Service Finder
Festivals and events
Traditions and enjoyment are important. The authorities can often help you make sure your celebration or public event is a success. Please inform the administration in advance, so that any necessary permission can be obtained. You can find information and contacts at public authorities for events, gatherings and special use regulations here.
Apply for frequency allocation for satellite radio (SNG)
If you want to transmit video and audio signals for broadcasting distribution at changing locations via satellite radio, you must apply to the Federal Network Agency for frequencies for Satellite News Gathering (SNG).
Apply for the German Bookstore Award
As an owner-managed bookstore, you can apply for the German Bookstore Award under certain conditions.
Applying for a special use permit for roads
If you want to sell goods or set up an information stand on the street, for example, this is a special use of the street. You must apply for a permit for this.
Applying for permission to hold open-air assemblies and processions in the pacified district
If you are planning a public assembly in the vicinity of the German Bundestag, the Bundesrat or the Federal Constitutional Court, you will need a permit from the Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Home Affairs.
Applying for registration as an operator of unmanned aircraft
Would you like to operate a drone or other unmanned aircraft (UAS) in Germany? Then you must first register with the Federal Aviation Office (LBA).
Complete an EU A1/A3 certificate of competence for unmanned aircraft
To operate unmanned aircraft (UAS) in subcategories A1 and A3, you need an EU Certificate of Competence A1/A3. This will be issued to you after an online course and subsequent online examination by the Luftfahrt-Bundesamt (LBA).
Contact point for online dispute resolution
The contact point for online dispute resolution. Your free point of contact for disputes with a company in another EU country.
Display Easter fire/custom fire/campfire
If you want to organize a fire, for example campfire or Easter fire, then you must notify the competent authority.
Display of a public event
You must notify the relevant authority in advance of a public event.
Display the burning of fireworks
If you wish to set off fireworks with pyrotechnic objects, you must notify the competent authority. You will need an official certificate of competence for this.
European Consumer Center Germany
The European Consumer Center is your point of contact if you have a question about your rights in Europe or a dispute with a company from another EU country, Iceland or Norway. Our services are free of charge for consumers.
Frequency allocation for broadcasting transmitters received from the Federal Network Agency
As a broadcasting network operator, you apply to the Federal Network Agency for the allocation of frequencies.
Participate in a customs auction
Register for the customs auction and bid in the auction house of the federal, state and local governments.
Participation of children at events - authorization
A permit is required for the participation of children and young people at events. You can find out more here.
Special use of roads - apply for permission to restrict traffic space
For each measure that claims a restriction and special use of the public traffic space, a permit by the local road traffic authority is required.
Special use of roads - apply for permission within the locality
Do you want to use a road or parts of it in a town for something other than normal traffic?
For this you need a special use permit.
Special use of roads - apply for special permission to offer goods or services on the road
If you would like to offer goods or services on the street, you need a special permit from the road traffic authority upon application (StVO § 33 paragraph 1 number 1 and 2).
Special use of roads - applying for permission outside the village
You can also use public federal and state roads outside the built-up area for other purposes than just traffic.
As a rule, you need a special use permit for this.
Special use of roads - inform about traffic space restrictions
Whenever a traffic space restriction of any kind is imminent, road users and the public must be informed in good time.
Special use of roads - permission to put up posters obtained
If you want to put up posters on public roads, you need a permit.
Special use permit on public streets and squares - apply for underground special use (lines such as plant lines, pipe and cable lines for electricity, gas, district heating, water and wastewater with house connections)
You need a permit to lay lines, e.g. pipe or cable lines, under public roads.
Stand permit
If you want to operate a stand at a market, then you need a permit from the relevant authority.