Services A to Z

A (1015 hits)

Access to finance

Access to funding at national level

Access to information in accordance with the Thuringian Transparency Act in connection with use of the Thuringian Transparency Portal

Acquire or extend your driver's license

Activities with pathogens - apply for a permit

Activities with pathogens - Display changes

Activity abroad

Addiction counseling

Adjusting advance payments to the artists' social security fund

Adjusting the artists' social insurance subsidy for health and long-term care insurance

Adopt a child from abroad

Adopt a foreign child

Adopt a related child

Adopt a stepchild

Adoption of a child after placement by the youth welfare office

Adoption of a foreign child, conversion of a weak adoption into a strong adoption

Adult education center

Advance maintenance check eligibility

Advance maintenance payment Communicate changes

Advice and assistance in establishing paternity

Advice from the Künstlersozialkasse for registered companies

Advice from the Künstlersozialkasse for self-employed artists or journalists who are not insured

Advice on business succession

Advice on the application of plant protection products - display

Advising non-registered companies on the artists' social security contribution

After registering with the artists' social security fund, appeal against the decision on the obligation to pay the artists' social security contribution

After-school care

After-school care attendance of one / more children Deregistration

After-school care registration

Age and marriage anniversaries

Agricultural, forestry and environmental service - Recognize foreign professional qualifications as career qualification

Agricultural accident insurance: applying for a clearance certificate for companies

Aid for surviving dependants under statutory accident insurance

AIDS counseling

Aircraft radio certificates: Apply for admission to the exam

Air transport - applying for approval of an aviation school as a training organization

Air transport - Permit to fly an aircraft apply for renewal

Air transport - permit to fly an aircraft conversion application

Air transport - Permit to operate an aircraft Application for renewal for private pilots

Air transport - requesting permission for an air event

Airworthiness Review Certificate (ARC): Apply for issue and submit ARC

All-day schools

Allow brokerage activities

Amusement arcades

Animal by-products: Commercial handling (rendering) - Permit

Animal carcasses and animal by-products Disposal

Animal diseases

Animals: permit for commercial breeding, keeping, trade and other activities

Animal slaughter: designation of a responsible person with authority to issue instructions

Animal welfare

Animal welfare - apply for funding

Annulment of marriage

Appeal against a notice of change to the artists' social security contribution

Application/notification for permission to work in the cemetery (for tradespeople)

Application for a certificate of competence in plant protection for the dispensing of plant protection products

Application for admission to the examination for the VHF radiotelephone certificate for inland navigation (UBI)

Application for appointment as a tax consultant

Application for continued housing benefit

Application for employers to be granted an exemption to commission physicians to perform occupational health screening (Section 7 (2) of the Ordinance on Occupational Health Screening (ArbMedVV))

Application for EU food establishment approval under food law

Application for inclusion of a smoke flavoring primary product in the Community list of authorized primary products

Application for studies with foreign school and university leaving certificates

Application for surrender of the child by way of a temporary injunction (summary proceedings)

Application for the appointment of a tax assistant

Apply as a foster parent, aptitude test

Apply as an insolvency administrator or insolvency administrator

Apply for, change or cancel voluntary insurance or supplementary insurance with statutory accident insurance

Apply for "Authorized consignee" status for the Union transit procedure

Apply for a basic account at a credit institution

Apply for a beef storage contract

Apply for a birth certificate

Apply for a business identification number (W-IdNr.)

Apply for a butter storage contract

Apply for a call sign for aircraft stations (Aircraft Station License)

Apply for accelerated skilled worker procedure

Apply for access to the digital radio test platform for authorities and organizations with security tasks (BOS)

Apply for accompanied driving from the age of 17 with an existing driving license

Apply for a certificate for the distribution of certain funds

Apply for a certificate for the tax office to apply for tax benefits for measures to preserve buildings in redevelopment areas and urban development areas

Apply for a certificate for universal postal service providers

Apply for a certificate of approved depositary for the land registry

Apply for a certificate of competence for the application of plant protection products and advice in plant protection

Apply for a certificate of competence for the dispensing of plant protection products

Apply for a certificate of competence in accordance with the Chemicals Climate Protection Ordinance without technical or trade training

Apply for a certificate of competence under the Explosives Act

Apply for a certificate of deletion/non-registration from the aircraft register

Apply for a certificate of eligibility for housing

Apply for a certificate of good conduct

Apply for a certificate of inheritance limited to a single person

Apply for a certificate of permanent residence for EU/EEA citizens entitled to freedom of movement

Apply for a certificate to apply for tax benefits for the preservation or appropriate use of monuments

Apply for a certificate under the Film Subsidies Act and/or a certificate of origin

Apply for a change of address in the electronic proof of identity

Apply for a change of address on the eID card

Apply for a change of entry in the list of air sports equipment

Apply for a change of residence in your passport

Apply for a change to a BMZ-funded project in the field of vocational education and training

Apply for a change to a funded project in the area of development partnership with the private sector

Apply for a change to the aviation security program for a foreign air carrier

Apply for a child day care permit

Apply for a child-raising pension

Apply for a citizen's allowance

Apply for a classic car license plate (H license plate) for a vehicle registered 30 or more years ago

Apply for a class T driver's license for the first time

Apply for a commercial mail transport permit

Apply for a community minimum inheritance certificate

Apply for a company license to operate a rail infrastructure (Section 6 AEG)

Apply for a company license to provide rail transport services (Section 6 AEG)

Apply for a company permit as a vehicle keeper for independent participation in railroad operations (Section 6 AEG)

Apply for a comprehensive guarantee for customs duties

Apply for a contribution subsidy from the agricultural pension fund

Apply for additional expenses winter allowance as a supplementary benefit to the seasonal short-time allowance

Apply for a declaration of no objection in the area of basic substances

Apply for a diplomatic passport or service passport

Apply for a disabled person's pass

Apply for administrative proceedings in the event of rejection of a basic account

Apply for admission as a late repatriate

Apply for admission to the amateur radio service

Apply for admission to the auditing exam

Apply for admission to the examination and issue of a General Radio Operating Certificate - Long Range Certificate (LRC)

Apply for admission to the examination and issue of a restricted radio operator's certificate (SRC)

Apply for admission to the falconry examination

Apply for admission to the final examination in a training occupation according to BBiG

Apply for admission to the integration course

Apply for admission to the law society

Apply for admission to the retraining examination

Apply for admission to the teacher training program

Apply for a driver's license

Apply for a driver's license

Apply for a driver's license for passenger transport Issue

Apply for a driver's license for the first time for class L

Apply for a driving instructor license

Apply for a driving license for accompanied driving from 17

Apply for a driving license on federal waterways (patent or certificate of competence)

Apply for advance maintenance payments for children of single parents

Apply for advance payment of reimbursement of fare losses on local and long-distance services

Apply for a favorable loan for investments by companies and freelancers

Apply for a favorable loan for investments by companies and freelancers in structurally weak regions

Apply for a flag certificate for pleasure craft

Apply for aftercare after full-time foster care ends for foster children

Apply for a grant for energy optimization of systems and processes

Apply for a grant for measurement and control technology, sensors and energy management software

