Service Finder
When you are looking for childcare, there are lots of questions to ask. Which nursery or school? What childcare options are available and how much do nurseries, after-school care and full-day schools cost? What assistance and financial support are available? You can find information and government services relating to childcare here for all age groups, from crèche for babies through nursery school and up to school.
After-school care
Here you can get information about after-school care for your child in elementary school or day care centers.
After-school care attendance of one / more children Deregistration
Here you will find information on how to deregister your child from after-school care.
Apply for care in a day care center
If you can't make sure your child is doing well in your home, then your child may live in an assisted living facility temporarily or for a longer period of time.
Apply for education in a day group
Does your child have problems in everyday life or in their development? As a parent, do you need support in raising your child? Then raising your child in a day group may be a possible solution.
Apply for exemption from the fee for day care facilities for children
If you receive social benefits, you may be exempt from the parental contribution for attendance at a kindergarten or day care center.
Apply for funding from the ESF Plus federal program "Together for quality: children participate in all-day activities"
School authorities and public or independent child and youth welfare organizations that want to improve the quality of all-day programs at elementary school by strengthening children's participation and co-determination can apply for funding.
Apply for help for young adults
Young adults sometimes find it difficult to live independently and without help from others. For people between the ages of 18 and 27, the youth welfare office provides so-called "help for young adults".
Apply for integration assistance for mentally handicapped children and adolescents according to § 35a SGB VIII
Do you have a child with a disability? Then you can apply for integration assistance.
Apply for intensive individual socio-educational support
Teenagers and young adults in difficult life situations can receive help to become more independent and better able to cope in society.
Apply for parental assistance or care assistants
Does your child have problems in everyday life or in their development? Are you as a parent unable to help your child on your own? Then an educational advisor can support your child.
Apply for participation in social group work
Some children and young people have difficulties in their personal development. They find it difficult to approach other children, get involved in groups or overcome their problems independently.
Apply for reduction of the fee for day care facilities for children
If they receive social benefits, they usually do not have to pay parental contributions for the care of their child/children in a kindergarten or in day care.
Apply for school psychological counseling
The School Psychology Service offers psychological counseling for teachers, parents and pupils at all state schools in Thuringia.
Apply for socio-educational family assistance
As a family or single parent, do you need support to help you cope with everyday family life? Then socio-pedagogical family assistance is an option for you. Socio-educational family support is a form of educational assistance provided by the youth welfare office.
Applying for recognition of the equivalence of foreign school-leaving qualifications
If you have obtained a school-leaving qualification abroad and live in Thuringia, or would like to take up vocational training in Thuringia, you can apply for recognition of the equivalence of your foreign school-leaving qualification.
Change after school care
Here you will find information on how to change your personal data or how to adjust the care times of your child's school or vacation home.
Child helpline
In case of difficulties and emergency situations of children and adolescents, the children's emergency hotline is available to them nationwide as a central point of contact.
Child welfare endangerment
You can contact the Youth Welfare Office with questions or reports on the subject of child welfare endangerment.
Education in another Member State
If you would like to live in another country, you can find more information about rights and obligations in the field of education in each Member State of the European Union here.
Educational assistance
If the welfare of a child or young person is at risk, the youth welfare office can provide educational support. You can find out more here.
Educational, marriage, family and life counseling
In case of problems in the family and questions about upbringing, you can take advantage of the advice provided by educational and family counseling centers.
Equal Treatment Body for EU Workers (EU-GS)
The Equal Treatment Office for EU Workers provides comprehensive information on living and working in Germany in eleven EU languages.
Family recreation - promotion municipal
Under certain conditions, you can receive funding for your family vacation. You can find information about this here.
Full-time care - upbringing in a foster family
If you as a foster carer would like to take a foreign child into your family for a certain period of time or for a longer period of time and take care of and raise it, the Youth Welfare Office will check your suitability for this beforehand and prepare you for this task.
General social service
Within the framework of the protection of children and young people, measures are offered to protect them from danger.
German School Abroad - Registration
Would you like to register your child at a German school abroad? Find out here about registering at a German school abroad.
Get general information about compulsory education
You will receive basic information on compulsory education and the fundamental regulations. All special exceptional cases will not be dealt with comprehensively.
Get general information about the school vacations
Here you can get information about the dates of the school vacations in the Free State of Thuringia.
Have fees for after-school care determined
Here you can get information about the setting of the after-school fees.
Home Care
You can apply for a place in a home if you are in a special needs situation.
Initiate or apply for the indexing of a medium harmful to minors
If you as an authority or youth welfare organization consider the content of a medium to be harmful to minors, you can apply to the Federal Agency for the Protection of Children and Young Persons in the Media (BzKJ) for an indexing procedure or initiate one.
Offers of the youth social work
If you need support and advice, for example in the transition from school to work or in personal questions and problems, there are various measures and projects that can help you cope with your everyday life.
Register child in KiTa
Do you want to register your child at a KiTa? There is a legal entitlement to so-called early childhood support when the child is 1 year old. Places for early childhood development are crèches, kindergartens, day nurseries and day care centers.
Register children for after school care
Here you will find information on how to register your child for after-school care.
Register your child with a childminder
Would you like to register your child with a childminder? There is a legal entitlement to so-called early childhood support when the child is 1 year old. Places for early childhood development are crèches, kindergartens, day nurseries and childminders.
Report employment of domestic help and other household-related services on a mini-job basis
If you employ domestic help on a mini-job basis, you must register them using the household cheque procedure.
School - Performance evaluation
In schools, grades are awarded to assess performance.
School enrollment examination
Before children start school, the public health department carries out an enrolment examination.
School travel costs
If you would like to be reimbursed for your child's travel costs to school, you must apply to the relevant authority.
Second-chance school
At a college, you can catch up on your Abitur via the second educational pathway.
Youth work
Here you can find information about youth work.