Test experts for technical systems and equipment - Apply for recognition

Service Description

Inspection experts inspect and certify compliance with building code requirements in their respective fields. This is done on behalf of the building owner or other responsible parties in accordance with building regulations. The inspection experts are independent within the scope of their inspection tasks and are not bound by instructions.of the client.

Recognition as an inspection expert for technical systems and equipment is only granted to applicants who fulfill and can prove the general requirements as well as the special requirements for this specialist area. In addition to proof of a suitable university degree and sufficient professional and testing experience, a specialist assessment is carried out, which includes a written and an oral examination.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Start your request directly online:

Competent Authority

Thüringer Ministerium für Digitales und Infrastruktur - Referat 21 - Baurecht

Werner-Seelenbinder-Straße 8
99096 Erfurt
+49 361 5741110000
Remark: Central number of the Thuringian Ministry for Digital Affairs and Infrastructure
Opening times

A telephone meeting or contact by e-mail is recommended.

During normal working hours, contact is possible from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm.

Building access