Vocational schools

Service Description

The wide range of individual school types and courses offered by vocational schools opens up numerous different educational and qualification opportunities for young people. The following school types and courses of education exist:

For young people without a school leaving certificate:

  • Vocational preparation year (BVJ)
  • Vocational school (vocational training)

For young people with a secondary school leaving certificate (Hauptschule or Realschule):

  • Vocational school (vocational training)
  • Vocational school

For young people with a Realschule certificate:

  • Higher vocational school
  • Technical secondary school
  • Vocational high school
  • Technical college (prerequisite is a completed relevant vocational training)

For young people with special educational needs:

  • Vocational preparation year (BVJ B)
  • Vocational school (vocational training)

Depending on the previous qualification, it is possible to acquire a qualification equivalent to the Hauptschule or Realschulabschluss, the Fachhochschulreife or the general university entrance qualification in addition to the general education classes and the theoretical and practical qualification.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Competent Authority

Staatliches Schulamt Westthüringen

Justus-Perthes-Straße 2a
99867 Gotha
0361 573415-100
0361 573415-101


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Registration of my child at the school
Deregistration of my child from school