Services A to Z

M (39 hits)

Maintenance of the register of publicly appointed and sworn experts in the field of agriculture and forestry, including horticulture and fisheries

Make identity card notifications

Making a declaration on organ and tissue donation

Making notifications regarding medicinal products with standard authorization

Maneuver damage

Market value according to BauGB determination / property value determination

Marking Implementation

Markscheider - Recognize foreign professional qualification (branch office)

Master craftsman examination: Admission

Master craftsman examinations in agriculture

Maternity protection: apply for exemption from the ban on overtime and night work

Maternity protection: request employment of pregnant or breastfeeding women between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m.

Maternity recognition

Matters relating to severely disabled persons

Measure cremation equipment individually

Measure large combustion, gas turbine and internal combustion engine plants individually

Meat processing: Approval

Meat production: ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection

Meat production: approval

Meat production/slaughter: permission

Mediate community of heirs in inheritance settlement

Medical and dental treatment for people with statutory accident insurance in the event of an accident at work or occupational illness

Medical and health sciences service - Recognize foreign professional qualifications as career qualification

Medical devices - certificate of marketability

Medical studies Recognize periods of study and academic achievements


Microenterprises providing basic services - apply for funding

Mobile ICT Card Renewal Request

Monument preservation

Monument protection

Mortuary passport - exhibition

Motor vehicle: administrative offences

Motor vehicle: environmental bonus (scrapping bonus)

Motor vehicle fine dust sticker obtained (green environmental sticker)

Moving into inpatient care facilities

Municipal Commissioner for Foreigners and Integration

Municipal honors

Music school

Mutual recognition of products that are not subject to Union specifications

N (65 hits)

Name declaration of spouses without domestic marriage or marriage registration

National Advisory Center for Professional Qualifications

National cultural property Apply for a temporary export permit

National emergency numbers for medical emergencies

National Park

Natura 2000


Naturalization Granting of German citizenship to homeless foreigners

Naturalization requirements for nationals of another Member State

Natural science service - Recognize foreign professional qualifications as career qualification

Nature Conservation

Nature conservation: compensation and replacement measures

Nature conservation: Intervention in nature and landscape - approval

Nature parks

New application or change of trade name in the register for fisheries and aquaculture

Newly appointed legal or statutory representatives as well as personally liable partners in the course of a significant participation in an institution report

New passport issue due to change of name in the event of divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership

NiSV notification of the establishment for facilities for the application of non-ionizing radiation to humans for cosmetic or other non-medical use

Noise protection

Noise protection: use of work equipment between 8 p.m. and 7 a.m. - special permit

Noise protection / noise remediation on federal trunk roads and state highways - request reimbursement of expenses for necessary passive noise protection measures

Nominate short films for the German Short Film Award

Non-profit and commercial collections of waste - notification procedure

Non-technical administrative service - Recognize foreign professional qualifications as career qualification

Notarize declaration of custody

Notarize the waiver of inheritance

Notification for intended activities with fumigants

Notification for intended room disinfection with formaldehyde

Notification for the intended storage of ammonium nitrate and mixtures containing ammonium nitrate according to Annex I Number Ordinance on Hazardous Substances (GefStoffV)

Notification of activity as a midwife Acceptance

Notification of change of operator of a facility for handling substances hazardous to water

Notification of facilities for handling substances hazardous to water, application for suitability determination

Notification of facilities for the storage and filling of liquid manure, slurry, solid manure or silage leachate

Notification of food supplements for sale in Germany

Notification of ingredients and further information on tobacco products, e-cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products Receipt

Notification of self-employed activity in a medical profession Acceptance

Notification of supply bottlenecks for medicinal products for humans by the industry to the BfArM and publication of the supply bottleneck reports

Notification of temporary and occasional cross-border provision of services by private experts for the examination of officially left counter or duplicate samples in the field of food control (counter sample experts) from other EU/EEA countries

Notification of temporary and occasional cross-border provision of services by state-certified food chemists from other EU/EEA states.

Notification of the person authorized to represent the company in the performance of the duties of the radiation protection supervisor within the scope of radiation protection licenses in companies or facilities

Notification of the start of trials with unauthorized plant protection products in the field

Notification of waiver of the exercise of a right of first refusal under nature conservation law

Notifications for the performance of demolition and renovation work with asbestos or materials containing asbestos on or in existing plants, buildings or vehicles (Annex I No. 2.4.2 Ordinance on Hazardous Substances)

Notify BaFin of new or departing members of the supervisory board or advisory board of asset management companies

Notify change regarding the operation of genetic engineering facilities

Notify changes to a registered aircraft

Notify changes to the register of intermediaries

Notify cosmetic products (possibly with nanomaterials) before placing them on the market

Notify daily rations for weight control nutrition for sale or use in Germany

Notify employment of a pregnant or breastfeeding woman

Notify individual grid fee agreements, change details and terminate the notification under federal responsibility

Notify intra-Community acquisition of a new vehicle

notify the Artists' Social Insurance Fund of a change in artistic or journalistic activity

Notify the artists' social insurance fund of the change of health insurance fund

Notify the artists' social insurance fund of the company's mission

Notify the Artists' Social Security Fund of a change in your professional situation

Notify the Artists' Social Security Fund of the change in personal data

Notify the artists' social security fund of your stay abroad

Notify the Federal Employment Agency of the posting of foreign workers to Germany within the framework of contracts for work and materials

Notify the intention to appoint a managing director of a capital management company

Notify the keeping of animals in a holding facility in an EU Member State or in a third country

Notify the Künstlersozialkasse of a change in the company's activities

Notify the Künstlersozialkasse of changes in the legal situation

Notify the Künstlersozialkasse of changes to the company's basic data

Notify the statutory accident insurance of any changes in the company, self-employed or freelance activity