Civic engagement and participation

Civic engagement is a cornerstone of democracy. It improves quality of life and creates a feeling of community. This section provides information and support to help you play an active role in your community.


Apply for a temporary exemption for special experimental and technical scientific studies with an amateur radio station

Under certain conditions, you can apply for exemptions for special experimental and technical/scientific studies with an amateur radio station.

Apply for admission to the amateur radio service

You can apply to the Federal Network Agency for authorization to participate in the amateur radio service.

Apply for participation in an amateur radio examination

You can apply to the Federal Network Agency to take the amateur radio examination.

Apply for the issue of an amateur radio examination certificate or an amateur radio certificate

If you pass the amateur radio examination, you can apply for an amateur radio examination certificate or an amateur radio certificate.

Applying for a short-term license to participate in the amateur radio service

If you have a foreign amateur radio license and are only staying in Germany for a short time, you can apply to the Federal Network Agency for a short-term license to participate in the amateur radio service.

Applying for compensation for work on the Vocational Training Committee

Members of the Audit Committee and the Vocational Training Committee receive compensation.

Applying for recognition of a foreign amateur radio examination certificate or amateur radio authorization

Would you like to obtain an amateur radio license in Germany and already have a foreign amateur radio license or amateur radio examination certificate? Then you can have these recognized by the Federal Network Agency under certain conditions.

Applying for the allocation or extension of the allocation period of a callsign for a remote-controlled or automatically operating amateur radio station

If you are authorized to participate in the amateur radio service, you can, under certain conditions, be assigned an additional callsign for a remote-controlled or automatically operating amateur radio station.

Census 2022 in Thuringia

In 2022, a population, building and housing census will take place in the Federal Republic of Germany and thus also in Thuringia.

Citizen participation

The opportunities for citizen participation are based on Art. 20 Para. 2 and Art. 28 Para. 1 of the Basic Law (GG) as well as Art. 45 and 93 of the Constitution of the Free State...

Citizens Advice

The Citizens' Advice Service will help you if you need to clarify or settle something with a public institution. It acts as an intermediary between you as a citizen and the...

Citizens' Initiatives

A citizens' initiative is a community founded on the basis of a specific cause. It does not have a specific legal form. The goal of a citizens' initiative is to influence public...


Here you will find information if you would like to found an association.

Complete federal voluntary service

If you would like to get involved for the common good outside of work and school, you can complete a Federal Volunteer Service. You can do your federal voluntary service in...

Declare renunciation of amateur radio license or call sign allocations

You can declare your renunciation of your license to participate in the amateur radio service or one of your call sign allocations to the Federal Network Agency.

Extracurricular youth education: Promotion

The public youth welfare organizations promote extracurricular youth education in order to enable young people to recognize themselves, their personal and social living condition...

Fire and disaster protection: Volunteer work

In Thuringia, voluntary fire departments and the private aid organizations involved in disaster control perform voluntary work in fire protection and disaster control. Persons...

Granting of legal capacity as an economic association (w. V.)

Anyone can establish an economic association. However, this is not equal to the widespread form of the e. V., but this own legal form is state-awarded under certain conditions by the Thuringian Ministry of the Interior and Local Government.

Guardianship association (guardianship) - recognition

Do you want to operate a guardianship association? Then you must have it recognized.

Hold a residents' meeting

Here you will find information on how to hold residents' meetings.

Inspect a spatial development plan for the EEZ or the federal territory

You have the right to inspect a spatial development plan for the federal territory and the adjacent areas of the North Sea and Baltic Sea.

International youth work/ international youth exchange: funding

The public youth welfare organizations promote the personal encounter of young people from different countries, their learning and working together, the exchange of experiences a...


Memorials are places with a strong connection to a memorable event or a person worth remembering, which have been structurally or horticulturally designed into a monument or...

Offers of the youth social work

If you need support and advice, for example in the transition from school to work or in personal questions and problems, there are various measures and projects that can help you cope with your everyday life.

Official gazette publication

Official gazettes are published by municipalities to publicly announce bylaws and official notices required by law and to provide information about other official notices.

Participate in the creation of a joint land use plan

As a private individual or company, you can participate in the preparation or amendment of a joint land use plan as part of the public participation process.

Participate in the creation of a land use plan

You can participate in the creation or amendment of a land use plan.

Participate in the creation of a spatial development plan for the EEZ and the federal territory

They can participate in the preparation or amendment of spatial development plans for the EEZ and for Germany as a whole.

Petition to the Thuringian state parliament

The Petitions Committee formed by the Thuringian State Parliament decides on the requests and complaints submitted to it by citizens, the so-called petitions.

Public meeting - register

If you want to organize a public assembly in the open air or an elevator, you must register this with the responsible authority.

Recognition Foundation

If you want to set up a foundation, you will need recognition from the competent authority.

Report newly established amateur radio stations or the permanent relocation of your amateur radio stations

If you are an amateur radio operator with an assigned amateur radio call sign and you set up or permanently relocate your fixed amateur radio stations, you must report this to the Federal Network Agency.

Requesting the allocation or extension of the allocation period of a club station call sign

If you are authorized to participate in the amateur radio service, you can, under certain conditions, be assigned an additional callsign for the operation of an amateur radio station as a club station.

Requests to the Ombudsman

The Ombudsman is the point of contact and advisor for citizens in all matters relating to public administration. His task is to protect their rights vis-à-vis the public...

Send inquiries to the Luftfahrt-Bundesamt

If you have any questions for the Luftfahrt-Bundesamt (LBA) or comments on its tasks, you are welcome to contact the LBA directly.

Senior citizens' representation/senior citizens' office

In many municipalities, senior citizens' representatives and senior citizens' offices advocate for the interests of senior citizens.

Show a change to your personal data

As a radio amateur with an assigned German amateur radio call sign, you must always inform the Federal Network Agency immediately of any changes to your personal data.

Thuringia year

In Thuringia, the Voluntary Social Year, Voluntary Ecological Year and Voluntary Cultural Year were combined to form the Thuringia Year. The Thuringia Year offers interested...

Village renewal and development - applying for funding

Do you want to upgrade your community structurally or with the help of a holistic concept? Do you want a village community center for your community? Do you want to preserve and convert historic buildings? Then apply for funding for village renewal and development.

Voluntary Ecological Year

See Thuringia year

Voluntary service

If you would like to do your youth voluntary service in another country, you can find more information about your rights and obligations during a voluntary year abroad here.

Voluntary social year

See Thuringia Year

Women's Centers

The women's centers funded by the Free State of Thuringia are places of encounter, communication, information, politics, culture and counseling. With their range of services, the...

Youth work

Here you can find information about youth work.

Please select the desired service on the left.