European lawyer Applying for admission to the Bar Association

Service Description

If you are admitted as a European lawyer to the bar association responsible for your place of establishment, you may work in Germany under the professional title that you are also permitted to use in your country of origin. This is not permitted in Germany without admission as a European lawyer to the respective bar association. Admission to the bar association requires the applicant to be registered as a European lawyer with the competent authority in the country of origin.

If you are admitted as a European lawyer, you must prove regularly, usually every three years, that you are still admitted as a lawyer in your home country. Otherwise your recognition as a European lawyer in Germany will be withdrawn.

If there are other reasons why you are no longer allowed to work as a lawyer, you are obliged to inform the relevant bar association of these reasons.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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