Working hours

Service Description

To protect the health and safety of employees, the Working Hours Act (ArbZG) contains provisions that limit working hours on weekdays and stipulate rest breaks and rest periods. From a health protection perspective, more extensive regulations apply to night and shift work. The ArbZG also implements the fundamental ban on employing workers on Sundays and public holidays.

Tighter working time limits can be agreed through collective agreements, but in some cases regulations that go beyond the provisions of the ArbZG can also be agreed. The ArbZG provides a flexible framework for the organization of working hours.

Special regulations apply to certain groups of people such as young people or expectant and nursing mothers. These are anchored in special laws such as the Youth Employment Protection Act and the Maternity Protection Act. Driving and rest time regulations also apply to drivers in freight and passenger transport.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Competent Authority

Thüringer Landesamt für Verbraucherschutz (TLV) - Regionalinspektion Mittelthüringen

Postal address
Tennstedter Straße 8/9
99947 Bad Langensalza

Delivery address
Linderbacher Weg 30
99099 Erfurt
0361 573831-000
Parking spaces
Parking Place
Number: 10
Fees: no

Building access