range Certificate (LRC)
Have you lost your general radio operator's certificate (LRC), or has it been stolen or damaged? Or have you changed your name and your certificate is no longer correct? Then you need to apply for a replacement document.
Applying for a replacement Short Range Certificate (SRC)
Have you lost your restricted radio operator's certificate (SRC), or has it been stolen or damaged? Or have you changed your name and your certificate is no longer correct? Then you need to apply for a replacement document.
Applying for a replacement VHF radiotelephony certificate (UBI)
Have you lost your radiotelephone certificate for inland navigation radio (UBI), or has it been stolen or damaged? Or have you changed your name and your certificate is no longer correct? Then you need to apply for a replacement document.
Applying for a Short Range Certificate (SRC) conversion
Do you have a recognized certificate of competence or a radio certificate that is fully equivalent to the requirements for the restricted radio certificate (SRC)? Then you can apply for an SRC without an examination.
Applying for an EU certificate of conformity for dentists
If you have completed your dental studies in Germany and then wish to work in another EU country, in many cases you will need an EU certificate of conformity.
Applying for an EU certificate of conformity for doctors
If you have completed your medical studies in Germany and then wish to work in another EU country, in many cases you will need an EU certificate of conformity.
Applying for an EU certificate of conformity for pharmacists
If you have completed your training as a pharmacist in Germany and then wish to work as a pharmacist in another EU country, in many cases you will need an EU certificate of conformity.
Applying for the transfer of a Long Range Certificate (LRC)
Do you have a recognized certificate of competence or a radio certificate that is fully equivalent to the requirements for the general radio operator's certificate (LRC)? Then you can apply for an LRC without an examination.
Applying for the transfer of recognized qualifications to a recreational craft licence
If you want to operate a recreational craft on federal waterways, you need a recreational craft license. If you already have a specific official driving license, this can be rewritten if necessary.
Certificate of good conduct
If you need a certificate of good conduct, then you can submit an application and have it issued.
Certificate of good conduct - extended
If you need an extended certificate of good conduct, it will be issued to you upon request or sent directly to an authority for submission.
Collection of a joint certificate of inheritance
If it subsequently transpires that the heirs shown on the certificate of inheritance are not the real heirs, the certificate of inheritance may be revoked.
Collection of a sole inheritance certificate
If it subsequently transpires that the heir shown on the certificate of inheritance is not the true heir, the certificate of inheritance will be revoked by the probate court.
Declare withdrawal from a theoretical examination for aviation personnel
Have you registered for an examination with the Federal Aviation Office? Withdrawal is possible on request if you can present a valid reason.
Hunting license - apply for a day hunting license for the first time
If you wish to hunt, you can obtain a day hunting license from the competent authority under certain conditions.
Hunting license - apply for annual hunting license for the first time
If you wish to hunt, you can obtain an annual hunting license from the competent authority under certain conditions.
Hunting license - have a day hunting license renewed
If the validity of your hunting license expires or has already expired and you wish to continue hunting, you must have it renewed.
Hunting license - reapply for day hunting license after confiscation
If your hunting license has been revoked by the issuing authority, you may reapply for it after the specified period of ineligibility has expired.
Issue a certificate of no impediment to marriage
If you wish to marry abroad, you may need a certificate of no impediment to marriage. You must apply for this at the relevant registry office.
Issue a SEPA direct debit mandate for the municipality
With a SEPA direct debit mandate, you allow your municipality to debit money from your bank account. This allows you to pay fees or bills cashlessly, conveniently and always on time.
Issue certificate of inheritance
Here you will find information on how to apply for a certificate of inheritance.
Issue fishing permits - Information
Holders of fishing rights (authorized fishermen), for example owners of a body of water, can issue fishing permits to individuals or corporations. The lower fishing authority can set the maximum number and limit the fishing permit.
Mortuary passport - exhibition
If you need a mortuary passport, then you can apply for its issuance at the competent authority.
Access to information in accordance with the Thuringian Transparency Act in connection with use of the Thuringian Transparency Portal
Any natural person or legal entity under private law (e.g., an association or a limited liability company) has the right to access official information held by public authorities and institutions of the State of Thuringia in accordance with the Thuringian Transparency Act.
Aircraft radio certificates: Apply for admission to the exam
You must take an aeronautical radio examination to obtain an aeronautical radio certificate. You apply to the Federal Network Agency for admission to the examination.
Apply for a birth certificate
You do not have your birth certificate, but you need it for a marriage or other official act, for example? Then you can apply for a birth certificate to be issued.
Apply for a change of address on the eID card
If your address changes, you must also have your address changed on your eID card.
