Services A to Z

I (68 hits)

ID card Information on the ID card with online ID function

ID card obligation Request exemption

ID card requirement Apply for exemption for assisted persons

Identity card Obtain information on the processing status

Identity card report due to recovery

IHK certificate of instruction for slot machine operators received

IHK Cooperation Exchange

IHK Recycling Exchange

Immediately register employees for social insurance (immediate registration)

Immission control: Announcement as expert in the sense of § 29a BImSchG

Immission control: Notification of bodies within the meaning of § 26 BImSchG

Immission control (immissions/emissions)

Immission control - plant inspection

Importing goods (travel souvenirs) from non-EU countries into Germany (customs control)

Importing goods from EU countries into Germany

Imprint - disorderly

Increase minimum wage

Independently classify water-polluting chemical substances

Independent schools

indicate the intention to appoint a manager of a capital management company

Infection protection advice EHEC

Infection protection message

Information about applying to study at a university

Information from the debtors' register as of 01.01.2013

Information from the debtors' register until 31.12.2012

Information from the population register: requesting a self-disclosure from the population register

Information from the register of associations

Information on replacing a lost divorce certificate

Information on the creation of external alarm and emergency plans Communication

Information on the novel coronavirus

Informing the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin about new, changed or terminated corporate holdings of banks and financial services institutions

Informing the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin about new, changed or terminated significant shareholdings in banks and financial services institutions

Informing the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin of the appointment of a member and deputy members of the administrative or supervisory body

Informing the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin of the intention to appoint a manager or to authorise a person to act as sole representative

Inform the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin of the execution, abandonment or change of the intention to appoint a person to the management or to authorise a person to act as sole representative

Infrastructure funding

Infrastructure measures adapted to the rural character - apply for funding

Inheritance contract

Inheritance tax notice received

Initiate or apply for the indexing of a medium harmful to minors

Inland navigation - Commercial navigation in Thuringia Apply for a permit

Inland navigation - Thuringia inland navigation license application

Inland waterway transport - application for promotion of demand-oriented transport services in local road passenger transport and scheduled waterway transport services in Thuringia

Inquiry of the operators of directional radio links in the specified plan area

Insert a blocking note on religious affiliation

Insolvency notices: Information on insolvency proceedings

Inspect the DPMA register

Insurance broker - permission and register

Insure employees in the statutory accident insurance during temporary work abroad

Intended for extinguishing - Garden waste disposal

Interest-free loan for the period in which working hours are reduced or completely suspended in order to care for close relatives

International youth work/ international youth exchange: funding

Intervention Agency

In the gas industry or coal imports and exports, transmit data to the Federal Statistical Office

INVEST - Grant for venture capital Grants for investments by private individuals in young innovative companies

Issuance of a certificate of marriageability for German citizens with residence, or habitual abode abroad.

Issuance of a certificate of the required expertise in radiation protection in the technical field and for medical physics - experts.

Issuance of a totalizator permit under the Racing and Lotteries Act

Issuance of membership certificate Chamber of Crafts

Issuance of permits for bookmakers and betting offices under the Racing Betting and Lotteries Act

Issue and submit certificate of employment or certificate of secondary income

Issue a SEPA direct debit mandate for the municipality

Issue certificate of identity for parcels of land

Issue certificate of inheritance

Issue certificate of marriageability

Issue fishing permits - Information

Issue registration confirmation

IT security: Apply for certification of persons