Apply for a grant for measures to improve the living environment under long-term care insurance

Apply for a grant for measures to provide process heat from renewable energies

Apply for a grant for specialist energy planning and construction supervision for residential buildings

Apply for a grant for the energy-efficient refurbishment of existing residential buildings

Apply for a grant for the installation of fuel cell heating systems in residential and non-residential buildings

Apply for a grant for the installation of new, efficient heating systems with renewable energies or for individual energy-related measures

Apply for a grant for the purchase of e-cargo bikes and e-cargo bike trailers in the business and municipal sectors

Apply for a gun manufacturing permit

Apply for a health insurance subsidy for pensioners from the agricultural pension fund

Apply for a housing construction premium

Apply for a hunting license

Apply for a joint certificate of inheritance

Apply for a joint certificate of inheritance according to intestate succession

Apply for a joint certificate of inheritance limited in subject matter

Apply for a joint certificate of inheritance limited to a specific object

Apply for a joint certificate of partial inheritance

Apply for a KfW loan in conjunction with a repayment subsidy from the federal government for deep geothermal energy

Apply for a license as a fee-based financial investment advisor

Apply for a license as a financial investment broker

Apply for a license as an insurance intermediary

Apply for a license confirmation (verification letter) for pilots

Apply for a license for financial service providers

Apply for a license for the wholesale of medicinal products

Apply for a license to act as a real estate loan broker

Apply for a license to practice as a child and adolescent therapist

Apply for a license to practice as a pharmacist

Apply for a license to practice as a psychological psychotherapist

Apply for a license to transport letter mail

Apply for a loan for individual measures for the energy-efficient refurbishment of residential buildings

Apply for a loan for the energy-efficient refurbishment of residential buildings to create a KfW Efficiency House

Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations

Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training

Apply for a loan to build or purchase a KfW Efficiency House

Apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy for the construction or purchase of energy-efficient commercial buildings

Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for energy-efficient refurbishment measures in commercial buildings

Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for energy-efficient refurbishment of commercial buildings

Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for energy optimization of systems and processes

Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for high-efficiency systems or gensets

Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for measurement and control technology, sensors and energy management software

Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for measures to provide process heat from renewable energies

Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for municipal bodies for energy-efficient refurbishment of non-residential buildings in municipal and social infrastructure

Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for municipal companies for the energy-efficient refurbishment of non-residential buildings in municipal and social infrastructure

Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for renewable energies

Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for renewable energies

Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for the construction or purchase of energy-efficient non-residential buildings for municipal and social infrastructure

Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for the construction or purchase of energy-efficient non-residential buildings for municipal and social infrastructure

Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for the use of geothermal energy

Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for the use of geothermal energy

Apply for a marriage certificate

Apply for a measure that prepares you for training

Apply for amendment of aviation security program for German air carrier

Apply for a mutual agreement procedure under the double taxation agreement (DTA)

Apply for a national visa

Apply for an authorization certificate for the online ID function

Apply for an early retirement pension for long-term insured persons from the Agricultural Pension Fund

Apply for an early retirement pension for spouses from the Agricultural Pension Fund

Apply for an education loan

Apply for an electronic health card for people with statutory health insurance

Apply for an electronic health professional card (eHBA) as a person in a health profession.

Apply for an emergency travel document for foreigners

Apply for an EU certificate in accordance with the Professional Recognition Directive

Apply for a new identity card due to loss

Apply for a new social security card

Apply for an examination authorization certificate

Apply for an express passport

Apply for an extension of the approval of the voluntary labeling of foodstuffs with the animal husbandry method

Apply for an extension of the residence permit for the purpose of recognition of the foreign professional qualification based on an agreement of the Federal Employment Agency

Apply for an extension of the residence permit if you have extensive practical work experience

Apply for an extract from the property register (parcel and ownership certificate)

Apply for an extract from the real estate map (parcel map)

Apply for an identity card

Apply for an identity card due to expiry of validity

Apply for an identity card due to other name change

Apply for an identity card for people up to the age of 16

Apply for animal testing projects

Apply for an income-dependent deferral of the BAföG loan

Apply for an integration grant from the job center

Apply for an integration subsidy from the employment agency

Apply for an investment grant for the energy-efficient refurbishment of residential buildings

Apply for an object identifier (OID) for electronic data exchange in the healthcare sector in Germany

Apply for an old-age pension for particularly long-term insured persons

Apply for an operating license for the cross-border operation of unmanned aircraft (UAS) in the "special" operating category

Apply for an operating license for unmanned aircraft (UAS) in the "special" operating category

Apply for an orphan's pension from the agricultural pension fund

Apply for an outpatient preventive measure such as a cure for people with statutory health insurance

Apply for a passport

Apply for a passport due to change of other data

Apply for a passport with 48 pages

Apply for a patent

Apply for a pawnbroking license

Apply for a pension for miners

Apply for a permanent residence card for family members of EU citizens entitled to freedom of movement

Apply for a permit change for the withdrawal and discharge of water from surface waters

Apply for a permit for temporary employment

Apply for a permit for the tax-free use of alcohol

Apply for a permit for the tax-free use of alcopops

Apply for a permit to handle alcohol products

Apply for a permit to handle beer products

Apply for a permit to handle energy products

Apply for a permit to handle tobacco products

Apply for a permit to operate a customs warehouse

Apply for a permit to operate unmanned aircraft systems in UAS geographic areas.

Apply for a permit under water law for the construction, expansion or use of rail-specific infrastructure

Apply for a personal identification number (SSR number) for entries in the radiation protection register (SSR)

Apply for a placement budget from the employment agency

Apply for a place to study medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, pharmacy

Apply for a pleasure craft license

Apply for approval, modification or deviation of an aircraft maintenance program

Apply for approval as a classification undertaking for carcasses of cattle, pigs and sheep

Apply for approval as a continuing airworthiness management organization (CAMO)

Apply for approval as a maintenance organization and as a combined airworthiness organization

Apply for approval as an energy expert for the federal program Energy Efficiency in Agriculture and Horticulture

Apply for approval as a provider of consumer information services (VID) by the Market Transparency Unit (MTS) for fuels (MTS-K)

Apply for approval for recycling processes for plastics in food contact

Apply for approval for the training of aeronautical personnel

Apply for approval for the use and storage of compound feed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 999/2001

Apply for approval of active and intelligent substances in food contact materials

Apply for approval of a dangerous goods training program in the aviation sector

Apply for approval of aviation security equipment for secure supply chain entities and air carriers

Apply for approval of bonus points for Part 66 license

Apply for approval of fares for local rail passenger transport

Apply for approval of minimum equipment list (MEL) for aircraft or submit notification for extension of recovery interval (RIE)

Apply for approval of new substances for cellophane films in food contact

Apply for approval of special denaturants

Apply for approval of the early start of a plant requiring a permit

Apply for approval to develop aircraft and aeronautical equipment

Apply for a private storage contract for pork

Apply for a private storage contract for sheep and goat meat

Apply for a private storage contract for sugar

Apply for a provisional project certificate in accordance with the Film Funding Act

Apply for a reduced earning capacity pension from the agricultural pension fund

Apply for a regular pension payment after a pension as total remuneration

Apply for a replacement driver's license

Apply for a replacement for the registration certificate part I (vehicle registration document)

