Services A to Z

C (164 hits)

Calculate and pay energy tax

Calculate and set wastewater levy

Calculate parental allowance

Call the German Pension Insurance service hotline

Care courses for caring relatives and carers when applying for care leave

Career entry support for pupils

Caregiver leave: exception from protection against dismissal

Carpool - Display

carry coffee free of tax

Carry out background checks in air traffic

Carry out consumer insolvency proceedings

Carry out corporate insolvency

Carry out vocational orientation measure for pupils

Catering business, amusement arcade curfew - special permit

Catering trade, apply for a permit for a special occasion

Census 2022 in Thuringia

Certificate in tax matters

Certificate of competence according to the Chemicals Ozone Layer Ordinance Exemption

Certificate of Eligibility

Certificate of good conduct

Certificate of good conduct - extended

Certificate of No Objection

Certificate of residence / registration

Certification obtained for participant software for electronic data exchange with the customs administration in the IT procedures ATLAS, AES and EMCS

Certification of a company according to § 6 Chemicals Climate Protection Ordinance

Certification of German documents for use abroad

Certify acknowledgement of paternity

Certify declaration of custody

Chamber of architects apply for registration of a corporation

Chamber of Architects Apply for registration of a partnership

Chamber of Architects - Notification of professional practice under supervision

Chamber of architects - registration in the list of interested parties as a candidate for membership

Chamber of architects - registration in the register of voluntary members (graduates)

Chamber of architects - registration in the register of voluntary members (retirees)

Chamber of architects - right to use protected professional titles by foreign companies

Chamber of architects - right to use protected professional titles by foreign service providers

Chamber of architects - right to use the professional title "Architektin" / "Architekt" (Hochbau); foreign qualification, establishment

Chamber of architects - right to use the professional title "interior architect" / "Innenarchitektin" (foreign qualification, establishment)

Chamber of architects - right to use the professional title "landscape architect" / "Landschaftsarchitektin" (foreign qualification, establishment)

Chamber of architects - right to use the professional title "Stadtplanerin" / "Stadtplaner" (foreign qualification, establishment)

Chamber of Crafts

Chamber of Engineers - application for entry in the register of foreign companies (§ 15 ThürAIKG)

Chamber of engineers - cancellation of registration(s)

Chamber of Engineers - Entry in the list of engineers authorized to submit building documents

Chamber of Engineers - registration in the external register of the Chamber of Engineers of Thuringia (§ 14 ThürAIKG, § 64 ThürBO)

Chamber of Engineers - registration in the list of consulting engineers

Chamber of Engineers - registration in the list of interested parties (§ 21 para. 8 sentence 1 ThürAIKG)

Chamber of Engineers - registration in the register of companies with consulting engineers (§ 9, § 10 ThürAIKG)

Chamber of Engineers - Registration Voluntary membership

Chamber of Engineers - right to use the professional title of "engineer

Chamber of Engineers - Right to use the professional title of engineer (foreign qualification, establishment)

Chamber of Engineers - Suspension of membership/registration

Chamber of Industry and Commerce

Chamber of Tax Consultants Thuringia - Tasks

Change after school care

Change first name

Change in church tax deduction upon joining the church

Change income estimate for the artists' social security fund

Change notification of artists' social security contribution

Change of church tax deduction in case of leaving the church

Change residence

Change surname of a child by naming

Change surname of a child by single custodial parent

Change surname of spouses

Change surname of the child by declaration of affiliation

Change surnames of expellees, late repatriates, their spouses or descendants

Change surnames of registered civil partners

Change tax class after resumption of marital or civil partnership union

Change vehicle data or owner data

Check fuels and combustibles from plants requiring permits Qualities

Checking professional suitability with diagnostic measures for people with disabilities

Check obligation to pay artists' social security contribution on shareholder's salary

Check suitability as adoptive parents for domestic adoption

Check suitability as adoptive parents for intercountry adoption (country-specific)

Check suitability as adoptive parents for intercountry adoption (general)

Child and Adolescent Medical Service/Child and Adolescent Dental Service

Child and youth welfare/ social assistance: Arbitration offices

Child Day Care

Child helpline

Child support

Child welfare endangerment

Chimney sweep

Citizen participation

Citizens' Initiatives

Citizens Advice

Citizenship - Retention of German citizenship

Civil-Military Cooperation

Civil partnership certificate issuance

Civil Protection

Civil servant training in the higher non-technical service

Civil service training in the middle non-technical service

Claim allowances for child over 18

Claim allowances for child under 18

Claiming children's sickness benefit for those with statutory health insurance and transferring children's sickness benefit days to the other parent

