Notarize the waiver of inheritance

Service Description

If you have become an heir, you must decide whether to accept or reject the inheritance.This applies regardless of whether you inherit on the basis of intestate succession, a will or an inheritance contract. First find out what assets and debts there are.

If you do not wish to accept the inheritance, you must expressly declare the waiver to the probate court. If you do not wish to visit the probate court in person to declare the waiver for the record, you can have a notarized declaration drawn up by a notary and submit it to the probate court. A written declaration without notarization of your signature is not sufficient.

If you renounce the inheritance, you will be treated as if you had not been alive at the time of the inheritance, i.e. the inheritance will go to the person who would have been appointed in your place in this case. It then depends on whether the testator has appointed substitute heirs or who succeeds you in the legal succession.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Competent Authority

Amtsgericht Arnstadt

Längwitzer Straße 26
99310 Arnstadt, Stadt

Postal address
Post office box 1464
99304 Arnstadt, Stadt

Further Authorities

Amtsgericht Arnstadt - Zweigstelle Ilmenau
Postal address
Post office box 10 07 51
98648 Ilmenau