Apply for a replacement license plate

Apply for a residence certificate under a treaty for the avoidance of double taxation

Apply for a residence permit for a foreign spouse to join a German spouse

Apply for a residence permit for a study-related internship EU

Apply for a residence permit for education and training purposes

Apply for a residence permit for employment as a skilled worker with vocational training

Apply for a residence permit for employment as a specialist with academic training

Apply for a residence permit for employment in case of pronounced practical professional knowledge

Apply for a residence permit for employment regardless of qualification as a skilled worker

Apply for a residence permit for freelancers

Apply for a residence permit for refugees

Apply for a residence permit for the purpose of employment for qualified tolerated persons

Apply for a residence permit for the purpose of recognition of foreign professional qualification on the basis of an agreement of the Federal Employment Agency

Apply for a residence permit for the purpose of research

Apply for a residence permit for the purpose of research for beneficiaries of international protection

Apply for a residence permit for the purpose of school-based vocational training

Apply for a residence permit for the purpose of self-employment

Apply for a residence permit for the purpose of studying

Apply for a residence permit for the recognition examination of a foreign professional qualification

Apply for a residence permit to attend a general education school

Apply for a residence permit to carry out a qualification measure

Apply for a residence permit to carry out a qualification measure with employment

Apply for a residence permit to continue studies started in another EU country

Apply for a residence permit to look for a job after completing a research activity

Apply for a residence permit to look for a job after completing training

Apply for a residence permit to look for a job after completing your studies

Apply for a residence permit to search for a job after recognition of foreign professional qualifications

Apply for a residence permit to search for a training place

Apply for a residence permit to work as a civil servant

Apply for a sales tax booklet

Apply for a sales tax identification number

Apply for a seafarer's identity card

Apply for a second passport

Apply for a settlement permit

Apply for a severely disabled person's ID card with or without token

Apply for a single certificate of inheritance based on a will

Apply for a special allowance for victims of imprisonment

Apply for a special permit for the inspection of air freight

Apply for a special permit to intervene on organic animals

Apply for assessment for persons with limited tax liability

Apply for assistance with living expenses (social welfare)

Apply for assumption of accident insurance as a foster parent

Apply for a standard old-age pension

Apply for a standard old-age pension from the agricultural pension fund

Apply for a start-up grant

Apply for a state allowance for a private supplementary long-term care insurance policy

Apply for a status certificate for a tax reduction on income from foreign investment funds

Apply for a storage contract for cheese

Apply for a storage contract for skimmed milk powder

Apply for a subsidy for health courses for people with statutory health insurance

Apply for a subsidy for high-efficiency systems or units

Apply for a subsidy for old-age provision as a carer

Apply for a subsidy for private or voluntary health insurance

Apply for a subsidy for supplementary independent participation advice (EUTB)

Apply for a subsidy from the Federal Employment Agency for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program

Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program

Apply for a tax number for insurance tax or fire protection tax

Apply for a tax reduction for shore power supply for watercraft

Apply for a temporary exemption for special experimental and technical scientific studies with an amateur radio station

Apply for a tonnage certificate

Apply for a travel allowance for integration courses

Apply for a travel document as a passport replacement for emergencies

Apply for a travel trade license change or supplement

Apply for a travel trade license extension

Apply for authorization for airworthiness personnel acting on their own behalf (IARS)

Apply for authorization for customs declarations by entering them in the accounts

Apply for authorization for the manufacture of compound feed with feed materials from animal ingredients

Apply for authorization or exemption for flight, duty and rest times or submit a notification

Apply for authorization to use an electronic transport document (ETD) as a customs declaration

Apply for authorized consignee status in the TIR procedure

Apply for automatic validation to be entered in the pilot's license

Apply for a vehicle tax concession for severely disabled persons

Apply for aviation security program for foreign air carrier

Apply for aviation security program for German air carrier

Apply for a voluntary IT security label

Apply for a waste producer number

Apply for a widow's or widower's pension from the agricultural pension fund

Apply for a workshop card for the first time

Apply for a World Manufacturer Identification Number (WMI) for manufacturers of motor vehicles and trailers with administrative headquarters in Germany

Apply for BAföG abroad

Apply for BAföG to attend school

Apply for BAföG to study

Apply for ballot paper

Apply for basic training for people with severe visual or hearing impairments

Apply for batch release of immunomodulators as veterinary medicinal products

Apply for batch release of Sera as a veterinary medicinal product

Apply for batch release of tuberculins as veterinary medicinal products

Apply for benefits for participation in working life from the Federal Employment Agency

Apply for benefits from the education package

Apply for birth certificate in case of birth abroad or in a former German territory

Apply for calibration

Apply for calibration of cabs and rental cars

Apply for care aids

Apply for care benefits in kind for people with long-term care insurance

Apply for care in a day care center

Apply for central customs clearance

Apply for certification of pension and basic pension contracts ("Riester" or "Rürup")

Apply for change of tax classes during marriage or civil partnership

Apply for changes to German air carriers

Apply for changes to the AOC (dry lease-in, dry lease-out, transfer of supervision, special permits).

Apply for child benefit

Apply for child building benefit

Apply for child sickness benefit for those with statutory health insurance and transfer child sickness benefit days to the other parent

Apply for child supplement

Apply for cinema project funding

Apply for citizenship card

Apply for clarification of the pension insurance account of ethnic German repatriates and displaced persons

Apply for clearance certificate according to explosives ordinance

Apply for commercial permit according to explosives law

Apply for compensation under the Infection Protection Act because of child care

Apply for compensation under the Infection Protection Act for loss of earnings

Apply for compensation under the Infection Protection Act for operating costs not covered

Apply for compulsory insurance in the statutory pension insurance scheme as a self-employed person

Apply for co-payments and/or co-payments of health care assistance for foster child/ren

Apply for cost coverage for measures to induce pregnancy or for cryopreservation measures for people with statutory health insurance

Apply for cost exemption for the integration course

Apply for counseling assistance, legal aid and legal aid

Apply for day and night care for people in need of care under social long-term care insurance

Apply for deferment BIN at customs

Apply for deferral of payment for import duties

Apply for derogation to feed synthetic vitamins in organic farming

Apply for designation as a test center (PSfF) for conducting theory tests for remote pilots

Apply for different daily longer working hours

Apply for direct payments for agricultural enterprises

Apply for driver card

Apply for driving school permit / branch permit

Apply for early repayment of the BAföG loan

Apply for education in a day group

Apply for eID card

Apply for energy price flat rate for students, (vocational) technical students

Apply for energy tax relief for agricultural and forestry businesses

Apply for enrollment to study at the university

Apply for entry in the register of crafts that are exempt from licensing or in the register of trades similar to crafts

Apply for entry in the register of intermediaries as a financial investment broker or fee-based financial investment advisor

Apply for entry in the register of intermediaries as an insurance intermediary or insurance advisor

Apply for entry in the register of intermediaries as a real estate loan broker

Apply for environmental bonus for electric vehicles (subsidy expired)

Apply for ERDF funding for sustainable urban development and energy-efficient urban refurbishment

Apply for EU funding

Apply for European Firearms Pass

Apply for European Technical Assessment (ETA)

