Notify the artists' social insurance fund of the company's mission

Service Description

If your company ceases to exist, the obligation to pay contributions under the Artists' Social Insurance Act also ends.

The reason why your company no longer exists, for example due to deletion, merger or splitting, is not decisive for the termination. However, this may result in further audits by the Künstlersozialkasse if your legal successor is liable to pay contributions.

If your company is merely dormant, your obligation to pay contributions is generally not terminated as your company still exists.

For the period up to the complete cessation of the business, you must report the remuneration that you have paid to self-employed persons for artistic or journalistic works or services. The Künstlersozialkasse uses your report to draw up a final statement of the artists' social security contribution.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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