Services A to Z

S (140 hits)

Sale or auction of land, buildings and objects from ownership, fiscal inheritance and appropriation rights of the Free State of Thuringia

Sales events Request permission

Savings bank: establishment - permission

School degrees

School development planning

School enrollment examination

School of the Second Way of Education

School - Performance evaluation

School surveys

School vocational training

Second home tax

Security guarding (store detectives, patrols in public areas, doormen) - permit

Security guarding - apply for a permit

Security guarding - certificate of competence

Security screening of persons who are to carry out security-sensitive tasks in the non-public sector, for example in companies

Self-help groups

Seminars for staff councils from public administration recognised by the Federal Agency for Civic Education as suitable for educational leave


Sending notifications of high-activity sealed radioactive sources to the HRQ register

Send messages and documents to municipalities

Senior citizens' representation/senior citizens' office

Sensory disability allowance decision: objection

Settling a dispute at the BaFin arbitration board

Set up a common point of contact (GÜAS)

Set up playground equipment

Severely disabled persons Request approval for termination of employment

Share recipes of tattooing products

Shipment of waste in Germany and Europe Consent for waste according to the "yellow" waste list and all other waste destined for disposal

Shipments of waste in Germany and Europe Consent for waste under the "green" waste list

Show arms manufacture and/or arms trade

Show bank details to the tax authority for the first time

Show birth

Show birth of child on German sea vessel

Show blasting

Show change in the provision of cross-border services in the craft sector subject to authorization

Show change of location of animal exhibitions and animal markets (e.g. traveling circus)

Show combustion plants

Show commissioning of third parties with internal security measures

Show construction of an animal enclosure

Show continuation of the provision of cross-border services in the craft sector subject to authorization

Show distribution of domestic public AIFs in Germany

Show distribution of European alternative investment funds or special funds of a domestic capital management company to semi-professional or professional investors in Germany

Show earth excavation

Show fishing plan

Show fixed amateur radio station

Show fraud offense

Show handling of airbag and pretensioner units

Show home birth

Show inclusion of imports of timber and timber products from countries outside the EU

Show keeping of specially protected vertebrate pets

Show modification of an installation requiring approval

Show persons responsible for explosives

Show travel business card free activity

simple information from the civil register - request

Single point of contact for start-ups and entrepreneurs Administrative procedures via a single point of contact Handling

Slot machine tax

Small fireworks exception permit obtained

Social and socio-educational professions - Recognize foreign professional qualifications

Social assistance services as health counseling for families with infants

Social security for self-employed artists and publicists, registration

socio-educational specialists: state recognition

Soil protection

Spatial observation

Specialist dentist - Recognize foreign professional qualifications

Specialist - Recognize foreign professional qualifications

Specialized pharmacist - Recognize foreign professional qualifications

Special numbers Establishment of citizen telephone - Military flight operations

Special obligation to report in hospitals, homes and similar institutions Information

Special official safekeeping of a disposition of property upon death (e.g. will)

Special school

Special telephone number for immigrants and those interested in immigration - "Working and Living in Germany" hotline of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees in cooperation with the Central Placement Office for Foreign and Specialist Workers (ZAV)

Special use of roads - apply for permission to restrict traffic space

Special use of roads - apply for permission within the locality

Special use of roads - apply for special permission to offer goods or services on the road

Special use of roads - applying for permission outside the village

Special use of roads - events in the public traffic area Application for exemption and permission

Special use of roads - inform about traffic space restrictions

Special use of roads - permission to put up posters obtained

Special use of roads - request change of a sidewalk crossing

Special use of roads - requesting maintenance of a sidewalk crossing.

Special use of roads - requesting the construction of a sidewalk crossing

Special use of roads - request parking lot closure for parade

Special use of streets - consent obtained for the construction, alteration, or maintenance of a sidewalk crossing

Special use permit on public streets and squares - apply for underground special use (lines such as plant lines, pipe and cable lines for electricity, gas, district heating, water and wastewater with house connections)

Sports promotion

Sports promotion municipal

Standard land values - Inspection of the standard land value map and information

Stand permit

State-certified food chemist - Recognize foreign professional qualifications

Statutory accident insurance: Preventing an occupational disease or avoiding the aggravation of an occupational disease

Store opening hours

Street cleaning

Street sale - exemption

Study abroad

Submit a country-by-country report for a multinational company

Submit an annual audit report or negative declaration as a financial investment broker or fee-based financial investment advisor

Submit an application for the company's suitability for training

Submit an application for the use of a term as a common traditional name as an exception to the application of Article 1(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006

Submit an emissions declaration as the operator of an installation requiring a permit

Submit annual declaration for artists' social security contributions

Submit application for authorisation to lodge simplified customs declarations for export to non-EU countries

Submit application for inward processing

Submit application for outward processing

Submit a recapitulative statement for sales tax

Submit a request for information on the existence of a platform or relevant activities (DAC7)

Submit a voting rights notification as an investor

Submit collective waste disposal certificate in the privileged procedure

Submit complaints about the basic account

Submit costs for implants or orthodontic treatment for adults to the statutory health insurance in cases of special exceptions

Submit data for the infrastructure atlas

Submit mandatory annual audit report as property developer and/or construction supervisor

Submit measurement report on continuous measurements of air pollutants at other installations

Submit measurement report on individual measurements of air pollutants at plants for the biological treatment of waste

Submit notification to the Veterinary Drug Dispensing Registry (TAR).

