Services A to Z

W (39 hits)

Waiver of objection in the case of project-related or institutional funding by the Federal Ministry for Development

Warning fine proceedings by the Artists' Social Security Fund for breach of obligations

War Victim Services

War Victims Welfare

Waste charges

Waste disposal number Issue

Waste law

Waste paper disposal

Waste Shipments in Germany and Europe Consent

Wastewater discharge into water bodies Apply for approval to start early

Wastewater fee

Water law

Waters Permission to use revoked

Water supervision

Weapons manufacturing and / or arms trade show branch

Weapons possession card as an expert or expert permit application

Weapons trade permit application

Weapons trade specialist examination prove

Weapons transport - permit

WHO certificate (CPP) for the export of medicinal products for human use Issued to domestic marketing authorization holders

Widow's and widower's pensions for surviving dependants under statutory accident insurance

Wild birds - taking in and caring for injured, helpless or sick animals.

Wind energy - suitability areas

Wine - Apply for an establishment number for the testing of quality wine, sparkling wine and semi-sparkling wine

Wine - Grape harvest and wine production report

Wine - Issue accompanying documents for wine shipments

Wine - Notification of changes to the vineyard register

Wine - Notification of wine and grape must stocks

Wine - Register of suppliers for the production of wine for the sale, use and utilization of products made from third-party products

Winter service - information on ensuring the obligation to clear and grit the roads

Withdrawal/return of a disposition of property upon death from special official custody

Withdraw consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Withhold, declare and pay income tax for service providers living abroad

Women's Centers

Women's shelters

Work equipment Show damage case when used

Working from home: first-time employment - notification obligation

Working hours

Workshop card Replacement due to malfunction or damage