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Services A to Z
O (53 hits)
Obligation to register during stay in hospital or nursing home
Obligation to register for inland skippers and seafarers
Obligation to register in accommodation facilities
Obligation to report
Obtain accreditation as a De-Mail service provider
Obtain advice on the prevention, recycling and disposal of waste
Obtain a permit for waste management activities
Obtain approval for the use of plant protection products on public land
Obtain approval from the Federal Employment Agency for the employment of foreign workers in Germany under contracts for work and services
Obtain authorisation for export of unauthorised plant protection products for use on infested plants
Obtain authorization to transfer the management of a domestic investment fund
Obtain certificate of instruction in the guarding trade
Obtain exemption for single journeys over 3.5 t
Obtain exemption for single trips
Obtain exemption for vehicles and vehicle combinations: private use of a vehicle for fire protection purposes
Obtain expert opinion from IHK for start-up subsidy
Obtain hiking maps and special maps
Obtain historical topographic maps
Obtain information from the civil register
Obtain information from the customs administration
Obtain information on the indexation clause
Obtaining a late repatriation certificate
Obtaining approval for additives in plant protection products
Obtain official certificate of competence to stun or kill vertebrate animals
Obtain prior approval from the Federal Employment Agency for the employment of foreign workers in Germany
Obtain proof of successful participation in training for the security industry
Obtain tax identification number
Obtain topographic maps
Obtain work permit for seasonal employment of foreigners
Occupational safety and health
Offers of the youth social work
Official gazette publication
Official medical assessment / examinations
Official recognition of experts for the acceptance of temperament tests for dogs according to §§ 8 and 9 ThürTierGefG
Official recognition of the experts for the acceptance of expert examinations for owners of dangerous dogs or other dangerous animals
Official site plan for the building application
Offsetting and reimbursement of deductions for construction work
Offset wastewater levy
One-time benefits when a foster child is admitted
Online ID card function Change PIN
Open geodata: Raster data
Open property issues
Operation of a power of attorney database for tax consultants and income tax assistance associations
Operation of systems requiring monitoring Receipt of an accident or damage report
Option for traders established outside the European Union (EU) to declare and pay tax centrally on certain transactions carried out within the EU in the VAT on e-Services (ECOM) taxation procedure.
Order plant inspection by experts
Order the cessation or removal of an earth excavation
Organ Donation
Orphan's pension received from the Agricultural Accident Insurance Fund
Out of force - applying for a child's passport for the first time
Out of force - child passport extension
Out of force - children's passport change due to change of address
Over-the-counter medicines Take expertise test for sale
P (139 hits)
Parcel of land formation by merging; request for land unification certification
Parental leave: advise and inform
Parking facilitation Permit for doctors received
Parking facilities for severely disabled people - marking preserved
Parking facilities for severely disabled people - person-related parking space preserved
Parking permit and parking facilitation for severely disabled persons received
Parking permit apply for exception permit for craftsmen
Parking permit - apply for reissuance of resident parking permit due to loss or damage (replacement).
Parking permit exemption for social institutions and social services
Parking permit exemption for tradesmen and freelancers
Parking permit - have resident parking permit renewed
Parking Permit Request exemption for parking as a family caregiver or caregiver.
Parking permit - Resident parking permit application
Participate in a customs auction
Participate in a program that prepares young people with disabilities for vocational training.
Participate in the "RV Fit" prevention program of the German Pension Insurance Fund
Participation in federal sectoral planning for grid expansion projects, submission of comments on electricity grid expansion projects, registration for events
Participation in the planning approval process for grid expansion projects, submission of comments on electricity grid expansion projects, registration for events
Participation of children in events - approval
Part-time during parental leave
Passenger transportation - cab permit obtained
Passenger transport - authorization for occasional transport by bus and coach for both national and EU transport (EU licenses).
