Veterinary surgeon - temporary exercise of the profession in the context of the provision of services under European law - report

Service Description

Veterinarians who are

  • are nationals of an EU member state or of another state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or of a state with which an EU association agreement has entered into force, and
  • are authorized to practice the veterinary profession outside Germany in one of these states and are legally established there as a veterinarian,

may practice the profession in Germany as a service provider within the meaning of the provisions of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) for the temporary and occasional practice of the profession even without a license or permit.

In this case, you are subject to a prior written notification obligation pursuant to Section 11a (2) of the Federal Veterinary Medical Regulations. The obligation to register exists if you move from another member state to Germany for the first time in order to provide services. The notification must be renewed once a year if you intend to temporarily and occasionally provide services in Germany during the year in question. If prior notification is not possible due to the urgency of the activity, the notification must be made immediately after the service has been provided.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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Competent Authority

Landestierärztekammer Thüringen

Thälmannstr. 1-3
99085 Erfurt
0361 64438-793
0361 64438-795