VAT-free shopping in Germany as a traveler from a non-EU country

Service Description

Travelers from third countries (non-member states of the European Union) can make VAT-free purchases in Germany from a value of goods of EUR 50.01 under certain conditions. For travelers residing in Northern Ireland, tax-free shopping is excluded.

If you make purchases on private trips in Germany, you must initially pay the full price including VAT, but can have the tax refunded.

The VAT exemption does not apply to goods that are used to equip or supply private means of transport (e.g. car, motorboat, aircraft). These include, for example, bumpers, wing mirrors, fuel or care products. Services such as hotel accommodation and restaurant visits are also excluded from the exemption.

In order to receive a tax refund, you must submit the "Export and customer certificate for VAT purposes for exports in non-commercial travel (Section 6 (3a) UStG)" form completed by your dealer or the cash register or invoice receipt to a border customs office before leaving the customs territory of the Union. If the requirements are met, the customs office will confirm that the goods have been exported on time and that you are a third-country buyer (export and buyer confirmation).

On presentation of the export documents confirmed by the customs office to the retailer, the retailer can refund the VAT to you. Alternatively, you have the option of having the VAT refunded by a service company. This company will pay the tax amount after deducting a processing fee (primarily at airports) on presentation of the export documents confirmed by the customs authorities.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Competent Authority

Generalzolldirektion (GZD), Dienststellensuche Zoll

Carusufer 3-5
01099 Dresden, Stadt
+49 228 303-26020
Remark: For private individuals
+49 228 303-26030
Remark: For companies
+49 351 44834-590
Contact us
Remark: For private individuals
Contact us
Remark: For companies
Opening times

Office hours:

Monday 08:00 - 17:00

Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00

Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00

Thursday 08:00 - 17:00

Friday 08:00 - 17:00