Apply for evaluation of mixtures containing basic substances

Apply for exemption from compulsory insurance with the agricultural pension fund as an entrepreneur

Apply for exemption from compulsory insurance with the agricultural pension fund for income outside agriculture

Apply for exemption from co-payments in statutory health insurance

Apply for exemption from identification as a permanently disabled person who cannot move in public

Apply for exemption from individual subjects of the repeat examination for railroad operations manager (Section 23 EBPV)

Apply for exemption from Sunday and holiday driving ban

Apply for exemption from the fee for day care facilities for children

Apply for exemption from the ID card requirement for permanently housed persons

Apply for exemption from the minimum age for shooting at shooting ranges to promote competitive sport

Apply for exemption from the obligation to maintain records and registers for waste management operators

Apply for exemption from the obligation to obtain a license as an insurance intermediary

Apply for exemption from the obligation to obtain a permit for the acquisition and possession of weapons

Apply for exemption from the obligation to obtain a permit for the purchase and possession of ammunition

Apply for exemption from truck driving ban during vacation travel season

Apply for exemptions from prohibitions in travel trade

Apply for extension of residence permit for mobile researchers

Apply for falconer hunting license

Apply for family insurance in the statutory health insurance scheme

Apply for farm and household help from agricultural accident insurance

Apply for farm and household help from the agricultural health insurance fund

Apply for farm and household help from the agricultural pension fund

Apply for federal coronavirus bridging aid for professional sport

Apply for federal film funding for the distribution of cinema films

Apply for federal film funding for the screenplay or treatment of a children's film

Apply for frequencies for ground radio stations for aeronautical and air navigation radio

Apply for frequencies for trunked radio

Apply for frequency allocation for analog railroad mobile radio

Apply for frequency allocation for GNSS repeaters

Apply for frequency allocation for point-to-point radio relay

Apply for frequency allocation for satellite radio (SNG)

Apply for frequency allocation for wireless network access (campus networks)

Apply for frost aid from the EU agricultural reserve

Apply for FTI-Thuringia TECHNOLOGY

Apply for full inpatient home care for people with long-term care insurance

Apply for funding as part of the Future Cinema Program

Apply for funding for "Käte Hamburger Kollegs"

Apply for funding for a new project or a continuation project from the "Media and Freedom of Expression" funding program

Apply for funding for a new project or a continuation project from the "Political Foundations" funding program

Apply for funding for a new project or a continuation project from the "Transitional aid from the KWI title" funding program

Apply for funding for a new project or a continuation project in the area of development partnerships with the private sector

Apply for funding for community-oriented integration projects

Apply for funding for digitization of films with special value

Apply for funding for energy consulting for residential buildings

Apply for funding for energy consulting for SMEs

Apply for funding for entrepreneurial know-how for SMEs

Apply for funding for flood protection and watercourse development

Apply for funding for follow-up project German Film Award

Apply for funding for further vocational training at the Jobcenter

Apply for funding for further vocational training from the employment agency

Apply for funding for German-Polish art and cultural projects

Apply for funding for in-company training for people with disabilities who are fully incapacitated for work

Apply for funding for individual projects of cultural institutions and tasks in Germany

Apply for funding for individual projects of literary institutions and tasks in Germany

Apply for funding for investments in streetcars

Apply for funding for investments to improve municipal transport conditions

Apply for funding for local buses and trains with zero-emission drives and the associated infrastructure

Apply for funding for material development for feature-length documentaries

Apply for funding for model project in political education

Apply for funding for model projects for the preservation of written cultural heritage

Apply for funding for nature and landscape development projects

Apply for funding for new and continued social structure policy projects

Apply for funding for participation in a trade fair or contact initiation

Apply for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete a training course

Apply for funding for projects as part of the "Special program for the preservation of written cultural assets"

Apply for funding for projects by universities, research institutions and companies in the field of ICT research

Apply for funding for projects for cultural mediation and the preservation of cultural assets

Apply for funding for projects of small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of artificial intelligence

Apply for funding for research and development projects as well as measures for technology and knowledge transfer in the field of organic farming

Apply for funding for research-related infrastructure at universities

Apply for funding for resource conservation and efficiency measures in companies (GreenInvest Ress)

Apply for funding for scientific projects for the preservation, research and communication of German culture and history in Eastern Europe

Apply for funding for supplementary integration measures for ethnic German repatriates

Apply for funding for the "Health research - GO-Bio initial" program

Apply for funding for the "KMU-innovativ: Electronics and autonomous driving" program

Apply for funding for the "KMU-innovativ: Information and communication technology (ICT)" program

Apply for funding for the "KMU-innovativ: Materials research (ProMat_KMU)" program

Apply for funding for the "KMU-innovativ: Photonics and quantum technologies" program

Apply for funding for the "KMU-innovativ: Resource efficiency and climate protection" program

Apply for funding for the "Software Sprint - Support for Open Source Developers" program

Apply for funding for the expansion of gigabit-capable broadband infrastructures

Apply for funding for the production of a feature film or documentary

Apply for funding for the production of full-length children's films and children's short films

Apply for funding for the production preparation of full-length children's film projects

Apply for funding for the program "Measures to support universities in cross-border networking and applications to strengthen innovative capacity in the European Research Area (FH-Europe)"

Apply for funding for the program "Research for civil security - innovations in action - practical lighthouses of civil security"

Apply for funding for the program "Validation of the technological and social innovation potential of scientific research - VIP+"

Apply for funding for youth hostels

Apply for funding from the "Funding Network for Interdisciplinary Social Policy Research - FIS" program

Apply for funding from the "Nationally valuable cultural monuments" preservation program

Apply for funding from the ESF Plus "Future Centers" program

Apply for funding from the ESF Plus "INQA Coaching" program

Apply for funding from the ESF Plus federal program "Together for quality: children participate in all-day activities"

Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "Akti(F) Plus - Active for families and their children"

Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "Education, Work, Economy in the Neighborhood - BIWAQ"

Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "EhAP Plus - Inclusion helps to combat the exclusion of the most disadvantaged"

Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "Give advice - Yes to training!"

Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "Integration through Qualification (IQ)"

Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "JUGEND STÄRKEN - Brücken in die Eigenständigkeit"

Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "JUVENTUS: Strengthening mobility - for a social Europe"

Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "KOMPASS - Compact help for solo self-employed"

Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "rückenwind³ for diversity, change and sustainability in the social economy"

Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "Shaping change in work in a social partnership: further training and promoting equality"

Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "Win-Win - Cooperation for Integration"

Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "WIR - Networks integrate refugees into the regional labor market"

Apply for funding under the funding guideline "KMU-innovativ: Research for civil security"

Apply for general rulings for foodstuffs

Apply for general swearing-in as a court interpreter with a foreign professional qualification

Apply for grants for consulting to promote entrepreneurial know-how

Apply for grants for political education events (funding guidelines)

Apply for grants for training at the German Olympic Sports Confederation's Trainer Academy in Cologne

Apply for green weapon possession card for individual person

Apply for guest student status at a university

Apply for gun ownership card for hunting associations

Apply for gun ownership card for shooting sport clubs

Apply for hardship waiver of BAföG repayment debt after refusal of a cooperation waiver

Apply for health care assistance for children or youth in foster care or inpatient facilities

Apply for help for young adults

Apply for hunting license for foreigners

Apply for immission control approval for the construction and operation of facilities

Apply for inclusion in the hospital plan of a federal state

Apply for inclusion of a digital health application (DiGA) in the DiGA directory

Apply for individual appointment of examiners

Apply for individual support for participation in working life

Apply for information on the contaminated site or soil protection register

Apply for InnoInvest

Apply for innovation funding for projects in agriculture and forestry, viticulture and horticulture as well as fisheries and aquaculture

Apply for inpatient preventive services such as a cure for people with statutory health insurance

Apply for insolvency money

Apply for inspector authorization from the Federal Aviation Office

Apply for instructor approval and proof of qualification for dangerous goods in air transport

Apply for integration assistance for mentally handicapped children and adolescents according to § 35a SGB VIII

Apply for intensive individual socio-educational support

Apply for issuance of a certificate for the tax office to apply for tax benefits for measures for the preservation or wise use of monuments.

Apply for LEADER funding

Apply for leave of absence from studies

Apply for license to practice as a psychotherapist with professional qualification from EU/EEA/Switzerland

Apply for licensure as a psychotherapist with professional qualifications from third countries

Apply for location-based frequency usage parameter determination for wireless network access

Apply for lump sum for caregiver

Apply for lump sum for disabled people

Apply for lump sum for surviving dependents

Apply for mandatory status clarification for family members working for the company or managing partners

Apply for maternity benefit as a privately insured person or with a statutory health insurance fund as a family insured person

Apply for medical rehabilitation at the expense of pension insurance

Apply for medical rehabilitation benefits from the Agricultural Old-Age Insurance Fund

Apply for miners' compensation benefit (KAL) for miners

Apply for model projects in the field of integration

Apply for modification certification of terminals for BOS digital radio

Apply for monthly foster child support benefits

Apply for motor vehicle assistance for persons with statutory accident insurance

Apply for multiplier training in the area of integration

Apply for naturalization for foreigners with naturalization entitlement

Apply for naturalization for persons stateless since birth

Apply for new vineyards for wine

Apply for number assignment for recreational or commercial shipping (Ship Station License)

Apply for official acts subject to customs costs

Apply for old-age pension for long-term insured persons

Apply for old-age pension for severely disabled people

Apply for one-off benefits

Apply for one or more theoretical examinations for aviation personnel

Apply for on-the-job training (OJT) in individual cases

Apply for operating permit for drone flights with a risk ("special" category)

Apply for or terminate voluntary membership of statutory health insurance

Apply for orthodontic treatment and reimbursement of the co-payment for orthodontic treatment from the statutory health insurance fund

Apply for other assistance as individual benefits for participation in working life

Apply for outpatient or inpatient hospice care from the statutory health insurance fund

Apply for parental allowance

Apply for parental assistance or care assistants

Apply for partial approval for the construction of a plant

Apply for partial unemployment benefit

Apply for participation in an amateur radio examination

Apply for participation in social group work

Apply for participation in the control reporting procedure for relief from withholding tax

Apply for payment relief for companies from the Artists' Social Security Fund

Apply for payment relief for insured persons with the Artists' Social Security Fund

Apply for pension compensation for surviving spouses from statutory accident insurance in the event of remarriage

Apply for permission for earth excavation

Apply for permission to act as a tax representative for airlines

Apply for permission to act as a tax representative of a mail order company for alcohol products

Apply for permission to count jobs with less than 18 hours per week towards a compulsory job

Apply for permission to establish a stock exchange

Apply for permission to permanently transfer firearms or ammunition into, through or out of the Federal Republic of Germany

Apply for permission to practice medicine

Apply for permission to practice medicine in the field of psychotherapy

Apply for permission to purchase with an existing green firearms possession card for individual persons

Apply for permission to sell goods at trade fairs, festivals and on special occasions

Apply for permission to set up bee colonies in protection districts of bee colonization centers in Thuringia

Apply for permission to use the professional title of dietician

Apply for permission to use the professional title of healthcare and nursing assistant

Apply for permission to use the professional title of healthcare and pediatric nurse

Apply for permission to use the professional title of masseuse or masseur and medical bath attendant

Apply for permission to use the professional title of occupational therapist

Apply for permission to use the professional title of physiotherapist

Apply for permission to work as an insurance advisor

Apply for permission to work as an insurance advisor in a simplified procedure

Apply for phytosanitary certificates for export to third countries

Apply for planning approval for measures in the area of federal trunk roads

Apply for planning approval for measures in the area of federal waterways

Apply for preferential simplification

Apply for prequalification procedure in the supply and service sector (VOL/A)

Apply for pre-registration in the aircraft register

Apply for private storage aid for beef

Apply for private storage aid for butter

Apply for private storage aid for cheese

Apply for private storage aid for pigmeat

Apply for private storage aid for sheepmeat and goatmeat

Apply for private storage aid for skimmed milk powder

Apply for private storage aid for sugar

Apply for professional advancement training funding

Apply for project funding from the equalization fund for supra-regional projects for the participation of severely disabled people in working life

Apply for project-related or institutional funding as part of development cooperation

Apply for proof of general operating license for vehicles and trailers from the former GDR

Apply for public appointment as an expert in the fields of agriculture, forestry, horticulture and fisheries

Apply for recognition as a body for language examinations for aviation personnel

Apply for recognition as a Designated Body (BSt)

Apply for recognition as a farrier's apprentice farrier

Apply for recognition as an ECM certification body (ECMZ)

Apply for recognition as an expert for high-pressure gas pipelines

Apply for recognition as an Independent Valuation Body (UBS)

Apply for recognition as a Notified Body (NB)

Apply for recognition as a nursing assistant or nursing assistant with a professional qualification from abroad

Apply for recognition as a pharmaceutical consultant

Apply for recognition as a veterinarian with a professional qualification from the EU/EEA/Switzerland

Apply for recognition for radon measurements in the workplace

Apply for recognition of conformity assessment bodies for measuring instruments

Apply for red gun permit for gun or ammunition collector

Apply for reduced customs duties for goods imported for end use

Apply for reduction of the fee for day care facilities for children

Apply for reference film funding Screenplay Preproduction

Apply for registration as an expert in the list of energy efficiency experts

Apply for registration in the air sports equipment register for certification-free ultralight sports equipment

Apply for registration in the medical register

Apply for registration in the professional register for tax advisors and tax consultants

Apply for registration of a tax consulting company in the Professional Register of Tax Consultants

Apply for registration of the ELT emergency transmitter

Apply for registration or approval for self-mixers

Apply for registration or authorization according to Regulation (EC) No. 183/2005 and the Feed Regulation for Farmers

Apply for rehabilitation aftercare from the pension insurance fund

Apply for reimbursement, remission or refund of the tax on sparkling wine and intermediate products

Apply for reimbursement from the statutory health insurance fund

Apply for reimbursement of costs for damaged or destroyed aids

Apply for reimbursement of costs for remedies under statutory accident insurance

Apply for reimbursement of fare losses on local public transport

Apply for reimbursement of input tax paid in Germany by companies from other EU Member States

Apply for reimbursement of input tax paid in other EU member states

Apply for reimbursement of lost fares on long-distance services

Apply for reimbursement of overpaid contributions for statutory health insurance and social long-term care insurance

Apply for reimbursement of remuneration paid during maternity leave

Apply for reimbursement of social security contributions as a supplementary benefit to the seasonal short-time allowance

Apply for reimbursement of the cost contribution (50 percent) for the integration course

Apply for reimbursement of work lost when working for the Federal Agency for Technical Relief

Apply for relief from electricity tax for companies

Apply for remission or reimbursement of tobacco tax

Apply for renewal of approval as a classification undertaking for carcasses of cattle, pigs and sheep

Apply for renewal of the permit to bring weapons or ammunition into or through the federal territory.

