Service Finder
Notify the intention to appoint a managing director of a capital management company
Service Description
Capital management companies have various notification obligations vis-à-vis the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority. Among other things, they must report if they intend to appoint a managing director.
A corresponding decision by the responsible body of your company, for example the supervisory board, is deemed to be an intention. This is also the case if the selection is subject to the decision of other bodies or feedback from BaFin.
The duty of disclosure also applies
- the appointment of a representative and
- the extension of a temporary appointment of a managing director (not the legal relationship on which the appointment is based)
Managing directors must fulfill the following criteria
- professional suitability,
- reliability and
- sufficient time availability
BaFin assesses these criteria on the basis of the documents submitted.
Process flow
Submit the notification of intention to appoint a managing director by post:
Go to the BaFin website and download the following forms:
- Form "Suitability matrix"
- "Notification of changes to the members of the management body" form
- Form "Information on reliability and availability pursuant to Article 4 DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2017/1943"
- Form "Personnel changes to the managing director in accordance with KAGB"
- Form "Information on reliability according to KAGB"
- Form "Secondary activities of directors, supervisory board members and advisory board members in accordance with KAGB"
- Fill out the forms completely and truthfully. You can do this directly on the computer and print it out.
- Enter the name of the company and the reference number so that the notification and the required documents can be clearly assigned.
- In your notification, state the date on which you wish to appoint the managing directors.
- Compile all the necessary documents. BaFin provides a "checklist" on its website which you can use to check whether your documents are complete.
- Send the required documents to BaFin.
- BaFin may request further documents and information if it appears necessary in individual cases.
- After BaFin has checked your documents, you will receive a decision.
The responsible committee of your capital management company has decided on a candidate for the Executive Board.
Which documents are required?
One copy of each:
- Curriculum vitae: signed and dated by hand
- Information on the reliability of the manager: signed and dated by hand
- "Certificate of good conduct for submission to an authority", "European certificate of good conduct for submission to an authority" or "corresponding documents" from abroad in the original
- Original extract from the central trade register
- Overview of other mandates as managing director and in administrative and supervisory bodies
- Information on time availability
Detailed information on the required documents can be found in BaFin's "Information sheet on managing directors in accordance with KWG, ZAG and KAGB".
What are the fees?
The advertisement will cost you EUR 1,485.00.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
You must immediately notify us of your intention to appoint a managing director.
Processing duration
If BaFin decides to impose restrictions or to reject a manager, it shall notify an asset management company within one month of receipt of the notification. BaFin may extend this period by up to one month if it deems this necessary due to the particular circumstances of the individual case of the capital management company. It must inform the capital management company of the extension of the deadline.
Legal basis
Applications / forms
Detailed information on how to lodge an objection can be found in the notification. - In the absence of a remedy, appeal to the administrative court
Forms: yes
Online procedure possible: no
Written form required: yes
Personal appearance required: no
- Form "Suitability matrix"
- Form "Notification of changes to the members of the governing body"
- Form "Information on reliability and availability in accordance with Article 4 DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2017/1943"
- Form "Personnel changes of managing directors according to KAGB"
- Form "Information on reliability in accordance with KAGB"
- Form "Ancillary activities of managing directors, supervisory board members and advisory board members pursuant to KAGB"
Further Information
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
- Notification of the intention to appoint a managing director Acceptance
Remark: Display of performance in the source portal
Technically approved by
Federal Ministry of Finance
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
Competent Authority
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin)
Postal address
53002 Bonn, Stadt
60439 Frankfurt am Main
Remark: Address Frankfurt am Main
Link to the directions:
Postal address
60306 Frankfurt am Main
+49 228 4108-0Fax
+49 228 4108-1550Remark: especially for appointment notices regarding supervisory and administrative board members