Service Finder
Subsidies for infrastructure, construction and housing
Housing and urban development is supported by various funding programmes, as is the modernisation of existing housing. This includes, for example, aspects such as social housing, broadband expansion, energetic restorations and accessibility for the disabled.
Apply for a grant for specialist energy planning and construction supervision for residential buildings
If you commission an energy efficiency expert to plan and supervise the construction of your residential building, you can apply for a subsidy under certain conditions.
Apply for a grant for the energy-efficient refurbishment of existing residential buildings
If you invest in the energy-efficient refurbishment of residential buildings, you can apply for a grant under certain conditions.
Apply for a grant for the installation of fuel cell heating systems in residential and non-residential buildings
If you install fuel cell heating systems to supply heat and electricity in your residential or non-residential building, you can apply for a subsidy under certain conditions.
Apply for a grant for the installation of new, efficient heating systems with renewable energies or for individual energy-related measures
If you would like to invest in the installation of new, efficient heating systems with renewable energies or in individual energy measures, you can apply for a grant under certain conditions.
Apply for a loan to build or purchase a KfW Efficiency House
If you want to build or buy a new KfW Efficiency House, you can apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy under certain conditions.
Apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy for the construction or purchase of energy-efficient commercial buildings
If you invest in the construction or purchase of energy-efficient commercial buildings, you can apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy under certain conditions.
Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for energy-efficient refurbishment measures in commercial buildings
If you invest in measures to improve the energy efficiency of commercial buildings, you can apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy under certain conditions.
Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for energy-efficient refurbishment of commercial buildings
If you invest in the energy-efficient refurbishment of commercial buildings, you can apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy under certain conditions.
Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for municipal bodies for energy-efficient refurbishment of non-residential buildings in municipal and social infrastructure
If you invest in the energy-efficient refurbishment of non-residential buildings in the municipal and social infrastructure, you can apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy under certain conditions.
Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for municipal companies for the energy-efficient refurbishment of non-residential buildings in municipal and social infrastructure
If you invest in the energy-efficient refurbishment of non-residential buildings in the municipal and social infrastructure, you can apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy under certain conditions.
Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for the construction or purchase of energy-efficient non-residential buildings for municipal and social infrastructure
If you are investing in the construction or purchase of energy-efficient non-residential buildings for municipal and social infrastructure, you can apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy under certain conditions.
Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for the construction or purchase of energy-efficient non-residential buildings for municipal and social infrastructure
If you are investing in the construction or purchase of energy-efficient non-residential buildings for municipal and social infrastructure, you can apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy under certain conditions.
Apply for funding for energy consulting for residential buildings
If you opt for an energy consultation for residential buildings, you are entitled to a subsidy of 80 percent. Approved energy consultants will apply for the funds on your behalf.
Apply for funding for investments in streetcars
As a company, you can receive funding for investment projects to maintain and improve an attractive local public transport service in Thuringia.
Apply for funding for investments to improve municipal transport conditions
As a local authority, would you like to take advantage of funding for the expansion of municipal roads, cycling and pedestrian facilities or public transport stops? To do so, your project must be included in a funding program and the funding must be approved.
Apply for funding for youth hostels
If you want to modernize, refurbish or create accommodation for trainees in a youth hostel, you can receive funding from the Federal Employment Agency.
Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "Education, Work, Economy in the Neighborhood - BIWAQ"
If you as a municipality would like to promote sustainable integration, employment and the local economy in disadvantaged neighborhoods, you can apply for support under certain conditions.
Apply for urban development funding
Urban development in Thuringia is financially supported by federal and state urban development programs and supplemented by state programs.
Housing construction Apply for funding for rental apartments
Under certain conditions, you can receive a subsidy for the modernization of rental apartments.
Inland waterway transport - apply for funding for demand-oriented local road passenger transport and liner shipping services in Thuringia
Funding is provided to public transport authorities for the provision of needs-based local transport services on streetcars and buses, including nationally important bus routes and regular services on inland waterways.
Local public transport - applying for funding for business investments
As a transport or infrastructure company, would you like to apply for funding for public transport investments? To do so, your project must be included in a funding program of the Free State of Thuringia and the funding must be approved.
Revitalization of brownfield sites - apply for funding
If you want to upgrade unsightly areas in your town, reuse a brownfield site and need financial support for demolition, unsealing and the associated subsequent use, then apply for funding for the revitalization of brownfield sites.
Village renewal and development - applying for funding
Do you want to upgrade your community structurally or with the help of a holistic concept? Do you want a village community center for your community? Do you want to preserve and convert historic buildings? Then apply for funding for village renewal and development.