Apply for replacement of damaged or destroyed aids

Apply for residence card for family members of Union citizens

Apply for residence permit extension for job search after research activity

Apply for residence permit extension for job search after vocational training

Apply for residence permit extension for joining spouse to foreigners

Apply for residence permit extension for refugees

Apply for residence permit for employment in public interest

Apply for residence permit for job search for professionals with academic education

Apply for residence permit for job search for skilled workers with vocational training

Apply for residence permit for mobile researchers

Apply for residence permit for recognition of professional qualification during employment

Apply for school psychological counseling

Apply for seasonal short-time allowance

Apply for sensory impairment allowance

Apply for short-time allowance

Apply for single certificate of inheritance due to legal succession

Apply for site-specific frequency usage parameter determination for digital railroad mobile radio

Apply for social assistance

Apply for socio-educational family assistance

Apply for special authorization according to FCL.1000b

Apply for state funding for a model project to protect and structurally strengthen journalistic work

Apply for status as an "authorized consignor" for the Union transit procedure

Apply for stress testing and occupational therapy from the statutory health insurance fund

Apply for subsequent certification of a marriage contracted by Germans abroad or with their participation

Apply for subsequent inclusion of spouses and descendants in the late resettler admission decision

Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities from the employment agency

Apply for subsidies for training and employment of people with disabilities at the Jobcenter

Apply for supplementary winter allowance as an additional benefit instead of seasonal short-time allowance

Apply for support for returning to work

Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)

Apply for tax relief for alcopops

Apply for the Cinema Program Award

Apply for the establishment of a new German air carrier

Apply for the German Bookstore Award

Apply for the German Publishing Award

Apply for the issue of an amateur radio examination certificate or an amateur radio certificate

Apply for the option for companies based in other EU countries to tax goods in the One-Stop-Shop (OSS)

Apply for the option for companies based in the EU to tax goods in the Mini-One-Stop-Shop (M1SS)

Apply for the option for companies based in the EU to tax goods in the One-Stop-Shop (OSS)

Apply for the option to tax goods with a material value of up to EUR 150 in the Import-One-Stop-Shop (IOSS)

Apply for the purchase of conventional breeding animals for organic farms

Apply for the removal or alteration of protected trees (natural monuments, landscape features, avenues)

Apply for the rental program award

Apply for the SHORT TIGER short film award

Apply for the status of Authorized Economic Operator

Apply for the Thuringia digital bonus

Apply for the use of short film award funds for the production or preparation of a short film

Apply for the use of special closures

Apply for training advice as a training company, trainee or apprentice

Apply for training allowance

Apply for transfer measures

Apply for transfer short-time allowance

Apply for transportation of war weapons by ship or plane outside the federal territory

Apply for travel business card

Apply for tree cutting permit

Apply for type approval for devices with radioactive substances and systems for generating ionizing radiation

Apply for type approval on a project-related basis

Apply for unemployment benefit

Apply for unemployment benefit for former temporary soldiers

Apply for university admission for local admission restricted study places

Apply for urban development funding

Apply for victim compensation

Apply for video funding

Apply for vocational training allowance

Apply for voluntary continued insurance in the social long-term care insurance scheme

Apply for voluntary continued insurance in the unemployment insurance scheme

Apply for voluntary health insurance contributions for foster child/ren

Apply for voluntary insurance and voluntary supplementary insurance in agricultural accident insurance

Apply for voluntary insurance in the statutory pension insurance scheme

Apply for voluntary labeling of foreign food with the animal husbandry method

Apply for voluntary status clarification

Apply for yellow weapon possession card for sport shooters

Apply for your data stored in the Central Register of Foreigners to be blocked for transmission

Apply for zoo permit

Applying for, extending or renewing a rating or instructor rating for a pilot's license

Applying for "approved exhibitor" status to prove the Union status of goods

Applying for (new) approval for microlight aircraft

Applying for (partial) exemption from German capital gains tax for foreign corporations

Applying for a cab permit to be reissued

Applying for a category B driving license

Applying for access to Stasi files as a public or non-public body

Applying for access to Stasi files on your own person, missing or deceased relatives

Applying for a company card for the first time

Applying for a derogation for the use of non-organic seeds

Applying for admission as a lawyer from a member state of the World Trade Organization

Applying for admission as a patent attorney

Applying for admission of a patent law firm

Applying for a driver's license transfer from the EU and the EEA

Applying for a driving instructor license for holders of a certificate of competence from another country

Applying for a driving license for mopeds and motorcycles for the first time

Applying for a duplicate of a radio operator's certificate

Applying for a fishing license

Applying for a fishing license

Applying for a guide dog as an aid

Applying for a half or full orphan's pension

Applying for a license for foreign transactions with war weapons

Applying for a license to practice as a dentist

Applying for an A1 certificate for an employee who is posted abroad in Europe

Applying for an accident insurance pension in the event of a reduction in earning capacity of at least 40 percent

Applying for an EORI number

Applying for an EU certificate of conformity for dentists

Applying for an EU certificate of conformity for doctors

Applying for an EU certificate of conformity for pharmacists

Applying for a new driving license

Applying for a new license for pilots

Applying for an exemption and overflight permit for the transportation of dangerous goods by air

Applying for an exemption certificate for tax-privileged foreign investors in investment funds

Applying for an exemption from the ban on working on Sundays and public holidays

Applying for an export license for cultural property

Applying for an extension of a residence permit for cases of exceptional hardship

Applying for an extension of a residence permit for the purpose of gainful employment for freelancers

Applying for an extension of a residence permit for victims of a crime

Applying for an extension of the cab permit

Applying for an extension of the identification number of a type of husbandry

Applying for an extension of the rental car permit

Applying for an extension of your residence permit for urgent humanitarian or personal reasons

Applying for an extension to another driving license category

Applying for an ID card for the first time

Applying for an identity card due to name change after divorce

Applying for an identity card due to name change on marriage

Applying for an identity card due to theft

Applying for an identity card for German nationals with permanent residence abroad

Applying for a noise protection certificate

Applying for an old-age pension for miners who have worked underground for many years

Applying for an operating license for a hospital pharmacy

Applying for an operating license for a pharmacy

Applying for an operating license for a single vehicle

Applying for an operating license for a single vehicle after loss

Applying for a passport abroad

Applying for a pension due to death in the event of disappearance

Applying for a permit for a cultivation association for the communal cultivation and distribution of cannabis

