Services A to Z

V (57 hits)

Vacation offers


Value added tax

VAT-free shopping in Germany as a traveler from a non-EU country

Vector data

Vehicle license plate - apply for a green license plate for a tax-exempt vehicle

Vehicle license plates - Apply for export license plates

Vehicle license plates - apply for short-term license plates for test or transfer journeys

Vehicle registration - apply for a replacement registration certificate part II (vehicle registration document)

Vehicle registration - applying for an operating license for a vehicle without registration

Vehicle registration - applying for information for the registration certificate part II (leasing certificate information)

Vehicle registration - Applying for initial registration of a vehicle (new registration)

Vehicle registration - Applying for initial registration of a vehicle from an EU member state

Vehicle registration - Applying for initial registration of a vehicle from a third country (new registration)

Vehicle registration - applying for the deregistration of a vehicle

Vehicle registration - Applying for the issue of a registration certificate part I

Vehicle registration - Applying for the issue of a registration certificate part II

Vehicle registration - Applying for the replacement of the operating license of unregistered vehicles after loss

Vehicle registration - Change vehicle data or owner data

Vehicle registration - having the design of vehicle parts approved

Vehicle registration plates - apply for a vehicle registration plate

Vehicle registration - report abandoned vehicles

Vehicle registration - re-registering a vehicle to another owner

Vehicle registration - re-registering a vehicle to the same owner

VE-Register: Register for declarations of completeness according to the Packaging Ordinance

Verify trader reliability for trades requiring monitoring

Vertebrate pest control, applying for a permit for commercial killing or stunning

Veterinarian Apply for permission to practice temporarily

Veterinarian - Recognize further training title specialist veterinarian

Veterinarian - registering professional practice with state veterinary chamber

Veterinary Affairs

Veterinary assistant - Determining the equivalence of a foreign professional qualification

Veterinary certificate for the identification of a dog according to the Thuringian Chippflichtverordnung (compulsory chip ordinance)

Veterinary medicine cabinet - show

Veterinary surgeon - temporary exercise of the profession in the context of the provision of services under European law - report

Victims' associations

View assessment reports for authorized medicinal products

View commercial register

View electronic wage tax deduction characteristics

View European Election Electoral Roll

View summaries of risk management plans (RMPs) for authorized medicinal products

View the results of the federal statistics

View the site register for genetically modified organisms (public section)

View travel and safety information on the website of the Federal Foreign Office

View urban land use planning (development plan and land use plan)

Village renewal and development - applying for funding

Vine - Apply for replanting rights

Violence against women helpline

Visiting a doctor or hospital abroad

Vocational schools

Vocational training: Trainers - certify vocational and occupational pedagogical aptitude.

Vocational training - advising and checking training companies (advising and checking existing or potential training companies)

Vocational training in agriculture and home economics

Vocational training in the dual system

Voluntary Ecological Year

Voluntary service

Voluntary social year