Service Finder
Market value according to BauGB determination / property value determination
Service Description
The market value (market value) is determined by the price that could be achieved in the ordinary course of business at the time to which the valuation relates, taking into account the legal circumstances and actual characteristics, the other properties and the location of the property or other object of the valuation without taking into account unusual or personal circumstances (Section 194 of the German Building Code).
In compliance with the statutory provisions, the expert committees for property values issue expert opinions on the market value of developed and undeveloped properties and on the market value of rights to properties upon request.
Market value appraisals are also prepared by specially trained, publicly appointed and sworn or certified experts.
Further information can be found under the following link.
Process flow
Submit a written application to the office of the locally responsible expert committee for property values. In the course of processing, the office of the expert committee will request relevant documents from other authorities and from the applicant. These serve to determine the legal circumstances and the actual characteristics of the valuation object.
As soon as all the necessary documents are available, the office of the expert committee arranges an appointment with the applicant/owner to inspect the valuation object. This appointment serves to prepare the valuation; in particular, data is collected for the property and building description as well as building dimensions.
Following this, the market value of the inspected valuation property is determined and approved at a meeting of the expert committee. Subsequently, the appraisal is prepared in the office and sent to the applicant/owner together with the cost decision.
Who should I contact?
In the Free State of Thuringia, there are 9 offices of the expert committees for property values (see also the following link), which are assigned to the Thuringian State Office for Land Management and Geoinformation (TLBG).Please contact the locally responsible expert committee for property values, see information under "Responsible office".
Application for the service only for persons or bodies authorized to apply in accordance with the provisions of the Building Code (BauGB) and the Thuringian Expert Committee Ordinance (ThürGAVO).
Services can be applied for
- by the authorities responsible for enforcing the BauGB in the fulfillment of their duties under this code,
- authorities responsible for determining the value of a property or compensation for a property or a right to a property on the basis of other statutory provisions,
- by the owners, persons with equivalent rights, holders of other rights to the property and persons entitled to a compulsory portion for whose compulsory portion the value of the property is of significance,
- the courts and judicial authorities.
Which documents are required?
Please submit the relevant documents (e.g. identity card and extract from the land register of the property to be appraised) as proof of authorization to apply. Other documents relating to the valuation object (e.g. construction plans of buildings) may be of importance for the valuation. If you have such documents, please submit them.
You can obtain further information on the type and scope of the required documents from the office of the Valuation Committee.
What are the fees?
Fees are charged in accordance with the Thuringian Administrative Cost Regulations for the Expert Committees (ThürVwKostOGA).
The fees for an appraisal of undeveloped/developed land are made up of a basic fee and a fee dependent on the market value determined, plus VAT and any expenses.
- Appraisal of undeveloped land in accordance with Section 193 (1) of the German Building Code (BauGB):
- 75 % of the fee according to the fee scale in Annex 2
- Expert opinions on developed properties in accordance with Section 193 (1) BauGB:
- Fee according to the fee scale in Annex 2
Appendix 2:
Market value in euros Basic amount in Euro Proportion of market value
up to 250.000 1.1000.58 percent
up to 500.0001.8500.28 percent
up to 1,000.0002.2500.20 percent
up to 2,500.0002.9500.13 percent
over 2,500.0004.7000.06 percent
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
There are no deadlines to be observed.
Processing duration
The processing time depends, among other things, on the object being valued and the volume of applications in the offices. It usually takes several weeks from the time the application is submitted until the appraisal report is sent. In individual cases, please contact the office of the relevant expert committee.
Legal basis
- Link to the website of the Thuringian State Office for Land Management and Geoinformation (TLBG) - "Overview of legal and administrative regulations"
- § Section 6 of the Thuringian Ordinance on the Expert Committees for Property Values under the Building Code (Thuringian Expert Committee Ordinance -ThürGAVO-)
- Thuringian Administrative Cost Regulations for the Expert Committees (ThürVwKostOGA)
- Application decree for the Thuringian administrative cost regulations for the expert committees (application decree for the ThürVwKostOGA)
- § Section 43 of the Thuringian Data Protection Act (ThürDSG)
- § Section 193 of the German Building Code (BauGB)
What else should I know?
The expert opinions have no binding effect unless otherwise specified or agreed.
Thuringian State Office for Land Management and Geoinformation (TLBG)
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Thuringian State Office for Land Management and Geoinformation (TLBG)
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
Competent Authority
Thüringer Landesamt für Bodenmanagement und Geoinformation (TLBG) - Geschäftsstelle des Gutachterausschusses in der Zweigstelle Saalfeld
07318 Saalfeld/Saale
Opening times
Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 12:00
Monday to Thursday: 13:00 - 15:30
and by appointment
Transport connection
Parking spaces
Besucherparkplatz (Anfahrt über Sonneberger Str., Höhe Haus-Nr. 14)
Number: 2
Fees: no
Öffentliche Parkplätze in der Sonneberger Straße
Fees: unknown
Besucherparkplatz (Albrecht-Dürer-Str.)
Number: 3
Fees: no
Building access
Remark:A wheelchair-accessible entrance is located in the inner courtyard (access via Sonneberger Str., level with house no. 14). Please note that only the information desk and the disabled WC are wheelchair accessible.
(Expert committee for property values for the area of the Ilm district, the district of Saalfeld-Rudolstadt and the district of Sonneberg)