Service Finder
Job search and unemployment
If you lose your job, you are bound to have lots of questions. Am I entitled to unemployment benefit? Where do I have to register? How am I insured? Where can I find help with looking for a job? You can find information and support relating to unemployment and job-seeking here.
Apply for a certificate of good conduct
If you need to prove whether or not you have a criminal record, you can apply for a simple certificate of good conduct, an extended certificate of good conduct or a certificate of good conduct for submission to an authority.
Apply for a citizen's allowance
If you do not have enough money to cover your own living expenses, you can apply for citizen's allowance.
Apply for a new social security card
You can apply for a new social security card if you have lost it, it has been damaged or is no longer legible.
Apply for a placement budget from the employment agency
If you are looking for or starting a new job or apprenticeship, you can, for example, have your expenses for application documents or travel to a job interview reimbursed by your employment agency.
Apply for a residence permit to look for a job after completing your studies
If you have successfully completed your studies in Germany, you can apply for a residence permit for up to 18 months to find a job that matches your qualifications.
Apply for a start-up grant
If you receive unemployment benefit 1 and would like to start a business, you can receive financial support for this under certain conditions.
Apply for an integration grant from the job center
If you employ people in your company who are not yet fully able to work at the start of their employment, you can apply for subsidies towards wage costs.
Apply for an integration subsidy from the employment agency
If you employ people in your company who are not yet fully able to work at the start of their employment, you can apply for subsidies towards wage costs.
Apply for benefits for participation in working life from the Federal Employment Agency
If you need support in finding training or a job or securing your training or job due to your (impending) disability(ies), you can receive support in the form of funding or special assistance.
Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "Akti(F) Plus - Active for families and their children"
The Akti(F) Plus programme supports families and their children by providing parents with comprehensive advice on stabilizing their individual and family life situation and claiming social benefits, as well as supporting them in taking up and expanding employment.
Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "JUVENTUS: Strengthening mobility - for a social Europe"
The JUVENTUS program helps young people between the ages of 18 and 30 who have difficulty accessing the job market to go abroad for an internship in order to gain new experience and make a fresh start.
Apply for partial unemployment benefit
If you have worked in several jobs subject to compulsory insurance at the same time and lose one of these jobs subject to compulsory insurance, you can apply for partial unemployment benefit.
Apply for unemployment benefit
If you lose your job or training place, you can apply for unemployment benefit to ensure that you are financially secure.
Apply for unemployment benefit for former temporary soldiers
If you are a former soldier and become unemployed after completing your military service, you can apply for unemployment benefit.
Apply for voluntary continued insurance in the unemployment insurance scheme
If you are no longer compulsorily insured under the unemployment insurance scheme, you can continue to be insured on a voluntary basis under certain conditions.
Apply to employers for benefits for participation in working life in accordance with SGB IX
As a company, you can receive subsidies or advice on how to maintain or create jobs and training positions for people with severe disabilities or people with equivalent status.
Apply to the Employment Agency for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
If you would like to do further training and need special support or assistance due to your disabilities, you can do the training in a company or institution that is equipped to meet your special needs.
Apply to the employment agency for work aids for people with disabilities in training and employment
If your employees need special support during training or at work due to a disability, you as an employer can apply for work assistance.
Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
If you would like to do further training and need special support or assistance due to your disabilities, you can do the training in a company or institution that is equipped to meet your special needs.
Apply to the Jobcenter for work aids for people with disabilities in training and employment
If your employees need special support during training or at work due to a disability, you as an employer can apply for work assistance.
Applying for recognition of the equivalence of foreign non-regulated vocational and technical school qualifications
If you can prove that you have completed vocational training abroad and want to work in Thuringia, you can apply for recognition of the equivalence of professional qualifications acquired abroad.
Applying for support from an integration service for a person with disabilities
If you need special support with professional integration or to secure your job due to your disability, the employment agency can commission a specialist integration service for this purpose.
Conditions of employment
If you are employed in Germany, you have certain rights and obligations. Here you will find information on the legal conditions, for example on statutory working hours or unemployment benefits.
Equal treatment
Here you will find information on the topics of equal pay and pay transparency.
Equal Treatment Body for EU Workers (EU-GS)
The Equal Treatment Office for EU Workers provides comprehensive information on living and working in Germany in eleven EU languages.
EURES-Germany: Working and living in Europe
The EURES network's expert advisors will support you with advice and information if you are looking for a job, apprenticeship or internship in Germany or another European country, or if you would like to recruit European workers for your company .
Job search
Here you will find information about your rights and obligations if you are looking for work in another member state.
Mobile ICT Card Renewal Request
As a Mobiler ICT card holder, you can apply for its renewal under certain conditions
Receive funding for a measure for activation and professional integration from the employment agency
If you are unemployed, at risk of unemployment or looking for training, you can be supported by measures that make it easier for you to (re)enter the world of work.
Register as a jobseeker
If your training or employment relationship ends, you must register as a jobseeker at least 3 months in advance.
Register as unemployed
If you wish to apply for unemployment benefit, you must register as unemployed electronically on the Federal Employment Agency's specialist portal or in person at the employment agency responsible for your place of residence.
Reporting changes in your personal situation in the event of unemployment
If there are any changes in your personal situation during your unemployment, you must report them.
Taking up employment
Here you will find information about your rights and obligations if you wish to take up employment in another member state.