Service Finder
Vehicle registration - having the design of vehicle parts approved
Service Description
Devices used on vehicles, such as headlights and other lights, pneumatic tires, seat belts and other restraint systems, windows, brakes, warning triangles, warning devices, devices for connecting vehicles and lights for securing protruding loads, may only be used on or in vehicles on public roads if they are of an officially approved design.
The vehicle part may only be used if a general type approval or a type approval in individual cases has been granted by the competent authority for the design of its type. The type approval also covers the offering for sale, sale, purchase and use of the approved items for both vehicles subject to registration and vehicles not subject to registration as well as for non-motorized vehicles.
Process flow
The administrative procedure is governed by the Vehicle Parts Ordinance and the associated guidelines. Applications for a general type approval for vehicle parts to be manufactured or produced in series must be submitted to the Federal Motor Transport Authority in writing or electronically, stating the type designation. The application must be accompanied by the expert opinion of the test center that was previously responsible for testing the part type. In its report, the inspection body checks whether the vehicle parts meet the requirements for compliance with the provisions on the construction and operation of vehicles and vehicle parts.
If the vehicle part intended for use does not belong to an approved type, an individual approval can be applied for from the competent licensing authority on presentation of the expert opinion of an officially recognized expert for motor vehicle traffic or the above-mentioned testing body. If the examination is positive, the approval authority will issue the individual approval by noting "Individual approval granted" on the report of the officially recognized expert for motor vehicle traffic or the test centre, stating the place and date. Any restrictions or exemptions from the provisions of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations must be included in the note. If the vehicle part is used on a motor vehicle or motor vehicle trailer, the individual approval must be entered in the registration certificates and marked in any trailer registers issued.
Who should I contact?
For general type approval, please contact the Federal Motor Transport Authority,
for type approval in individual cases, contact your local vehicle registration authority.
Competent authority
In Germany, the Federal Motor Transport Authority is responsible for issuing a general type approval. In Thuringia, the administrative districts, the independent cities and the large cities belonging to the administrative districts are responsible for issuing type approvals in individual cases. The local authority responsible is the authority of the place of residence or, if there is more than one residence, the authority of the place of the main residence.
The applicant intends to use vehicle parts on the vehicle that are subject to mandatory type approval in accordance with the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations and for which no general type approval or individual type approval has yet been issued.
Which documents are required?
When applying for a general type approval, the type designation of the vehicle part must be stated in the application to the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) and samples and documents relating to the vehicle part must be attached to the application to be submitted to the test center. More detailed information on the samples and documents to be submitted can be found in Annex 1 of the Vehicle Parts Ordinance (FzTV).
In the case of an application for type approval in an individual case, the application to the licensing authority must be accompanied by the report of an officially recognized expert for motor vehicle traffic or the test centre.
Test centers are
one of the test centers named in Annex 2 of the Vehicle Parts Ordinance, which is responsible for testing certain vehicle parts,
a recognized technical service,
the Technical Inspection Body of the former German Democratic Republic in Dresden.
What are the fees?
Fees are charged in accordance with the German Road Traffic Fee Regulations (GebOSt).
The amount of the fees may vary depending on the case constellation. Specific information on this can be obtained from the relevant authority.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Processing duration
The time required to process the application for type approval depends on the circumstances of each individual case and cannot be quantified in general terms.
Your competent licensing authority can provide you with more detailed information.
Legal basis
Please contact your local vehicle registration authority.
Some authorities provide forms.
What else should I know?
Vehicle parts that must be of an officially approved design may only be offered for sale, sold, purchased or used within the scope of this Ordinance if they are marked with an officially prescribed and assigned test mark. It is an administrative offense to intentionally or negligently offer for sale on a commercial basis vehicle parts that must be of a type approved by the Federal Motor Transport Authority even though they are not marked with an officially prescribed and assigned test mark. During a vehicle inspection, it must be possible to identify the test mark issued by the Federal Motor Transport Authority. The test mark consists of a wavy line of three periods, one or two identification letters indicating the type of vehicle parts, a number and, if necessary, additional symbols. Sample test marks are contained in Annex 3 of the Vehicle Parts Ordinance.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Thuringian Ministry for Infrastructure and Agriculture
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)