Apply for a hunting license
Anyone wishing to hunt requires a hunting license issued in Germany.
Apply for birth certificate in case of birth abroad or in a former German territory
If you need proof of birth from the former German territories or from the consular and colonial registers, you can apply for a birth certificate. You can obtain this from the registry office I in Berlin.
Apply for frequencies for trunked radio
If you wish to use a trunked radio network, you must apply for frequencies from the Federal Network Agency.
Apply for green weapon possession card for individual person
If you, as an individual, wish to acquire and possess weapons and/or ammunition requiring a permit, you must apply for a permit from the relevant weapons authority.
Apply for permission to permanently transfer firearms or ammunition into, through or out of the Federal Republic of Germany
Do you want to permanently export weapons or ammunition from Germany to other countries, permanently import them into Germany or transport them through Germany? Then you need a permit.
Apply for permission to purchase with an existing green firearms possession card for individual persons
If you already have a firearms possession card (WBK) and wish to purchase another firearm requiring a permit, you must apply for the permit from the relevant firearms authority (pre-entry).
Apply for red gun permit for gun or ammunition collector
If you wish to collect weapons and/or ammunition, you must apply for a permit from the relevant weapons authority.
Apply for renewal of the permit to bring weapons or ammunition into or through the federal territory.
If you wish to continue to carry a firearm or ammunition into or through federal territory, you may apply for an extension of your permit.
Apply for yellow weapon possession card for sport shooters
If you want to acquire and possess weapons and/or ammunition as a sport shooter, you must apply for a permit from the responsible weapons authority.
Applying for a duplicate of a radio operator's certificate
Have you lost your aircraft radio certificate or has it been damaged? Then you can apply for a duplicate from the Federal Network Agency.
Change first name
You can apply for the change of your first name at the competent administrative authority if there is an important reason.
Change surname of a child by naming
If your spouse is not a parent of your child and you want him or her to have your married name, you can change the child's name.
Change surname of a child by single custodial parent
You can have your child's name changed to the other parent's surname.
Change surname of spouses
If you marry or are already in a marriage, you can determine a common family name.
Change surname of the child by declaration of affiliation
If your name has changed, then you can also have the name of your child over 5 years old changed by declaration of affiliation.
Change surnames of expellees, late repatriates, their spouses or descendants
As a displaced person or late repatriate or their spouse or descendants, you have various options for changing your name(s).
Change surnames of registered civil partners
If you live in a registered civil partnership, you can determine a common name (civil partnership name).
Create consent form for minors travelling without guardians
For minors travelling abroad unaccompanied by their parents, a declaration of consent from the parents is recommended.
Death abroad Notarization
You can have a death abroad subsequently entered in the German death register.
Death abroad Notarization of deaths on sea-going vessels
You can apply for the subsequent certification of a death on a foreign sea-going vessel in a German death register at the competent German registry office.
Death abroad Notarization of Germans without domestic residence
If a German citizen dies abroad without residing in Germany, you can have the death subsequently certified at the competent German registry office under certain conditions.
Exclude inheritance
If you have become an heir, you must decide whether to accept or disclaim the inheritance. You can declare the disclaimer of the inheritance to the probate court.
First names change order
If you have more than one first name, you can have their order changed by making a declaration.
Have birth abroad retroactively certified
Were you, your child or another close family member in the ascending or descending line of descent born abroad? Then you can have the birth subsequently certified in the birth register at the registry office responsible for you.
Have birth abroad retroactively certified
If you or your child were born abroad, it may be useful to have your birth recorded in the German birth register.
Have foreign radio operator's certificates recognized
If you have a foreign radio operator's certificate, you can have it recognized in Germany under certain conditions. To do this, you must submit an application to the Federal Network Agency.
Have hunting license replaced due to loss
If your hunting license is lost, you can get a replacement document.
Have the flight radio examination recognized as a flight radio certificate
If you have passed a flight radio examination in Germany, you can have this recognized as a flight radio certificate. To do this, submit an application to the Federal Network Agency.
Have the reported amateur radio station entered in the EMF database
If you operate a fixed amateur radio system with an equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) of 10 watts or more, you can apply for the Federal Network Agency to include it in the database for electromagnetic fields (EMF database).
Honors for lifesavers
Here you can get information about the award for lifesavers.
Issuance of a certificate of marriageability for German citizens with residence, or habitual abode abroad.
The Certificate of Marriage Ability is issued when it is required for marriage abroad.
It is issued for German citizens with residence or habitual abode abroad, by the registry office 1 in Berlin.
Issue confirmation of registration
If you register your place of residence with the municipal administration, you will receive a confirmation of registration.
