Birth: Anonymous

Service Description

For a pregnant woman who finds herself in an emergency or conflict situation that appears to her to be hopeless, the situation may be so acute that she sees the secret delivery, abandonment or even killing of the child as the only possible solution.

A woman in such an acute emergency or conflict situation can give birth anonymously under expert supervision and without giving her personal details at any Thuringian clinic with a department for gynecology/obstetrics if the birth of her child is imminent.

After the birth, the mother can be sure that her child will be placed in good hands through the mediation of the Youth Welfare Office. It is also possible to leave a personal message for the child in a sealed envelope and receive counseling/guidance from a pregnancy and pregnancy conflict counseling center. Every woman should know that she can give up her anonymity at any time.

Mothers in very great personal need can take advantage of the baby basketoption and leave their newborn there anonymously. The baby basket is intended to prevent babies from being abandoned unprotected, putting their lives in danger.

The baby basket is set up in an out-of-sight location and is clearly marked from the outside. The route to it can be taken anonymously. As soon as an infant is in the baby basket , the delivery room staff is automatically notified. This means that the nurse and doctor can attend to the baby within the shortest possible time.

A letter deposited in the baby basket gives the woman in distress advice on which authority to turn to if she later decides to have her baby after all.

In terms of notarization law, the child is treated as a person of uncertain marital status in accordance with Section 26 of the Personal Status Act. According to this, the competent administrative authority (district, independent city) determines which place of birth and date of birth as well as which first name and surname are to be entered in the register of births.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6PLus)

Competent Authority

Stadtverwaltung Stadtilm - Standesamt

Straße der Einheit 1
99326 Stadtilm
03629 668834
03629 668842
Opening times
Tuesday 09:00 - 12:00 / 13:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 13:00 - 16:00
Thursday 09:00 - 12:00
Friday 09:00 - 12:00
Online appointment

Bank account

Recipients: Stadtverwaltung Stadtilm
Bank: Sparkasse Arnstadt-Ilmenau
IBAN: DE55840510101820000024