Submit other tax applications and notifications

Submit proof of disposal in the privileged procedure

Submit proof of income to the Künstlersozialkasse for random checks

Submit proof of successful completion of the security guard and security industry proficiency test

Submit proof of use for project-related or institutional funding from the Federal Ministry for Development

Submit reports about financial account data according to the Common Reporting Standard (CRS)

Submit screenplays for the German Screenplay Award

Submit search request for preliminary assessment of protectability of a patent application

Submit the requested activity and income certificates to the Artists' Social Security Fund for review at the end of the period of entry into the profession

Submitting a complaint against companies in the financial services sector

Submitting an application for authorisation to establish a regular service

Submitting complaints and inquiries in the area of telecommunications

Submitting complaints to enforce passenger rights in rail, bus and boat transport

Submitting data to the Federal Statistical Office as a company in the construction industry

Submitting data to the Federal Statistical Office as a company in the manufacturing sector

Submitting data to the Federal Statistical Office as a company in the wholesale sector

Submitting the remuneration report to the artists' social insurance fund without being asked to do so

Substances hazardous to water: Specialist company - Proof of specialist company status


Sunday employment: Exemption permit (carrying out the legally required inventory)

Sundays open for business

Supplier notification gas and electricity - report energy supply to household customers

Supported Employment: Applying for an individual company qualification for people with disabilities

Support for companies with the coronavirus consequences Information provision.

Suspension of health and long-term care insurance benefits in the event of unpaid contributions to the artists' social insurance fund

Swearing in of experts to provide expert opinions on the services and activities of the skilled trades and their value

T (57 hits)

Take advantage of careers advice from the Federal Employment Agency

Take an intermediate examination in dual training occupations

Take the certificate examination as a certified specialist for insurance brokerage IHK

Take the dangerous goods driver exam

Take the dangerous goods driver test

Take the dangerous goods safety adviser exam

Take the examination as a dangerous goods officer

Take the examination for financial investment brokers

Take the expert examination for fee-based financial investment advisors

Tasks and powers of the regulatory authorities

Tax administration service - Recognize foreign professional qualifications as career qualification

Tax class - change upon marriage

Tax class - change upon separation

Tax consultant recognize foreign professional qualification

Tax consulting company - recognition

Tax deduction for construction services Exemption

Tax forms

Taxing services provided in tax havens for individuals and companies based in Germany

Tax office

technical service - Recognize foreign professional qualifications as career qualification

Temporary full-time care for foster children, accompaniment

Terminate foreign insurance with statutory accident insurance

Termination of activity as publicly appointed and sworn expert in the field of agriculture and forestry, including horticulture and fisheries

Test engineers for fire protection - apply for recognition

Test engineers for stability - apply for recognition

Testing experts for earthwork and foundation engineering - apply for recognition

Testing experts for technical systems and equipment - applying for recognition

Therapeutic full-time care for foster children

Third party inspectors for commercial waste Announcement

Thuringia consolidation fund for small and medium-sized enterprises

Thuringia Dynamics - Promotion

Thuringia Invest - Promotion

Thuringia year

To apply for a permit to operate an X-ray facility or to make a substantial change in the operation of the facility for materials testing

To apply for repayment or remission of import duties


Track cross-border shipments of merchandise within the EU via the Union transit procedure online at customs

Tracking temporary custody applications electronically

Trade subject to authorization: Information

Trade with / import of plant protection products - notification

Traffic control measures for construction sites and construction measures Obtain order

Traffic offenses

Traffic sign - request installation (StVO)

Training centers for continuing education in the health and social care professions

Training grant approval

Training support counseling

Transfer exemption amounts

Transitional benefit due to occupational disease for persons insured under the statutory accident insurance scheme received

Transmit data for statistics on agriculture, forestry and fisheries

Transmit futility message due to insufficient cooperation of contracting persons

Transmit invoices electronically via e-invoice platforms

Transport infrastructure - Applying for funding for municipal transport infrastructure projects in Thuringia

Transport of dangerous goods - Apply for recognition of training organizers for training in the transport of dangerous goods.

Travel with pets (pets)


Tuberculosis Counseling

Tuition fees