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Elleben (99334)
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Services A to Z
E (95 hits)
Early intervention for children with disabilities
Earth excavation - Indicate work with direct or indirect impact on groundwater.
Earth excavation - Show work with an unintended groundwater development.
Economic, social and socio-scientific service - Recognize foreign professional qualifications as career qualification
Economic development regional
EC Services Directive
Educational, marriage, family and life counseling
Educational assistance
Educational leave in accordance with the Thuringian Educational Leave Act (ThürBfG)
Education funding: announce changes
Education in another Member State
Egg packing station - Apply for approval
Elderly care
Election of the local people's representation
electronic proof of identity activation
electronic proof of identity activation for the first time
electronic proof of identity blocking
electronic proof of identity granting insight into readable data for providers on the Internet or vending machines
electronic proof of identity storage
electronic proof of identity storage of signature certificates
electronic proof of identity unblocking
Electronic residence permit
Electronic wage tax deduction characteristics (ELStAM) Request change
Elementary school admission
EMAS register entry
Emergency aid for Germans abroad
Emergency nutritional care
Emergency services of panel (dentists) physicians
Employment of workers in other Member States
Employment on Sundays and public holidays: Exemption permit (for chemical, biological, technical or physical reasons)
Employment on Sundays and public holidays: Exemption permit (holding in-house and order fairs, employment of employees in the commercial sector)
Employment on Sundays and public holidays: Exemption permit (prevention of disproportionate damage in special circumstances)
Employment on Sundays and public holidays: Exemption permit (unreasonable impairment of competitiveness due to longer operating hours abroad)
Employment on Sundays and public holidays: Special permit (urgently required in the public interest)
End guardianship by the youth welfare office
End international insurance with statutory accident insurance
Energy consulting
Energy supply: Charges for network access - approval
Energy supply: Operation of energy supply networks - Authorization
Enforcement authorities under the Thuringian Administrative Service and Enforcement Act
Enforcement of tax debts
Enquire about your company's account balance with the artists' social security fund
Ensuring safety on the way to school
Enter or change the tax number or tax identification number in the master data for the use of the Internet Export Declaration Plus (IAA Plus)
Enter or change your tax number or tax identification number for the EMCS IT procedure for using the Internet EMCS application (IEA)
Enter the amount of electricity in your tax return and calculate the electricity tax yourself
Enter the study in the German Register of Clinical Trials
Enter your name in the crisis prevention list for Germans abroad
Entry in the joint lists for authorized verifiers of structural engineering verifications of the AKT and IKT in accordance with § 65 ThürBO dated March 13, 2014
Entry in the land register
Entry in the register of associations
Environmental Company Information System of the Chambers of Industry and Commerce (Ecofinder)
Environmental Impact Assessment
Equal treatment
Equal Treatment Body for EU Workers (EU-GS)
Equal treatment in the workplace
Erecting, modifying, operating ferry and navigation facilities - permit / authorization
Establishing a right of first refusal under nature conservation law
Establish licensing requirement for companies in the financial sector
Establishment of a conditional blocking notice in the population register
Establishment of a cooperative - registration in the register of cooperatives
Establishment or closure of a company
EURES-Germany: Working and living in Europe
European Consumer Center Germany
European election Have eligibility determined
European elections Determine exclusion
European election to be entered on the electoral roll as a returnee
European lawyer Applying for admission to the Bar Association
EU - School program for fruit, vegetables and milk - apply for funding
Examination for patentability
Excessive Road Use Permits - Apply for an exemption for races or folk walks on public roads.
Excise duties
Exclude inheritance
Exemption from vehicle tax for registered electric vehicles
Exemption permit for vehicles and vehicle combinations Issued: Equipping vehicles with blue rotating beacon and siren
Exercise foreign professional qualifications as an interpreter, sign language interpreter
Exercising foreign professional qualifications as a translator
Exercising the municipality's right of first refusal
Exercising the right of first refusal under nature conservation law
Expert in accordance with § 29a of the Federal Immission Control Act for certain safety-related tests
Expert organization for facilities handling substances hazardous to water - apply for recognition
Experts of the trade
Explosive ordnance disposal
Explosives Act Notification requirements § 14 SprengG
Express interest in joining the pool of examiners of an ATO or report a change
Expropriation of a property
Extend residence permit for research for beneficiaries of international protection
Extend the training period
Extend trademark protection
Extension of the scope of appointment of a publicly appointed and sworn expert in the field of agriculture and forestry, including horticulture and fisheries
Extracurricular youth education: Promotion
Eye test center - Recognition
F (56 hits)
Facilities for local basic services - apply for funding
Factory Inspectorate
Family book
Family care time Information provision
Family recreation - municipal funding
Farm animal husbandry - Display
Farrier/farrier apprentice blacksmith - recognition
Feedback received from the Central Office for Financial Transaction Investigations
Feed control
File a complaint about working conditions
File a criminal complaint
Filing a complaint due to lack of price transparency
Filing an appeal against decisions of the DPMA
Filing an objection after a tax audit by the Artists' Social Security Fund
Filing a search request for a preliminary assessment of the protectability of a patent application
Film levy for broadcasters and program marketers
Film levy for video program providers and video-on-demand providers
Film levy from cinema operators
Final subsidy statement from the Artists' Social Security Fund
Financial support for temporary servicewomen and men in their integration into civilian working life
Find out about your insurance history with the agricultural pension fund
Fines imposed by the Künstlersozialkasse for breach of obligations
Fire and disaster protection: Volunteer work
Firearms license - issuance
Firefighting technical service - Recognition of foreign professional qualifications as career qualification
Fire protection
First names change order
Fisheries - Keep annual report on eel stocking
Fisheries - Obtaining approval for the introduction of non-native / alien species in aquaculture
Fishing - Applying for a special permit for closed seasons and minimum sizes
Fishing - Applying for authorization for electrofishing (fishing with electricity)
Fishing Holiday fishing license (quarterly fishing license in Thuringia) Issue and renewal application
Fixed shooting range Apply for permission to operate
Flood / flood protection
Flood 2013 Information on emergency aid
Food monitoring
Food safety: cross-check experts - apply for approval
Foods for special medical purposes, infant formulae and certain follow-on formulae for sale in Germany
Foreign driver's license - have it rewritten
Foreign financial investment intermediaries and financial investment advisors activity show
Forest - clear cutting permit application
Forest first afforestation - apply for permission
Forest products: Commercial collection - permission
Forestry - conversion of forest to another type of use Apply for a permit
Forest Thuringia state program for coping with the consequences of extreme weather events in the forest - submit an application for a grant
Forms and statutes (municipality)
For operators of energy supply networks and energy systems: Demonstrate the use of attack detection systems
Forwarding order
Foundation of an auditing company
Foundation of an auditing company
Founding a company: Fairness and transparency of business practices
Founding an equalization association for the payment of the artists' social security contribution
Frequency allocation for broadcasting transmitters received from the Federal Network Agency
Full-time care for older children and adolescents, accompaniment
Full-time care - upbringing in a foster family
Funerals - authorization to carry out