Cross-border business activities

Are you working in another EU country? Or would you like to temporarily or occasionally practise your profession in Germany or offer your services here? Here you will find out what you need to bear in mind.


Apply for a seafarer's identity card

If you are or want to be professionally active in maritime shipping you can apply for proof in the form of a seafarer's certificate under certain conditions.

Apply for an extension of the approval of the voluntary labeling of foodstuffs with the animal husbandry method

If you are a food business operator based outside Germany and sell fresh pork in Germany for final consumption, you can label the products with the way the animals are kept. You must have this permit renewed after 2 years.

Apply for evaluation of mixtures containing basic substances

Do you handle mixtures containing basic substances that can be used for the manufacture of narcotics? Then you can apply to the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) for an examination to determine whether handling restrictions also apply to the mixture.

Apply for transportation of war weapons by ship or plane outside the federal territory

Do you want to transport war weapons outside the Federal Republic of Germany on German-flagged seagoing vessels or in aircraft registered in the German aircraft register? Then you need a permit.

Apply for voluntary labeling of foreign food with the animal husbandry method

If you, as a foreign food business, sell fresh pork in Germany for final consumption that has been wholly or partly produced abroad, you can label it with the farming method of the animals. You need a permit for this.

Applying for a license for foreign transactions with war weapons

You require a permit from the Federal Government for trading and brokering transactions involving war weapons located abroad.

Applying for an extension of the identification number of a type of husbandry

Do you have a livestock business abroad and have already received an identification number? Then you can have it extended after 2 years if you need it again.

Chamber of architects - right to use protected professional titles by foreign companies

A company that has neither its registered office nor a branch in Germany (foreign company) and moves to Thuringia for the temporary or occasional provision of services in the...

Company relocation

Here you will find information on your rights and obligations when relocating a company from Germany to another Member State and from another Member State to Germany.

Cross-border payments for online sales of goods and services

There is free movement of goods in the EU internal market. You can find out which regulations and requirements you need to observe here.

Customs procedures for imports and exports in the EU

You can find more information on this topic on the Your Europe Portal .

Employment of workers in other Member States

Here you will find further information on the employment of workers from other EU countries in Germany.

End international insurance with statutory accident insurance

If employees return prematurely after working abroad temporarily, you as the employer must report this to the accident insurance company.

Handicrafts Register: Notification of temporary provision of services according to § 8 EU EWR HwV

If you are a craftsman or craftswoman from a member state of the EU, another contracting state of the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland and wish to carry out temporary work in Germany, you must notify the competent authority.

Insure employees working temporarily abroad under statutory accident insurance

If your employees are working abroad temporarily and want the statutory accident insurance to continue to apply, you generally have to apply for this.

Mobile ICT Card Renewal Request

As a Mobiler ICT card holder, you can apply for its renewal under certain conditions

Notification of temporary and occasional cross-border provision of services by state-certified food chemists from other EU/EEA states.

Nationals of other EU/EEA states or of a state equated by agreement who are legally established there for the practice of the same profession as the State-certified food chemist...

Notify the keeping of animals in a holding facility in an EU Member State or in a third country

Would you like to market food with the animal husbandry label directly in Germany? Then you need an identification number. With the identification number, another food company can also apply for labeling.

Report months spent abroad by employees to the statutory accident insurance

If your employees have worked abroad, you must report the duration to your employer's liability insurance association or the German Federal and Railway Accident Insurance Fund on request.

Reporting cross-border activities (provision of services)

If you wish to provide cross-border services for regulated and non-regulated professions, you will find important information on country-specific requirements here.

Single point of contact network

The Europe-wide Single Point of Contact network provides you with information on legal requirements and helps with the handling of procedures.

Veterinary surgeon - temporary exercise of the profession in the context of the provision of services under European law - report

If you are a veterinarian, you are allowed to carry out your activity in Germany as a service provider for the temporary and occasional practice of the profession even without a license or permit. However, you must report this to the competent authority.

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