Issue of civil partnership certificate
You can obtain your civil partnership certificate from the registry office in whose area the civil partnership was established.
Municipal honors
If you have rendered outstanding services to a municipality/municipality, you can be honored by it with an award.
Name declaration of spouses without domestic marriage or marriage registration
If you are married, you may be able to arrange your name by declaration before a German registry office even after you have married abroad.
Notarize declaration of custody
If the parents are not married at the time of the child's birth, they are entitled to joint parental custody if they make a declaration of custody.
Notarize the waiver of inheritance
If you do not wish to accept an inheritance, you must disclaim it. You can have the declaration of renunciation drawn up and notarized by a notary and submit it to the probate court.
Possession of weapons as a result of inheritance Request permission
If you inherit firearms or ammunition and wish to keep them, you must apply for a firearms permit.
Printout from the birth register
You do not have your birth certificate, but you need it, for example, for a marriage or for another official act? Then you can request a printout from the birth register.
Public law change of the family name
If a change of the family name is not possible according to the civil-legal requirements, the change of the family name can be applied for at the responsible administrative authority (municipality) if there is an important reason.
Receive information from the population register
If you are looking for a person, you can apply to the relevant registration authority for the place of residence of the person you are looking for for information on the population register.
Redetermine surname of the child
If you do not share joint custody of a child until after the birth, you can redetermine the child's family name.
Register marriage
If you want to get married in a German registry office, you must register the marriage beforehand at the registry office of your place of residence. When registering the marriage, the marriage requirements will be checked.
Registering health care proxies and advance care directives in the central register of health care proxies
If you have set up a power of attorney and/or a care directive, you should register it in the Central Register of Lasting Powers of Attorney of the Federal Chamber of Notaries.
Report radio interference
If you suspect radio interference, you can report it to the testing and measuring service of the Federal Network Agency.
Request entry of a language endorsement in the pilot's license
Under certain conditions, you can apply for a language endorsement to be added to your pilot's license.
Request extended information from the civil register
If you can show that you have a justified interest in receiving information, the competent authority may issue you with an extended registration register information.
Request extension of the certificate of international mediation procedure
The validity of the certificate of international mediation may be extended by 1 year upon request.
Request multilingual birth certificate
If you need proof of birth for submission to foreign agencies, you can apply for a multilingual birth certificate.
Request multilingual death certificate form
If you need to present a German death certificate in another European country, you can apply for a multilingual form to be issued by the registry office.
Requesting a death certificate for a relative
In the event of death, you can apply for a death certificate as a relative of the deceased.
Requesting a multilingual extract from the civil status register
If you require a multilingual extract from the civil status register, you can apply for this at the relevant registry office. Extracts are issued, for example, from birth, marriage and civil registers.
Requesting information from the civil register - to parties and groups of voters
As a party or voter group, do you need information from the population register? You have the option of applying to the registration office for group information from the population register.
Requesting information from the competition register
Do you want to know whether there is an entry against you in the competition register? Then you can request information from the Federal Cartel Office.
Requesting information from the population register for groups
You would like to receive information about several persons (group information)? Then this must be in the public interest.
Requesting information from the population register for housing providers
As the owner of a dwelling, you can obtain information from the population register about the persons living in your dwelling if you can demonstrate a legal interest.
Resume family name after dissolution of marriage or civil partnership
If your marriage or civil partnership is dissolved, you can change your family name.
Show birth of child on German sea vessel
If a child is born during a voyage on a German seagoing vessel, the registry office I in Berlin records the birth in its birth register. The skipper of the ship records the birth and forwards it to the registry office I in Berlin.
Show fixed amateur radio station
If you wish to operate a fixed amateur radio system with an equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) of 10 watts or more as an amateur radio operator, you must first inform the Federal Network Agency (notification).
Show home birth
You must register the home birth of a child at the registry office of the place of birth.
simple information from the civil register - request
Are you looking for a person and would like to know their surname, first name or current address? Then you can request a simple information from the civil register.
Submit the auditor's report
If you as the examiner have conducted an examination, you can submit the examination report to the Federal Aviation Office.
Subsequent certification of a marriage contracted abroad
If you got married abroad, you can have your marriage subsequently entered in a German marriage register under certain conditions.
Travel documents
Here you will find information on your rights and obligations when traveling abroad as well as on necessary travel documents for minors and on the loss or expiry of travel documents.
Weapons possession card as an expert or expert permit application
If you are an expert in firearms or ammunition and want to own or acquire them, you need a permit to do so.
Withdrawal/return of a disposition of property upon death from special official custody
Here you can withdraw a disposition of property upon death (e.g. a will or an inheritance contract) from special official custody.