Service Finder
Notify changes to a registered aircraft
Service Description
As the owner or operator of a registered aircraft, you must notify the Luftfahrt-Bundesamt (LBA) of any changes affecting the aircraft.
You must notify the LBA of the following changes:
only to be reported by owners:
- Change of ownership
- Change of legal form or name
- Change of address of the owner
- Change of address of the keeper
- Change of keeper
- Change of location
- Changes to the aircraft, including technical defects and changes to liability insurance
- Change in the distribution of shares
In some cases, you must send the original documents to the LBA by post:
- old registration certificate (in case of change of ownership, change of legal form or name, change of address of the owner)
- old certificate of airworthiness (in the event of changes that require a new certificate of airworthiness to be issued)
Under these conditions, you must apply for the registration or change of registration of an ELT emergency transmitter code:
- Changes to the aircraft (color and markings)
- Changes of location
- Change of the holder
- Change of address of the holder
- Change of address of the owner
If you already have a noise protection certificate and the noise values of the aircraft have changed, you must apply for a new noise protection certificate.
The LBA may issue you with a new or amended registration certificate and, if necessary, a new airworthiness certificate.
Process flow
To report one or more changes, please proceed as follows:
Online application:
- Call up the federal portal and complete the online application.
- You can upload your documents directly.
After entering the information and uploading the required documents, you will be informed that in certain cases you will need to send the original documents to the Federal Office of Civil Aviation by post.
- In the event of a change of ownership, a change of legal form or name or a change of address of the owner, please send the old registration certificate by post to the Luftfahrt-Bundesamt after submitting the application.
- In the event of changes that require a new certificate of airworthiness to be issued, send the old certificate of airworthiness by post to the Luftfahrt-Bundesamt after submitting the application.
- In the event of a change of ownership, an insurance confirmation must be forwarded to the LBA by your insurance company or insurance broker.
- Send the application online.
- The Luftfahrt-Bundesamt (LBA) will check your application.
- Once your application has been processed by the LBA, you will receive a notification and fee notice and, if applicable, a new certificate of airworthiness and, if applicable, a new or amended registration certificate in the original by post.
Application by post, fax or e-mail:
- Call up the relevant form on the LBA website.
- Complete the form and compile the required documents.
- The next steps are the same as for the online application.
- Send all documents to the LBA.
Changes that affect a licensed aircraft must be reported to the LBA.
You can report such changes
- as the owner of the aircraft
- and, if applicable, as the operator of the aircraft
- or as the person authorized to represent them.
In the event of a change of ownership, please note who may be entered in the aircraft register as the owner. Owners can be
- natural persons with German citizenship or citizenship of an EU member state or citizenship of a state in which European Union aviation law applies,
- legal entities and companies under commercial law with their registered office in Germany, in which the majority of the assets or capital as well as the actual control thereof is held by German nationals or nationals of an EU Member State and the majority of the authorized representatives or personally liable persons are German nationals or nationals of an EU Member State. Nationals of EU Member States will be treated in the same way as German nationals.
- natural or legal persons from a third country, provided that a contract of ownership with a citizen or legal entity of the EU has been in place for at least 6 months.
In the event of a change of ownership, it must be noted who is entered in the aircraft register as the owner. Owners can be
- natural persons with German citizenship, citizenship of an EU member state or natural persons from a state in which European Union aviation law applies,
legal entities and companies under commercial law with their registered office in Germany, in which the majority of the assets or capital as well as the actual control thereof is held by German nationals or nationals of an EU Member State and the majority of the authorized representatives or personally liable persons are German nationals or nationals of an EU Member State.
Which documents are required?
for private individuals, sole proprietors or organizations that do not have their place of residence/registered office in Germany:
- Authorization to serve and receive documents
for the representation of private individuals or sole proprietors or for the application or representation of companies, associations, civil law partnerships (GbR):
- Proof of authorization to represent (for your organization)
for communities of owners:
- Consent of the owners
for communities of owners:
- Consent of the owners
in the event of a change of ownership:
- Proof of ownership
- Proof of nationality of the owners (for communities of owners)
- Extract from the commercial register or trade license (for sole proprietors)
- Extract from the commercial register and, if applicable, a certified translation of the extract from the commercial register into English or German (for companies)
- Declaration signed by the company's authorized representatives (for companies)
- Extract from the register of associations and, if applicable, a certified translation of the extract from the register of associations into English or German (for associations with legal capacity)
- Partnership agreement (for GbR with small commercial activity)
- Business registration of all partners (for GbR with small commercial activity)
in the event of a change of owner:
- Proof of nationality of the owner or of the owners in the case of joint owners
in the event of a change of keeper or change of address for joint keepers or keepers if the owners are not the keepers or the application is submitted on behalf of the owners:
- Declaration of the holder or holders on data protection
in the event of changes to the aircraft (including technical defects and changes to the liability insurance):
- Proof or evidence of changes to the aircraft
original documents required to be sent to the Luftfahrt-Bundesamt:
- old registration certificate (in case of change of ownership, change of legal form or name, change of address of the owner)
- old certificate of airworthiness (in the event of changes that require a new certificate of airworthiness to be issued)
- Confirmation of insurance forwarded to the Federal Aviation Office by your insurance company or insurance broker (in the event of a change of ownership)
Please refer to the application form to find out which documents are required in your case.
What are the fees?
There is no charge for notifying the change.
Fee: 70,00 EURPayment in advance: noThere is a fee of EUR 70.00 for changing the aircraft roll. - You will receive a notification with a QR code for payment. - Additional costs will be charged for postal delivery.
Fee: 30,00 - 1350,00 EURPayment in advance: noA fee of between EUR 30.00 and EUR 1,350.00 is charged for the amendment of the airworthiness certificate. - You will receive a notification with a QR code for payment. - The fees are based on the Aviation Administration Cost Ordinance (LuftkostV). - Additional costs will be charged for postal delivery.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
There is no deadline.
Processing duration
Processing Time: 1 - 3 WeeksThe processing time may vary in individual cases. You can ask the Federal Aviation Office for the current status.
Legal basis
Applications / forms
You will find further information on how to lodge an objection in the notification of your application.
What else should I know?
If it becomes necessary to apply for a new certificate of allocation due to the reported changes, this must be applied for from the Federal Network Agency.
Further Information
Luftfahrt-Bundesamt (LBA)
Forwarding service: deep link to the original portal
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs (BMDV)
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
Start your request directly online:
Competent Authority
Luftfahrt-Bundesamt (LBA)
38108 Braunschweig
Further Authorities
38108 Braunschweig