Service Finder
Applying for recognition of a foreign professional qualification for training or further training in the field of agriculture
Service Description
Have you acquired your professional qualification in the field of agriculture and home economics abroad and would like to work in Germany in the profession you have learned? For the following professional qualifications
- Specialist in herd management
- Certified professional specialist for organic farming
- Specialist agronomist for organic farming
- Agricultural assistant
- Horticultural worker
- Specialist in housekeeping
- Specialist practitioner for personal services
as well as for the following school qualifications
- State-certified economist specializing in agriculture or horticulture or gardening and landscaping
- State-certified agricultural business economist specializing in agriculture
- State-certified technician specializing in horticulture or horticulture and landscaping
you can have your foreign qualification recognized.
In the area of agricultural training professions (non-regulated professions), the recognition notices - unlike in the area of regulated professions - are not a prerequisite for permission to practice the profession, but primarily a "transparency instrument". A certificate of recognition makes it easier for employers to assess foreign qualifications and thus improves the labor market opportunities of those qualified abroad."
Process flow
For recognition, the competent body will check, on the basis of an informal signed application and your enclosed certificates, whether or to what extent your foreign qualification corresponds to a German qualification for the profession you intend to practise. This assessment is based on defined formal criteria, such as the content and duration of the training. Your proven relevant professional experience is also taken into account, as are other relevant qualifications. As soon as your application documents are complete, the competent body will carry out the examination and may request further documents. You will receive written notification of the result of the examination. This will also contain information on which qualifications you may lack for full recognition and how you can make up for this.
Before submitting your application, ask the staff at theThuringian State Office for Agriculture and Rural Areas(TLLLR) before you apply. The consultations are free of charge and confidential.
Who should I contact?
Please contact the responsible office at the Thuringian State Office for Agriculture and Rural Areas (TLLLR).
Competent authority
Thuringian State Office for Agriculture and Rural Areas (TLLLR)
- You have a state-recognized professional qualification from abroad.
- Your qualification must match a German training qualification or further training qualification in the field of agriculture.
- You want to work in Germany.
Which documents are required?
As a rule, you will need the following documents
- a table listing the training courses you have completed and the jobs you have held
- Details of your current place of residence
- Proof of identity
- Proof of training acquired abroad
- Proof of relevant professional experience or other certificates of qualification, if these are required to determine equivalence
- Declaration as to whether and to which body you have already submitted an application for determination of equivalence
- If applicable, notification of the determination of equivalence
Depending on the respective profession, further documents may be required. Please contact the responsible office. As a rule, you must submit all documents as copies or electronically. All documents must be submitted in German. If the documents are written in another language, you will also need a translation. It may also be necessary to submit all documents in the original. Please contact the responsible office.
What are the fees?
Fee: 75,00 EURPayment in advance: no
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
No deadlines need to be observed.
Legal basis
- § Section 50a of the Vocational Training Act (BBiG)
- §§ 2-7 Professional Qualifications Assessment Act (BQFG)
- § Section 8 (1) No. 3 of the Professional Qualifications Assessment Act (BQFG)
- Thuringian Act on the Assessment of the Equivalence of Professional Qualifications Acquired Abroad (Thuringian Professional Qualifications Assessment Act - ThürBQFG)
Applications / forms
You can take legal action against the decision of the competent authority within a certain period of time (for example, by lodging an objection). The decision will then be reviewed. Details can be found in the information on legal remedies at the end of your decision. You should first speak to the responsible office before taking legal action against the decision.
You can submit your application informally in writing or electronically to the responsible office.
What else should I know?
Procedure for ethnic German repatriates
As a late repatriate, you can go through the recognition procedure either in accordance with the laws mentioned here or in accordance with the Federal Expellees Act. You can decide for yourself. The responsible office will advise you on which procedure is right for you.
Qualification analysis
You no longer have all the documents required for the application? Then recognition is still possible. You can prove your professional qualification with a qualification analysis, for example through a technical interview or a work sample.
Further Information
Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Thuringian Ministry for Infrastructure and Agriculture (TMIL)
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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