Service Finder
Where do employees have to be registered? What other formalities have to be taken into account? Do you want to hire new employees for your business? Here you will find relevant information and government services.
Apply for a certificate of good conduct
If you need to prove whether or not you have a criminal record, you can apply for a simple certificate of good conduct, an extended certificate of good conduct or a certificate of good conduct for submission to an authority.
Apply for a permit for temporary employment
If you want to lend employees to a third party, you need a permit to do so.
Apply for an integration grant from the job center
If you employ people in your company who are not yet fully able to work at the start of their employment, you can apply for subsidies towards wage costs.
Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities from the employment agency
If you provide in-company training or further training for people with disabilities and severely disabled people, you can receive a training allowance. If you subsequently employ severely disabled people on a permanent basis, you can receive a wage subsidy.
Apply for subsidies for training and employment of people with disabilities at the Jobcenter
If you provide in-company training or further training for people with disabilities and severely disabled people, you can receive a training allowance. If you subsequently employ severely disabled people on a permanent basis, you can receive a wage subsidy.
Apply online for an employer service with a job offer
If you are looking for personnel for your company, you can commission the Employer Service of the Federal Employment Agency in your region with the search.
Apply to employers for benefits for participation in working life in accordance with SGB IX
As a company, you can receive subsidies or advice on how to maintain or create jobs and training positions for people with severe disabilities or people with equivalent status.
Apply to the Employment Agency for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
If you would like to do further training and need special support or assistance due to your disabilities, you can do the training in a company or institution that is equipped to meet your special needs.
Apply to the employment agency for reimbursement of costs for trial employment of people with disabilities
If your company wants to employ people with disabilities on a temporary basis as part of a trial employment, you can be reimbursed the personnel costs for a maximum of 3 months under certain conditions.
Apply to the employment agency for work aids for people with disabilities in training and employment
If your employees need special support during training or at work due to a disability, you as an employer can apply for work assistance.
Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
If you would like to do further training and need special support or assistance due to your disabilities, you can do the training in a company or institution that is equipped to meet your special needs.
Apply to the job center for reimbursement of costs for trial employment of people with disabilities
If your company wants to employ people with disabilities on a temporary basis as part of a trial employment, you can be reimbursed the personnel costs for a maximum of 3 months under certain conditions.
Apply to the Jobcenter for work aids for people with disabilities in training and employment
If your employees need special support during training or at work due to a disability, you as an employer can apply for work assistance.
Applying for multiple credit for more than one mandatory job for the employment of severely disabled people
If your company employs severely disabled or equivalent disabled people, you can have them counted towards more than 1 compulsory workplace under certain conditions.
Carry out background checks in air traffic
If you want to work in or at the airport, in many cases you will need a background check beforehand. This is a prerequisite for obtaining access authorization.
Conditions of employment
If you are employed in Germany, you have certain rights and obligations. Here you will find information on the legal conditions, for example on statutory working hours or unemployment benefits.
Contact the Employer Service
The Employer Service of the Federal Employment Agency provides information, advice and support on all aspects of personnel.
Employment of workers in other Member States
Here you will find further information on the employment of workers from other EU countries in Germany.
Equal treatment in the workplace
Here you will find further information on the topic of equality.
Get internship for foreign students or university graduates confirmed
If you as a company or exchange organization would like to offer foreign students or university graduates an internship in Germany, you must obtain confirmation from the Federal Employment Agency in advance under certain conditions.
Municipal Commissioner for Foreigners and Integration
Here you will find information on municipal foreigners and integration officers.
Notification of the person authorized to represent the company in the performance of the duties of the radiation protection supervisor within the scope of radiation protection licenses in companies or facilities
The person authorized to represent the radiation protection supervisor within the scope of radiation protection licenses you must notify the competent authority.
Notify the Federal Employment Agency of the posting of foreign workers to Germany within the framework of contracts for work and materials
If you, as a foreign company, wish to send foreign workers to Germany for a short period of time for assembly and disassembly work within the framework of contracts for work and materials, you must notify the Federal Employment Agency in advance under certain conditions.
Obtain approval from the Federal Employment Agency for the employment of foreign workers in Germany under contracts for work and services
If you, as a foreign employer, wish to send foreign workers to Germany within the framework of government agreements for the performance of contracts for work and services, the Federal Employment Agency must first approve this.
Obtain prior approval from the Federal Employment Agency for the employment of foreign workers in Germany
If you as an employer wish to employ foreign skilled workers who come from third countries, the Federal Employment Agency must generally approve this. You can have the requirements for approval checked in advance.
Obtaining a work permit for seasonal employment for foreign nationals
For the temporary employment of people from Georgia and the Republic of Moldova as seasonal workers, you as an employer must apply for a work permit from the Federal Employment Agency.
Publish job offer online
For example, if you want to fill a vacant job or training position, you can publish it on the Federal Employment Agency's portal on the Internet.
Radiation protection officer: appointment - notification
If you appoint a radiation protection officer for your company, you must notify the competent authority.
Receive confirmation of vacation job placement for foreign students
If you would like to employ foreign students or vocational students as part of a vacation job in Germany, the Federal Employment Agency can support you in your search for suitable applicants.
Registering a company, self-employed or freelance activity for statutory accident insurance
If you set up a company or become self-employed or freelance, you must register this with the statutory accident insurance.
Registering the employment of domestic help with the statutory accident insurance
You are obliged to register all persons employed in your private household for statutory accident insurance and to inform your accident insurance fund of any changes.
Regulations for employee representation
Here you will find information on regulations for employee representation, co-determination and co-determination as well as their legal basis.
Reporting the hiring out of employees
Is your company facing short-time working or redundancies? Then, under certain conditions, you may lend workers to third parties without permission if you notify the employment agency in advance.
Social security and pension
Here you will find further information on rights and obligations in the area of social security in the Union.