High school

Service Description

The Gymnasium provides an in-depth general education that enables students to continue their education at a university. It comprises grades 5 to 12.

In Thuringia, a child can attend a Gymnasium if he or she has passed an entrance examination or if he or she has achieved at least the grade "good" in German, mathematics, and home and subject knowledge in the half-year report of the 4th grade, or if he or she has received a recommendation from the respective elementary school for transfer to a Gymnasium at the request of the parents.

At the Gymnasium, promotion to grade 10 confirms a level of education equivalent to the Hauptschulabschluss.

At the end of grade 10, all students take a central performance test, which plays a major role in determining their promotion to the course phase of the Gymnasiale Oberstufe. Transfer to grade 11 confirms that the student's level of education is equivalent to that of the Realschule certificate.

The course phase of the gymnasiale Oberstufe in grades 11 and 12 is no longer organized in class form, but in course form. The results of these half-year courses are for the most part included in the Abitur report. A high degree of independence is expected, which is also essential for subsequent study.

Students who leave the Gymansium without the Abitur can obtain the academic part of the Fachhochschulreife.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6PLus)

Competent Authority

Staatliches Gymnasium "MELISSANTES" Arnstadt

Käfernburger Straße 2
99310 Arnstadt, Stadt
03628 600225
03628 600226


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Registration of my child at the school
Deregistration of my child from school

Further Authorities

Landratsamt Ilm-Kreis - Personalamt
Ritterstraße 14
99310 Arnstadt, Stadt
03628 738-271
03628 738-289
Staatliches Schulamt Westthüringen
Justus-Perthes-Straße 2a
99867 Gotha
0361 573415-100
0361 573415-101