Claiming child support in a faster, simpler court process

Claiming divorce maintenance

Claim reimbursement of social security contributions as a supplementary benefit to seasonal short-time allowance

Claim separation maintenance

Clarifying your pension insurance account

Closing time - arcades

Coat of arms of municipalities - permission to use

Collect church tax

Collection of a joint certificate of inheritance

Collection of a sole inheritance certificate

Collection service - permission

Collective disposal proof confirmation

Collect rent index

Commercial and private properties: Mediation - Permission

Commercial or freelance activity: differentiation

Commercial register - register

Commercial transport of passengers by road Apply for a permit

Commissioning display gas stations

Communicate indications of antitrust violations

Communicating cross-border tax arrangements

Communicating the outsourcing of tasks as a capital management company

Community School

Company audit by the Artists' Social Security Fund

Company number for social security notifications assigned on request

Compensation association in cooperation with the Artists' Social Security Fund

Compensation for vaccination damage

Compensatory allowance for disadvantaged and specific areas and for NATURA 2000 areas (AGZ, SPG, EAP) - apply for funding

Competent body according to the Vocational Training Act (BBiG)

Complain to the Federal Network Agency about postal and parcel service providers

Comprehensive school

Compulsory wearing of seat belts and helmets - apply for an exemption

Conciliation Board for Competition Disputes

Conduct estate insolvency proceedings

Conduct instructor aptitude test

Conduct of health professional designations Request permission.

Confidential birth

Confirmation of donation (donation receipt)

Confirmation of VAT registration numbers

Consequences of the dissolution of a compensation association established in cooperation with the artists' social security fund

Construction - Application for extension of type approval for buildings and other structures at several locations

Construction - Application for type approval of structural systems with the same design

Construction - Application for type testing of structural systems with a specific system

Construction - Applying for approval for construction products

Construction - Applying for approval for construction products Usability in individual cases

Construction - Notification of a change of site manager

Construction - Notification of the removal of a structure

Construction - Notification of the start of construction

Construction - Notification of the structural engineer for the removal of buildings and other structures

Construction site announcement

Consulting according to the Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act

Consumer protection

Contacting the central cybercrime contact point (ZAC service) for the business community

Contact the employer service

Continuation of placement / assistance for young adults as foster children, accompaniment

Continuously measure cremation equipment

Continuously measure plants for the biological treatment of waste

Continuous measurement of large combustion, gas turbine and internal combustion engine plants


Cosmetics: Report undesirable effects and damage to health

Cost absorption for participation in a work trial or clarification of occupational aptitude

Craft: Apply for authorization to practice another craft subject to licensing in accordance with § 7a HwO (German Trade Regulation Act)

Create consent form for minors travelling without guardians

Create report market investigation railroad

Cremation facilities commissioning show

Critical infrastructures: demonstrating compliance with the state of the art

Cross-border shipment of merchandise via the Union transit procedure to be declared to customs online

CRS - Submit notification of a missing self-declaration

Customs control - import bans

Customs Passport Booklet (Carnet-A.T.A.)

Cycling route planner Thuringia - plan cycling routes online and report defects

D (125 hits)

Dance events on Sundays and public holidays - exemption permit

Dangerous Substances and Mixtures: Commercial Handling - Permit according to the Chemicals Prohibition Ordinance

Data collection for transport and traffic statistics

Data collection in the business community on topics relevant to the environment

Death abroad Notarization

Death abroad Notarization of deaths on sea-going vessels

Death abroad Notarization of Germans without domestic residence

Death - show

Debtor and consumer insolvency counseling

Debtor and consumer insolvency counseling center - recognition

Declaration by the adoption applicants that they are willing to adopt the child proposed to them.

Declaration of commitment according to § 68 Residence Act (AufenthG)

Declaration of readiness of adoptive parents in case of adoption of a child from abroad

Declare cash and certain other funds when crossing the border

Declare diplomatic or consular goods to customs

Declare goods to customs when exporting via the Internet

Declare goods to customs when importing via the Internet

Declare goods to customs when transporting for NATO or partner forces

Declare postal or courier consignments up to EUR 150.00 to customs

Declare removal goods at customs

Declare renunciation of amateur radio license or call sign allocations

Declare renunciation of German citizenship - for persons abroad

Decomposition measurement

demand information from the employer about the composition of the remuneration (Remuneration Transparency Act)

Dentist - Temporary exercise of the profession within the framework of the provision of services under European law - report

