Fire safety and other requirements

In the interest of protecting people and the environment, the public authorities issue requirements for buildings as needed. Fire safety is especially important. Here companies will find contacts at public authorities and government services related to building safety.


Acquiring licences, authorisations or permits with a view to starting and operating a business

If you are setting up a business, you can find here information on the procedures, formalities and authorisations you have to follow.

Fire protection

The duty bearers are the municipalities for fire protection and general assistance, the counties for supralocal fire protection and supralocal general assistance as well as...

Point of Single Contact

The pan-European network of  Points of Single Contact can provide you with details of any legal requirements and help you to complete relevant procedures.

Winter service - information on ensuring the obligation to clear and grit the roads

As part of winter maintenance, the responsible agency is responsible for clearing all public streets to the extent of their capacity and gritting as needed.

Please select the desired service on the left.