Public appointment and swearing-in of samplers

Service Description

As a sampler, you check the quality, quantity, weight or correct packaging of goods in production and in the movement of goods. If you can demonstrate special expertise, personal suitability and the necessary independence, you can be publicly appointed and sworn in.

This means that you are subject to additional professional and objectivity obligations.

The purpose of public appointment is to provide courts, authorities and the public with particularly knowledgeable and personally suitable experts whose statements are particularly credible.

Public appointment is a special public seal of quality for experts in Germany. There is no higher qualification in the field of expert witness work.

Administrations and courts should give preference to these experts. However, they are also available to business and private clients.

In addition to all chambers of industry and commerce, in some federal states other professional chambers such as chambers of engineers, architects or chambers of agriculture and other state bodies are also authorized to make public appointments.

The contact details of the publicly appointed and sworn experts are published in standardized directories.

The designation "publicly appointed and sworn" is legally protected.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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