Care courses for family caregivers and caregivers applying for care leave

Service Description

If you care for a relative or would like to provide care at home on a voluntary basis, you can take part in care insurance courses and training. You can apply to your care insurance fund to take part. The long-term care insurance fund is affiliated to your statutory health insurance fund, so you can use the same contact details.

The free courses provide you with the necessary knowledge and the right moves to carry out home care independently. They are designed to give you confidence in dealing with people in need of care.

There are 2 types of care courses:

  • Group care courses
  • Care insurance companies and other institutions such as social welfare centers or adult education centers offer general, public courses for several participants. The courses can take place on site or online.
  • Care training in the home
  • A professional specialist comes to the home of the person in need of care and shows you how to lift correctly, for example. The training is tailored to your space and individual situation.

In addition to basic courses, there are free special courses on specific illnesses, such as dementia, Parkinson's disease, stroke or caring for children in need of care. In the courses, you will learn care measures that are geared towards the specific clinical pictures.

The contents of the courses are specified by the care insurance fund. The contents are

  • Practical care, for example helpful hand movements, nutrition in old age or handling medication
  • Self-care, for example back-friendly lifting and carrying, dealing with mental stress, respite and short-term care
  • Legal and social issues, for example care law and what other assistance you can make use of
  • Hygiene, for example help with personal hygiene and hygiene measures in the home environment of the person in need of care

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Competent Authority

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