Service Finder
Veterinary medicine cabinet - show
Service Description
If you operate a veterinary medicine cabinet as a veterinarian, you must report this to the competent authority. Subsequent changes must also be reported.
Process flow
You can notify the competent authority in person or in writing/electronically. You will receive a certificate of notification. The veterinary medicine cabinet will be inspected during an on-site appointment.
Who should I contact?
Contact the veterinary and food inspection office responsible for your practice location.
You must have a license to practice as a veterinarian or a permit to temporarily practice the veterinary profession.
Furthermore, you must have a suitable room in which medicinal products are manufactured, tested, stored, packaged or placed on the market (operating room). The requirements for the quality of the premises in accordance with Section 3 of the Ordinance on Veterinary Dispensaries must be complied with. Furthermore, the equipment required for the proper operation of your veterinary practice dispensary must be available in the operating rooms. The equipment must be in perfect working order. The relevant legal provisions on the trade in medicinal products, narcotics, the German Drug Price Ordinance and, if required by the nature and scope of the activity, the current official edition of the pharmacopoeia must be available on the premises.
Which documents are required?
A certified copy of your license to practice medicine or your permit in accordance with Section 2 (2) of the Federal Veterinary Regulations.
What are the fees?
A fee of EUR 40 is currently set for issuing an initial certificate of notification.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
You must make the notification before operating a veterinary medicine cabinet.
Processing duration
The processing time depends on the quality and completeness of the documents submitted.
Legal basis
- Ordinance on veterinary in-house pharmacies (TÄHAV)
- § Section 67 (1) and Section 47 (1a) of the German Medicinal Products Act (AMG)
- Thuringian administrative cost regulations for the business area of the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Health, Women and Family in conjunction with the corresponding administrative cost schedule (Part C No. 8.1)
The notification can be made informally. The notification must state the type of activity and the address of the business premises.
What else should I know?
When operating a veterinary medicine cabinet, the rules of veterinary medicine must be observed.
Anyone operating a veterinary medicine cabinet must personally ensure the proper operation of the pharmacy (responsibility of the veterinarian).
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Thuringian Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Health, Women and Family (TMASGFF)
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)