Apply for benefits for participation in working life from the Federal Employment Agency

Service Description

You can apply for benefits for participation in working life if, due to your (impending) disability(ies), you need support in finding training or work or securing your training or job because

  • your prospects of participating in working life or participating in working life again are significantly reduced not only temporarily due to the nature or severity of the (impending) disability(ies) or
  • you are threatened with a disability with the same occupational consequences.

If you are eligible for support, the general benefits provided by the Employment Agency are available to you first:

  • Placement budget
  • Measures for activation and professional integration
  • Vocational preparation training
  • Vocational training in external facilities (BaE)
  • Assisted training (AsA)
  • Assistance during training
  • Vocational further training support
  • Start-up grant

If the general benefits are not sufficient to cover your support needs, you can receive the following special or supplementary support:

  • rehabilitation-specific pre-vocational training measures
  • Basic training required due to disability
  • rehabilitation-specific training measures
  • Rehabilitation-specific further training measures
  • Individual in-company qualification within the framework of supported employment
  • Entry procedures and vocational training in workshops for people with disabilities or with other service providers
  • Budget for training
  • Placement support or vocational guidance through integration services
  • Individual support such as technical work aids, aids, work assistance
  • Other assistance, participation support

What is suitable for you depends, among other things, on the following,

  • which of the respective services is best suited to you and your individual situation in order to
    • improve your chances of successfully finding vocational training or a job or
    • secure your existing training or employment relationship,
  • what personal inclinations you have and how you can use them in your professional life,
  • what jobs you would like to do and can do,
  • how the training and employment market is currently developing and
  • whether you meet the respective eligibility requirements.

An application for benefits for participation is required before you can claim the benefits. You can submit this to your advisor at the relevant employment agency or to your placement officer at the Jobcenter. Once the complete application documents have been received, your application will be reviewed. We will then discuss the next steps with you and select the appropriate support options for your situation. We will take your abilities, interests and aptitudes into account.

After vocational rehabilitation, we will also help you to find a suitable training place or a suitable job. Our aim is to enable you to participate in working life on a permanent basis. Your health impairment or (impending) disability should have as little impact as possible on your training or work.