Deposit realization period in the pawnbroking business Extension

Deregister broadcasting fee

Deregister dog ownership

Deregister dog tax

Deregistering a company, self-employed or freelance activity with the statutory accident insurance fund

Deregistering a company for tax purposes

Deregistering employees for social insurance

Deregister residence

Deregister secondary residence

Deregister trade

Deregistration of business or self-employed activity in agriculture, forestry or horticulture

Deregistration of your insured employee relatives (Mifas) from the agricultural health insurance fund or nursing care insurance fund as well as the agricultural old-age insurance fund

Designate contact point as critical infrastructure operator

Designate contact point for notifications as operator of energy supply networks

Determination of the harmlessness of new or changed insurance conditions of pension funds

Determine corporate income tax

Determine European election result

Determine income tax

Determine real estate transfer tax

Differentiation between trade/industry/commerce/services

Digital entry registration for travel returnees

Directive wolf-lynx - compensation

Directive wolf-lynx - prevention

Disability assistance

Disability counseling

Disagreeing with information from the population register against groups

Discharge from German citizenship for persons abroad

Discharge of wastewater into private wastewater systems Exemption from the permit requirement

Discharge of wastewater into private wastewater systems Permit

Discharge of wastewater into public sewage systems Permit

Disclose unaccompanied cash and/or other funds when requested to do so in mail and freight transactions

Disclose unaccompanied cash on entry and exit from a third country in postal and cargo traffic on request

Display a change to your personal data

Display activities with pathogens

Display an installation requiring approval for the first time due to a change in the law

Display changes to certified retirement provision or basic pension contracts

Display Easter fire/custom fire/campfire

Display fishing lease contract (Display fishing lease contract receipt)

Display home office with special hazard protection regulations

Displaying hate and agitation online

Displaying the provision of cross-border services in the craft sector subject to licensing for the first time

Display installation and decommissioning of publicly accessible charging points

Display of a public event

Display of drinking water systems and domestic wells

Display of equipment for storage of EL fuel oil / emergency power system

Display offence

Display of persons - permission

Display property offense

Display spacecraft operation

Display the burning of fireworks

Display the use of a body of water for exercises, tests and hazard prevention

Display waste from waste management activities

Disposal of CDs/DVDs

Disposal of sales packaging: Dual System -Determination

Disposals of agricultural land, application for approval

Dissolution of the civil partnership

Distance learning courses - Approval of distance learning courses that are not exclusively for recreational/entertainment purposes.

Distance learning courses - approval of major changes

Distance learning courses - display of distance learning courses for recreational/entertainment purposes only.


Documentation of the work performed and measures of the maintenance concept Acceptance

Dogs: Commercial keeping - Permission

Dog tax

Dog tax reduction

Do not allow explosives to be handled commercially

do one's voluntary service

Draw up and publish a report on equality and equal pay

Draw up declaration of waiver of certification of old-age provision and basic pension contracts ("Riester" or "Rürup")

Drinking water fee

Drinking water monitoring

Driver's license application for renewal of a temporary permit

Driver's license - apply for key number 96 or key number 196 for class B

Driver's license - apply for the extension of the driver's license by the classes AM, A1, A2 or A

Driver's license - apply for the extension of the driver's license by the class L

Driver's license bodies for training in first aid - apply for recognition

Driver's license C, CE, C1 or C1E renewal request

Driver's license D, DE, D1 or D1E renewal request

Driver's license - Extending existing driver's license with class D, D1, DE or D1E driver's license

Driver's license for passenger transport apply for renewal

Driver's license for passenger transport exhibition apply

Driver's license for passenger transport for ambulance apply for renewal

Driver's license for passenger transport for cab apply for extension

Driver's license for passenger transport for passenger cars in regular service or for commercial excursion trips or vacation destination trips Request extension

Driver's license for passenger transport for rental cars request extension

Driver's license query for collection (status query)

Driver qualification certificate issuance request

Driving aptitude assessment center - apply for recognition

Driving instructor - Application for recognition of a foreign professional qualification

Driving instructor exam - apply for admission

Driving instructor training centers - apply for recognition

Driving license - Apply for an international driving license

Driving license - apply for extension of driving license by class B

Driving license - apply for the extension of the driving license by the class T

Driving license - apply for the extension of the driving license of categories A1 or A2 by the next higher category

Driving license driving ban and driving license suspension - get information

Driving license exchange due to expiry of validity

Driving license - Exchange old driving license for new driving license

Driving license - Extend existing driving license by class C, C1, CE or C1E

Driving license - trailer class E application

Drug counseling