Passenger transport - car rental permit issuance
Passenger transport - Permission for transport by streetcars
Passport issuance new due to change of other data
Passport issuance new due to name change in case of divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership
Passport replacement in the event of passport loss abroad
Passport status query
Patent Attorney - Admission
Pawnbroking business permit application
Pay alcohol tax
Pay alcopop tax
Pay beer tax
Pay business tax
Pay compensatory levy for non-employment of severely disabled persons
Pay development charge
Pay fees when adopting abroad
Pay fishing tax
pay import or export duty in arrears
Paying alcohol tax on a severance package
Paying coffee tax
Paying VAT on passenger transport by bus across the border to German seaports and Switzerland
Paying vehicle tax
Pay payroll tax
Pay tax on sparkling wine and intermediate products
Pay tobacco tax
Pension consulting - permission
Perform time synchronization of computers
Permission for reburial of corpses or urns Issuance
Permission for the use of an approved plant protection product in another application area according to § 22 (2) PflSchG
Permission for the use of plant protection products on non-crop land according to § 12 (2) PflSchG
Permission for the use of the federal eagle obtained
Permission to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition
Permission to operate a severance distillery obtained
Permission to use the professional title "geriatric nurse" or "geriatric nurse" in case of professional qualification from EU/EEA/Switzerland Issuance
Permission to use the professional title "geriatric nurse" or "geriatric nurse" in the case of professional qualification from third countries Issuance
Permission to use the professional title "health care and pediatric nurse" or "health care and pediatric nurse" with professional qualification from EU/EEA/Switzerland Issuance
Permit for the acquisition, possession and carrying of firearms and ammunition by guarding companies and their guarding personnel Issuance for guarding tasks on seagoing vessels (Section 31 (1) of the Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act)
Permit obtained for large and heavy transport
Pest control
Pest control expertise test prove
Pest control professionally: notification to start activities for the first time or after an interruption of more than one year.
Petition to the Thuringian Parliament
Pharmaceutical production - permission
Pharmacist: Temporary exercise of the profession of pharmacist in the context of the provision of services under European law - report
Physician - Temporary exercise of the profession in the context of the provision of services under European law - report
Pick up identity card
Piercing/Tattoo: Operation of a studio
Place of residence Deregistration of sole or main residence
Place of residence - registration of the sole or main residence
Plan approval
Planning and registering parental leave
Plant protection equipment: Testing of new equipment and application for entry in the descriptive list
Plant protection product application for others - Display
Police Civil Service - Recognizing Foreign Professional Qualifications as Career Qualifications
Police stations
Political party: foundation
Political prisoners request support
Portable firing range - indicate commencement or termination of operation
Portable shooting range Apply for permission to operate
Possession of weapons as a result of inheritance Request permission
Possession of weapons for customary use Apply for a permit
Pregnancy and pregnancy conflict counseling
Premises (municipal) - rental
Pre-register sales tax
Press charges against others
Press Law
Press law - administrative offenses
Preventing an occupational disease in agriculture or avoiding the aggravation of an occupational disease
Price monitoring
Printout from the birth register
Private equity company - recognition
Private hospital apply for concession
Private university: Recognition
Probate guardianship order
Problems with offices and institutions
Producer organizations fruit and vegetables - apply for funding
Professional driver education and training center - apply for recognition
Professional driver training - registration in the driver's license
Program for the Promotion of Nature Conservation and Landscape Management Measures in Thuringia" (NALAP)
Promoting regional development and managing the consequences of demographic change
Promoting the integration of people with a migration background
Promotional loan from KfW "Unternehmerkredit Plus" - No. 044, 046 Granting
Promotion of art and culture by the Free State of Thuringia
Promotion of partial retirement
Promotion of research, technology and innovation
Promotion - State Tourism Program (Improvement of Competitiveness in Thuringian Tourism)
Property survey Implementation
Property tax fixing
Property tax notice for land received
Prostitution activity registration extend
Prostitution business Apply for permission to operate
Prostitution business Display installation of a prostitution vehicle
Protection against non-ionizing radiation - Inspection of equipment - Notification as inspection body
Protection of minors - Information
Protection of Sundays and public holidays - exceptions
Provide aids to health
Provide data on construction work on utility networks for the infrastructure atlas
Provide information for abortion statistics
Provide information for price statistics
Providing data for science
Providing information for research statistics
Providing information to the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)
Psychosocial counseling
Psychotherapeutic services for persons insured under the statutory accident insurance scheme
Public appointment and swearing in as an expert for agriculture, forestry, horticulture and fisheries
Public appointment and swearing-in of samplers
Public gambling (sports betting): Permission mediation
Public games of chance (lotteries, draws): Event - Permission
Public law change of the family name
Publicly appointed and sworn in as a particularly competent auctioneer
Public meeting - register
Public participation in the Federal Spatial Development Plan for Flood Protection: submitting comments
Publish insolvency proceedings
Publish job offer online
Pupil travel costs
Purchasing VAT-free in Germany as a traveller from a non-EU state
Pursue maintenance claims against a person living abroad
Pyrotechnics: Burning by permit or certificate holders - notification