Applying for a permit for commercial passenger transport by road

Applying for a permit for the construction and operation of genetic engineering facilities

Applying for a permit for the simplified procedure for a plant according to BImSchG

Applying for a permit to import and export protected plant and animal species

Applying for a permit to operate custody facilities

Applying for a permit to withdraw and discharge headwater from surface waters

Applying for a permit under hazardous incident law for the construction and operation or modification of an installation that does not require a permit

Applying for a pilot license for the first time

Applying for approval for accident-relevant changes to an installation requiring approval

Applying for approval for aircraft

Applying for approval for a significant change to an installation requiring approval

Applying for approval for maritime surveillance

Applying for approval of a change to an already approved animal experiment

Applying for approval of a main operating plan for mining

Applying for approval of a new plant variety

Applying for approval of an inspection body for organic farming

Applying for approval of exemptions and issuing general rulings for tobacco and related products

Applying for approval of health claims on foods

Applying for approval of new substances for plastics in food contact materials

Applying for approval of novel tobacco products

Applying for approval to conduct clinical trials of medical devices

Applying for approval to modify an installation for the generation of electricity from renewable energies (repowering)

Applying for a preliminary consultation procedure for cross-border matters

Applying for a preliminary decision on a plant requiring a permit

Applying for a reduced earning capacity pension

Applying for a reduced earning capacity pension in the event of occupational disability

Applying for a refund, remission or reimbursement of alcohol tax

Applying for a refund, remission or reimbursement of beer tax

Applying for a refund, remission or reimbursement of coffee tax

Applying for a refund of capital gains tax on investment funds

Applying for a refund of capital gains tax paid to persons resident abroad

Applying for a refund of vehicle tax for the transportation of vehicles by rail

Applying for a refund or remission of import duties

Applying for a rental car permit to be reissued

Applying for a replacement certificate of a license to practice medicine

Applying for a replacement copy of a recreational craft license

Applying for a replacement Long Range Certificate (LRC)

Applying for a replacement Short Range Certificate (SRC)

Applying for a replacement VHF radiotelephony certificate (UBI)

Applying for a residence permit for exceptional hardship cases

Applying for a residence permit for the spouse to join foreigners

Applying for a residence permit for urgent humanitarian or personal reasons

Applying for a residence permit for victims of a crime

Applying for a residence permit in the case of subsidiary protection

Applying for a residence permit in the event of a ban on deportation

Applying for a separate assessment for the tax refund of capital contributions in accordance with the German Corporation Tax Act

Applying for a settlement permit for spouses with independent right of residence

Applying for a Short Range Certificate (SRC) conversion

Applying for a short-term license to participate in the amateur radio service

Applying for a simplified operator certificate for unmanned aircraft systems (LUC)

Applying for a special permit for marking

Applying for a special permit for vehicles and vehicle combinations

Applying for a special use permit for roads

Applying for a stay of execution

Applying for a temporary identity card

Applying for a temporary passport

Applying for a transfer license for the intra-Community transport of civil explosives

Applying for authorization to manufacture and place war weapons on the market

Applying for a visa for a short stay in Germany and the Schengen area

Applying for a widow's or widower's pension

Applying for batch release of vaccines as veterinary medicinal products

Applying for benefits for carers in acute care situations and care leave under social long-term care insurance

Applying for benefits in the event of damage to health as a result of service in the Bundeswehr

Applying for care allowance under social long-term care insurance

Applying for certificates of origin and IHK certificates for commercial documents

Applying for child-raising and child allowance periods in statutory pension insurance

Applying for combined benefits for people with long-term care insurance

Applying for compensation for an accident insurance pension in the event of a reduction in earning capacity of less than 40 percent

Applying for compensation for work on the Vocational Training Committee

Applying for compulsory insurance and contributions to pension insurance for tradespeople in craft businesses

Applying for consideration of a job-related relocation to avoid the closure of the housing subsidy account

Applying for different working hours for seasonal and campaign businesses

Applying for excursion permits and stationing

Applying for exemption for platform operators (DAC7)

Applying for exemption from compulsory insurance in the statutory pension insurance scheme for members of professional pension schemes

Applying for exemption from compulsory statutory health insurance

Applying for exemption from railroad operating purposes for a property on which federal railroad operating facilities are located

Applying for exemption from VAT in other EU member states as an embassy, consulate or member thereof

Applying for exemptions and alternative verification procedures to European aviation law

Applying for exemptions in accordance with the German Food and Feed Code

Applying for export refunds for agricultural products from the European Union (EU)

Applying for German citizenship as a foreign national with habitual residence abroad

Applying for health assistance during pregnancy and maternity

Applying for home care for disabled persons with long-term care insurance

Applying for home nursing care for people with statutory health insurance

Applying for household help for people with statutory health insurance during pregnancy and after childbirth

Applying for household help from statutory health insurance

Applying for information from the central driving license register

Applying for information from the Central Register of Foreigners

Applying for information from the central trade register

Applying for information from the National Weapons Register

Applying for information from the site register for genetically modified organisms (non-public part)

Applying for maternity benefit as a person with statutory health insurance

Applying for matters in connection with a Part 66 license

Applying for medical rehabilitation for children and young people with pension insurance

Applying for multiple credit for more than one mandatory job for the employment of severely disabled people

Applying for mutual agreement and arbitration proceedings under the EU Arbitration Commission

Applying for naturalization as part of restitution - for persons who were expatriated during National Socialism and their descendants - abroad

Applying for naturalization for former Germans abroad

Applying for payment of compensation for damage caused by radiation to game

Applying for pension compensation for surviving dependants in statutory accident insurance in the event of remarriage

Applying for permission for a collection

Applying for permission to hold open-air assemblies and processions in the pacified district

Applying for permission to operate a capital management company

Applying for permission to work with biological agents

Applying for permits for aircraft operations

Applying for permits for helicopter flight operations

Applying for permits to handle alcopops

Applying for permits to handle sparkling wine, intermediate products and wine

Applying for permits to handle untaxed coffee

Applying for planning approval for operating facilities of the federal railroads

Applying for preventive medical services for those insured with statutory health insurance

Applying for public appointment and swearing-in as an expert

Applying for re-authorization of a trade after prohibition

Applying for recognition as a lawyer with a professional qualification from abroad

Applying for recognition as a veterinarian with a professional qualification from a third country

Applying for recognition of a foreign amateur radio examination certificate or amateur radio authorization

Applying for recognition of a foreign professional qualification for training or further training in the field of agriculture

Applying for recognition of the equivalence of foreign non-regulated vocational and technical school qualifications

Applying for recognition of the equivalence of foreign school-leaving qualifications

Applying for registration as an operator of unmanned aircraft

Applying for registration of persons offering legal services in foreign law

Applying for reimbursement of VAT paid in Germany by entrepreneurs from non-EU countries

Applying for replacement of flight attendant certificates

Applying for rights of way for telecommunication lines and telecommunication networks

Applying for short-term care under long-term care insurance

Applying for sickness benefit for an accompanying person during inpatient treatment of people with disabilities

Applying for sickness benefit for self-employed persons in statutory health insurance

