Service Finder
Notify individual grid fee agreements, change details and terminate the notification under federal responsibility
Service Description
If you as a company or private individual use electricity at times
- when otherwise little electricity is consumed or
- if you consume a particularly large amount of electricity,
you can agree an individual grid fee with your electricity grid operator. You must report this individual agreement to Ruling Chamber 4.
If the connection situation or the calculation methodology has changed, you must terminate the originally reported agreement and also notify Ruling Chamber 4 of this.
Please also inform Ruling Chamber 4 if there are any changes to an existing grid fee agreement and the contracting parties, such as your company name or your address or the address of the electricity consumption point.
Changes to the previous display data, for example in the event of a change of electricity supplier, a choice option and other changes, must also be reported to Ruling Chamber 4.
Atypical grid usage is when you use electricity at unusual times. This means that the maximum of your electricity consumption per year - the so-called individual annual peak load - is outside the time when a lot of electricity is consumed in your grid area.
In this case, you can agree an individual grid fee with the electricity grid operator, which includes a discount of up to 80 percent of the general grid fee.
Electricity-intensive grid use is when you consume a particularly large amount of electricity. This is the case if
- You consume at least 7,000 hours of electricity per year. The number of hours of use is a calculated value that is calculated by dividing your annual consumption by the maximum output.
- Your consumption exceeds 10 gigawatt hours.
In this case, you can agree an individual grid fee with the electricity grid operator amounting to
- 20 percent of the regular grid fee for at least 7,000 hours of use per year,
- 15 percent of the regular grid fee for at least 7,500 hours of use per year,
- 10 percent of the regular grid fee for at least 8,000 hours of use per year.
Process flow
You can report an individual grid fee agreement to Ruling Chamber 4 online, by post or by fax.
Important: Your notification must be signed. It must be received by Ruling Chamber 4 by post or alternatively scanned, by e-mail, by fax or via the online form by 30.09. at the latest. For example, a notification for the year 2024 must be received by 30.09.2024 at the latest.
Therefore, please only use one of the above-mentioned transmission channels.
Report an individual grid fee agreement online:
- Go to the website of the federal portal and open the online form "Report individual grid fee agreements and change details as well as terminate the notification under federal responsibility"
- Note: You will need an electronic ID document for the online form, for example a personal ELSTER certificate or an ELSTER organization certificate.
- The online form guides you step by step through the required information.
- Upload the required documents as a file (PDF, DOC, JPEG, PNG, ZIP, XLSX maximum 10 megabytes per file) and submit the form online.
- You will receive a data transmission confirmation.
- Your details and documents will be carefully checked.
- Ruling Chamber 4 will notify you if you need to submit additional information or documents.
Submit your individual grid fee agreement by post or fax:
- Go to the website of Ruling Chamber 4
- Download the corresponding spreadsheet form for submitting a notification. Depending on the case, please use either the form for atypical or for electricity-intensive grid usage.
- Please note the processing instructions and the detailed annexes on the website.
- Complete the form in full.
- Only send the form in XLSX format (not in PDF or similar file format, as otherwise no further technical processing is possible) in advance by e-mail to the e-mail address of Ruling Chamber 4.
- Please write "Notification" as the subject of the e-mail as well as the year from which the individually agreed grid fee is to apply, for example "Notification 2024".
- Print out the form, sign it and send it together with the required documents by post or alternatively scanned, by e-mail or by fax to Ruling Chamber 4.
- Ruling Chamber 4 will check your information and documents carefully.
- Ruling Chamber 4 will notify you if you need to submit additional information or documents.
- You will receive a written confirmation of receipt of the notification after your notification has been fully reviewed.
Note: You will need the reference number stated in the written confirmation of receipt for further communication with Ruling Chamber 4. Please therefore keep the confirmation of receipt in a safe place. You will need the reference number for the annual report notification
Notifying changes and terminating a notification online:
You must also report amended network tariff agreements, amendments to the confirmed notification and the termination of a notification. You can also use the online form "Notify individual grid fee agreements and change details and terminate the notification under federal responsibility" for this purpose.
If you
- amended network tariff agreements,
- changes to the confirmed notification and
- the termination of a notification
you can do this by e-mail, post or fax.
To do this, write an informal message with details of the
- the last reported person or organization
- the type of use (atypical or electricity-intensive),
- your reference number in the subject line.
Please state the specific need for change. If the notification is terminated, a brief explanation must be provided.
If sending by e-mail, please note the following:
- For each individual amendment, a separate e-mail must be sent to the functional mailbox specified below with the relevant attachments.
The e-mail subject must include the reference number and a meaningful subject (e.g. reference number termination, reference number change of electricity supplier, reference number change of option).
- Print out the notification letter, sign it and send it together with the required documents by e-mail, post or fax to the Ruling Chamber 4.
- Use the functional mailbox:
- Ruling Chamber 4 will carefully check your information and documents.
- You will receive a notification from Ruling Chamber 4 if you need to submit additional information or documents.
You will always receive written confirmation of the termination of a notification. No written confirmation will be sent for other notifications.
- You use the electricity for your own consumption.
- Your grid usage is atypical or electricity-intensive.
Which documents are required?
For electricity consumption at unusual times (atypical grid usage):
- individual grid fee agreement signed by all contracting parties
- current grid usage charges applicable in the first year of the agreement (price sheets)
- current time windows of maximum consumption applicable in the first year of the agreement (peak load time window of the grid operator)
- Declaration of consent from the electricity supplier for an all-inclusive contract
For particularly high electricity consumption (electricity-intensive grid usage):
- Individual grid fee agreement signed by all contracting parties
- Detailed calculation of the individual grid fee carried out by the grid operator, taking into account the physical path
- Complete description of the specific connection situation
- Presentation of the physical path (e.g. with the help of a network diagram)
- current grid usage fees applicable in the first year of the agreement
- Declaration of consent from the electricity supplier in the case of an all-inclusive contract
In the event of changes to an existing grid fee agreement:
- Proof of the change, e.g. extract from the commercial register with new company name or new address
If you are submitting the application on behalf of another person or organization:
- Power of attorney
What are the fees?
There are no costs.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
You must notify Ruling Chamber 4 of your individual grid fee agreement by 30.09. of the year from which the agreement applies for the first time.
Choice option change for atypical grid usage: You must notify the responsible grid operator by 15.11. of the year at the latest if the choice option has been changed and at the same time inform Ruling Chamber 4 online, by e-mail, by post or by fax. Please use only one of the above-mentioned transmission channels.
Processing duration
Processing Time: 2 Weeks
Applications / forms
Not applicable
What else should I know?
There are no indications or special features.
Further Information
Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) - Ruling Chamber 4
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
- Display of individual grid fee agreements Acceptance
Remark: Display of performance in the source portal
Technically approved by
Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK)
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
Start your request directly online:
Competent Authority
Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen (BNetzA) – Beschlusskammer 4
53113 Bonn, Stadt
Opening times
Monday: 09:00 to 16:00
Tuesday: 09:00 to 16:00
Wednesday: 09:00 to 16:00
Thursday: 09:00 to 16:00
Friday: 09:00 to 15:00