Village renewal and development - applying for funding

Service Description

Under certain conditions, you can apply for funding for village renewal and development. The standard funding rates for village renewal and development are 65% of eligible expenses for municipalities and non-profit legal entities, otherwise up to 35%. An increase of 10% is possible through a LEADER bonus. For financially weak municipalities, the funding rate is up to 90%.

What is supported?

  • Consulting and support for the implementation of the community development concepts (GEK)
  • Expenditures for the preservation and design of the village character including the safeguarding and further development of community facilities appropriate to the village in order to improve the living conditions of the village population,
  • Investment projects such as the design of public facilities and buildings, the preservation and design of buildings and the associated yard areas,
  • conversion of village buildings
  • and others.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Start your request directly online:

Competent Authority

Thüringer Landesamt für Landwirtschaft und Ländlichen Raum (TLLLR) - Referat 43 - Regionale Landentwicklung Mittel- und Nordthüringen

Hans-C.-Wirz-Str. 2
99867 Gotha
Remark: Gotha branch
+49 361 574014-100
+49 361 574014-299


Infotelefon Landentwicklung
+49 361 574062-999
Responsible for

Further Authorities

PORTIA Servicehotline
Uhlandstraße 3
99601 Sömmerda
+49 361 574013-333