Applying for simplifications in determining the customs value

Applying for subsequent certification of a marriage concluded abroad

Applying for substitute care under social long-term care insurance

Applying for support from an integration service for a person with disabilities

Applying for support in working life

Applying for suspension of protection against dismissal during maternity leave, parental leave or nursing care

Applying for temporary flight permits

Applying for the allocation of frequencies for earth stations in satellite radio

Applying for the allocation or extension of the allocation period of a callsign for a remote-controlled or automatically operating amateur radio station

Applying for the granting of the candidate authorization

Applying for the initial issue or amendment of an inspection license for aviation equipment inspectors (PvL)

Applying for the relocation or modification of telecommunications lines in traffic routes

Applying for the renewal of an authorized variety

Applying for the transfer of a Long Range Certificate (LRC)

Applying for the transfer of recognized qualifications to a recreational craft licence

Applying for the transfer of rights and obligations from the cab permit

Applying for transitional allowance for pensioners

Applying for transitional allowance for people with disabilities

Applying for transportation of war weapons within the federal territory

Applying for type approval for vehicle parts

Applying for vehicle license plates for electrically powered vehicles

Applying for vocational training for people with disabilities who are fully incapacitated for work

Applying to the Artists' Social Security Fund for reinstatement to the previous status

Apply online for an employer service with a job offer

Apply to amend your funding application for projects to promote social structure in partner countries

Apply to close your housing subsidy account

Apply to employers for benefits for participation in working life in accordance with SGB IX

Apply to the BMZ for funding for new and continuing vocational education and training projects

Apply to the care insurance fund for a residential group supplement for people in need of care

Apply to the customs administration for remission or reimbursement on the grounds of equity

Apply to the customs administration for the transfer of electronic accounting abroad

Apply to the Employment Agency for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training

Apply to the employment agency for reimbursement of costs for trial employment of people with disabilities

Apply to the employment agency for support for participation in external vocational training

Apply to the employment agency for work aids for people with disabilities in training and employment

Apply to the Federal Archives for use of images

Apply to the Federal Aviation Office for an examination for technical personnel

Apply to the Federal Railway Authority for the provision of an electronic file for inspection

Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training

Apply to the job center for reimbursement of costs for trial employment of people with disabilities

Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training

Apply to the Jobcenter for work aids for people with disabilities in training and employment

Apply to the statutory health insurance fund for reimbursement of abortion costs

Appoint animal welfare officers

Appointing or dismissing ("discharging") money laundering officers or money laundering officers

Appoint insolvency administrator

Appoint management personnel for German airlines

Appointment of tax representatives

Apprenticeship register for skilled trades: Registration of vocational training relationships

Apprenticeship register for the skilled trades: modification or deletion of apprenticeship relationships

Apprenticeship roll craft: shortening or extension of the apprenticeship period

Approval as a private field inspector for seed multiplication areas - application

Approval as classifier for carcasses of cattle, pigs and sheep

Approval as private seed sampler - application

Approval of an inspection body in accordance with the Raw Milk Quality Ordinance

Approval of an inspection body in accordance with the Raw Milk Quality Ordinance

Approval of breeding programs according to § 5 par. 1 ff Animal Breeding Act

Approval of companies to carry out demolition and renovation work on or in existing plants, buildings or vehicles containing weakly bound asbestos products (Annex I No. 2.4.2 Para. 4 Hazardous Substances Ordinance)

Approval of establishments and premises for intra-Community trade in accordance with the Ordinance on the Protection of Animals with regard to the internal market

Approval of private laboratories for seed quality testing - application

Archaeological Heritage

Archive demand

As an employee family member (Mifa) apply for exemption from compulsory insurance with the agricultural pension fund

As an insurance undertaking, report the appointment of a member of the administrative or supervisory board

As an insured person, contact the Künstlersozialkasse for information, advice or clarification of concerns

As an international organization or its member, apply for exemption from VAT in other EU member states

As an IT service provider, enter or change master data in EMCS

Assertion of the right to maintenance of the mother of a child born out of wedlock

Assistance in special circumstances (social welfare)

Assumption of the costs of medicines and dressings in the event of an accident at work or occupational illness

Assumption of travel expenses by the agricultural employers' liability insurance association

As the holder of a pilot license, apply for a change of competent authority (Transfer IN)

As the rights holder, receive information about goods stopped by customs

Asylum application

Attend information events organized by the Artists' Social Security Fund on compulsory insurance under the Artists' Social Security Act

Attracting research and development (R&D) personnel - R&D personnel

Auctioneer business permit application

Authorization for the reburial of corpses or urns Issue

Authorization received for the preparation of weighing certificates for bananas

Authorization to use the designation "branded cheese" is granted by

Avian influenza

Aviation - Applying for permission to train pilots or air traffic control personnel

Aviation - Obtaining an aviation license (pilot's license)

B (59 hits)

Bank accounts in the EU

Bar association admission of a European lawyer revoked

Bathing Water Quality

Batteries - Disposal

Become a district chimney sweep

Become an election worker

Beekeeping - Apply for funding

Benefits for education and participation for children, adolescents and young adults Approval for ongoing receipt of benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act

Benefits for pregnant women

Benefits for social participation in statutory accident insurance

Benefits in the event of a need for care for people with statutory accident insurance

Benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act

Biosphere Reserves

Biotope protection

Bird flu

Birth: Anonymous

Boats (rental) - Boat certificate

Broadcasting fee - apply for a reduction

Broadcasting fee - apply for exemption

Broadcasting fee for companies and institutions Show changes

Broadcasting fee in the private sector - communicate changes

Broadcasting operation - authorization

Building - Acceptance for use of a temporary building

Building - Application for a certificate for the division of land

Building - Application for approval of a deviation from building law requirements and from the provisions of the development plan

Building - Application for approval of the change of use of buildings in a simplified procedure

Building - Application for building authority approval

Building - Application for building permit / for exemption from approval

Building - Application for change of use of buildings

Building - Application for exemption from a change ban to safeguard urban land-use planning

Building - Application for extension of the building permit/preliminary building permit

Building - Application for extension of the building permit for the modification of building structures

Building - Application for extension of the partial building permit for the modification of a building structure

Building - Application for information / inspection / excerpt from the register of building encumbrances

Building - Application for partial building permission for the modification of a building structure

Building - Application for partial building permit

Building - Application for planning permission for the modification of a building in the simplified procedure

Building - Application for planning permission for the modification of a building structure

Building - Application for preliminary building permit / preliminary building application

Building - Application for registration of a building encumbrance in the register of building encumbrances

Building - apply for exemption from a change ban to safeguard urban land-use planning - for building projects not subject to procedures

Building - applying for exemption from approval in the simplified procedure

Building - Display of the building status

Building - Display of the site manager

Building - Exemption from approval for the change of use of a building structure

Building - get advice on building regulations

Building measurement

Building - Notification of a change of building owner

Building - Notification of a change to a building without planning permission

Building - notification of a temporary building and application for a building permit

Building - notification of commencement of use

Building - Notification of exemption from approval for a building project

Bulky waste - disposal


Business registration limited liability company

Business re-registration

Business startup consulting

Buying and selling vehicles

Buying medicines in another EU country